blob: 66061dfc44591993fd8799297e89add53aec248a [file] [log] [blame]
# Following code is generated from CLDR data by script. You can do
# emergency fix here, but you fix will be lost unless it is also
# fixed in CLDR. The data generation scripts exists outside GWT and
# will be run manually after each major CLDR updates. Each update
# will be manually checked before check in to make sure undesired
# changes in CLDR will not break existing applications as possible.
# File generated from CLDR ver. 25
eras = BCE, CE
eraNames = BCE, CE
narrowMonths = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
months = Mutarama, Gashyantare, Werurwe, Mata, Gicuransi, Kamena, Nyakanga, Kanama, Nzeli, Ukwakira, Ugushyingo, Ukuboza
shortMonths = mut., gas., wer., mat., gic., kam., nya., kan., nze., ukw., ugu., uku.
standaloneNarrowMonths = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
standaloneMonths = Mutarama, Gashyantare, Werurwe, Mata, Gicuransi, Kamena, Nyakanga, Kanama, Nzeli, Ukwakira, Ugushyingo, Ukuboza
standaloneShortMonths = mut., gas., wer., mat., gic., kam., nya., kan., nze., ukw., ugu., uku.
weekdays = Ku cyumweru, Kuwa mbere, Kuwa kabiri, Kuwa gatatu, Kuwa kane, Kuwa gatanu, Kuwa gatandatu
shortWeekdays = cyu., mbe., kab., gtu., kan., gnu., gnd.
narrowWeekdays = S, M, T, W, T, F, S
standaloneWeekdays = Ku cyumweru, Kuwa mbere, Kuwa kabiri, Kuwa gatatu, Kuwa kane, Kuwa gatanu, Kuwa gatandatu
standaloneShortWeekdays = cyu., mbe., kab., gtu., kan., gnu., gnd.
standaloneNarrowWeekdays = S, M, T, W, T, F, S
shortQuarters = I1, I2, I3, I4
quarters = igihembwe cya mbere, igihembwe cya kabiri, igihembwe cya gatatu, igihembwe cya kane
ampms = AM, PM
dateFormats = EEEE\\, y MMMM dd, y MMMM d, y MMM d, yy/MM/dd
timeFormats = HH:mm:ss zzzz, HH:mm:ss z, HH:mm:ss, HH:mm
dateTimeFormats = {1} {0}, {1} {0}, {1} {0}, {1} {0}
firstDayOfTheWeek = 2
weekendRange = 7, 1