| # Following code is generated from CLDR data by script. You can do |
| # emergency fix here, but you fix will be lost unless it is also |
| # fixed in CLDR. The data generation scripts exists outside GWT and |
| # will be run manually after each major CLDR updates. Each update |
| # will be manually checked before check in to make sure undesired |
| # changes in CLDR will not break existing applications as possible. |
| # File generated from CLDR ver. 25 |
| |
| eras = b. t. kr., p. t. kr. |
| eraNames = b. t. kr., p. t. kr. |
| narrowMonths = J, F, M, P, M, Y, Y, G, S, T, N, D |
| months = janul, febul, mäzil, prilul, mayul, yunul, yulul, gustul, setul, tobul, novul, dekul |
| shortMonths = jan, feb, mäz, prl, may, yun, yul, gst, set, ton, nov, dek |
| standaloneNarrowMonths = J, F, M, P, M, Y, Y, G, S, T, N, D |
| standaloneMonths = janul, febul, mäzil, prilul, mayul, yunul, yulul, gustul, setul, tobul, novul, dekul |
| standaloneShortMonths = jan, feb, mäz, prl, may, yun, yul, gst, set, tob, nov, Dek |
| weekdays = sudel, mudel, tudel, vedel, dödel, fridel, zädel |
| shortWeekdays = su., mu., tu., ve., dö., fr., zä. |
| narrowWeekdays = S, M, T, V, D, F, Z |
| standaloneWeekdays = sudel, mudel, tudel, vedel, dödel, fridel, zädel |
| standaloneShortWeekdays = Su, Mu, Tu, Ve, Dö, Fr, Zä |
| standaloneNarrowWeekdays = S, M, T, V, D, F, Z |
| shortQuarters = Yf1, Yf2, Yf3, Yf4 |
| quarters = 1id yelafoldil, 2id yelafoldil, 3id yelafoldil, 4id yelafoldil |
| ampms = posz., büz. |
| dateFormats = y MMMMa 'd'. d'id', y MMMM d, y MMM. d, y-MM-dd |
| timeFormats = HH:mm:ss zzzz, HH:mm:ss z, HH:mm:ss, HH:mm |
| dateTimeFormats = {1} {0}, {1} {0}, {1} {0}, {1} {0} |
| firstDayOfTheWeek = 2 |
| weekendRange = 7, 1 |