blob: eefede87655ed66619309135a989536f9a81765f [file] [log] [blame]
# Do not edit - generated from CLDR data
# supplemental/supplementalData.xml revision 1.152 (2007/12/04 15:02:41)
# main/so.xml revision 1.52 (2007/07/19 23:30:29)
# The key is an ISO4217 currency code, and the value is of the form:
# display name|symbol|decimal digits|not-used-flag
# If a symbol is not supplied, the currency code will be used
# If # of decimal digits is omitted, 2 is used
# If a currency is not generally used, not-used-flag=1
# Trailing empty fields can be omitted
BRL = Brazilian Real
CNY = Chinese Yuan Renminbi
DJF = Faran Jabbuuti||0
ETB = Birta Itoobbiya
EUR = Yuuroo
GBP = British Pound Sterling
INR = Indian Rupee
JPY = Japanese Yen||0
RUB = Russian Ruble
SOS = Shilin soomaali|$
USD = Doollar maraykan
XXX = Lacag aan la qoon ama aan saxnayn|||1