blob: 56b4ae9eb12d87e3dad43e19320d58140e622c48 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* This class provides access to the browser window's methods, properties, and
* events.
public class Window {
* This class provides access to the browser's location's object. The location
* object contains information about the current URL and methods to manipulate
* it. <code>Location</code> is a very simple wrapper, so not all browser
* quirks are hidden from the user.
public static class Location {
private static Map<String, String> paramMap;
private static Map<String, List<String>> listParamMap;
* Assigns the window to a new URL. All GWT state will be lost.
* @param newURL the new URL
public static native void assign(String newURL) /*-{
* Gets the string to the right of the URL's hash.
* @return the string to the right of the URL's hash.
public static String getHash() {
return impl.getHash();
* Gets the URL's host and port name.
* @return the host and port name
public static native String getHost() /*-{
return $;
* Gets the URL's host name.
* @return the host name
public static native String getHostName() /*-{
return $wnd.location.hostname;
* Gets the entire URL.
* @return the URL
public static native String getHref() /*-{
return $wnd.location.href;
* Gets the URL's parameter of the specified name. Note that if multiple
* parameters have been specified with the same name, the last one will
* be returned.
* @param name the name of the URL's parameter
* @return the value of the URL's parameter
public static String getParameter(String name) {
return paramMap.get(name);
* Returns a Map of the URL query parameters for the host page; since
* changing the map would not change the window's location, the map returned
* is immutable.
* @return a map from URL query parameter names to a list of values
public static Map<String, List<String>> getParameterMap() {
if (listParamMap == null) {
listParamMap = buildListParamMap(getQueryString());
return listParamMap;
* Gets the path to the URL.
* @return the path to the URL.
public static native String getPath() /*-{
return $wnd.location.pathname;
* Gets the URL's port.
* @return the URL's port
public static native String getPort() /*-{
return $wnd.location.port;
* Gets the URL's protocol.
* @return the URL's protocol.
public static native String getProtocol() /*-{
return $wnd.location.protocol;
* Gets the URL's query string.
* @return the URL's query string
public static String getQueryString() {
return impl.getQueryString();
* Reloads the current browser window. All GWT state will be lost.
public static native void reload() /*-{
* Replaces the current URL with a new one. All GWT state will be lost. In
* the browser's history, the current URL will be replaced by the new URL.
* @param newURL the new URL
public static native void replace(String newURL) /*-{
* Builds the immutable map from String to List<String> that we'll return
* in getParameterMap(). Package-protected for testing.
* @return a map from the
static Map<String,List<String>> buildListParamMap(String queryString) {
Map<String,List<String>> out = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
if (queryString != null && queryString.length() > 1) {
String qs = queryString.substring(1);
for (String kvPair : qs.split("&")) {
String[] kv = kvPair.split("=", 2);
if (kv[0].length() == 0) {
List<String> values = out.get(kv[0]);
if (values == null) {
values = new ArrayList<String>();
out.put(kv[0], values);
values.add(kv.length > 1 ? URL.decode(kv[1]) : "");
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : out.entrySet()) {
out = Collections.unmodifiableMap(out);
return out;
private static void ensureParameterMap() {
if (paramMap == null) {
paramMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
String queryString = getQueryString();
if (queryString != null && queryString.length() > 1) {
String qs = queryString.substring(1);
for (String kvPair : qs.split("&")) {
String[] kv = kvPair.split("=", 2);
if (kv.length > 1) {
paramMap.put(kv[0], URL.decode(kv[1]));
} else {
paramMap.put(kv[0], "");
private Location() {
private static boolean handlersAreInitialized;
private static final WindowImpl impl = GWT.create(WindowImpl.class);
private static ArrayList<WindowCloseListener> closingListeners;
private static ArrayList<WindowResizeListener> resizeListeners;
* Adds a listener to receive window closing events.
* @param listener the listener to be informed when the window is closing
public static void addWindowCloseListener(WindowCloseListener listener) {
if (closingListeners == null) {
closingListeners = new ArrayList<WindowCloseListener>();
* Adds a listener to receive window resize events.
* @param listener the listener to be informed when the window is resized
public static void addWindowResizeListener(WindowResizeListener listener) {
if (resizeListeners == null) {
resizeListeners = new ArrayList<WindowResizeListener>();
* Displays a message in a modal dialog box.
* @param msg the message to be displayed.
public static native void alert(String msg) /*-{
* Displays a message in a modal dialog box, along with the standard 'OK' and
* 'Cancel' buttons.
* @param msg the message to be displayed.
* @return <code>true</code> if 'OK' is clicked, <code>false</code> if
* 'Cancel' is clicked.
public static native boolean confirm(String msg) /*-{
return $wnd.confirm(msg);
* Use this method to explicitly disable the window's scrollbars. Applications
* that choose to resize their user-interfaces to fit within the window's
* client area will normally want to disable window scrolling.
* @param enable <code>false</code> to disable window scrolling
public static void enableScrolling(boolean enable) {
* Gets the height of the browser window's client area excluding the scroll
* bar.
* @return the window's client height
public static int getClientHeight() {
return impl.getClientHeight();
* Gets the width of the browser window's client area excluding the vertical
* scroll bar.
* @return the window's client width
public static int getClientWidth() {
return impl.getClientWidth();
* Gets the window's scroll left.
* @return window's scroll left
public static int getScrollLeft() {
return impl.getScrollLeft();
* Get the window's scroll top.
* @return the window's scroll top
public static int getScrollTop() {
return impl.getScrollTop();
* Gets the browser window's current title.
* @return the window's title.
public static native String getTitle() /*-{
return $doc.title;
* Opens a new browser window. The "name" and "features" arguments are
* specified <a href=
* ''>here</a>.
* @param url the URL that the new window will display
* @param name the name of the window (e.g. "_blank")
* @param features the features to be enabled/disabled on this window
public static native void open(String url, String name, String features) /*-{
$, name, features);
* Prints the document in the window, as if the user had issued a "Print"
* command.
public static native void print() /*-{
* Displays a request for information in a modal dialog box, along with the
* standard 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons.
* @param msg the message to be displayed
* @param initialValue the initial value in the dialog's text field
* @return the value entered by the user if 'OK' was pressed, or
* <code>null</code> if 'Cancel' was pressed
public static native String prompt(String msg, String initialValue) /*-{
return $wnd.prompt(msg, initialValue);
* Removes a window closing listener.
* @param listener the listener to be removed
public static void removeWindowCloseListener(WindowCloseListener listener) {
if (closingListeners != null) {
* Removes a window resize listener.
* @param listener the listener to be removed
public static void removeWindowResizeListener(WindowResizeListener listener) {
if (resizeListeners != null) {
* Sets the size of the margins used within the window's client area. It is
* sometimes necessary to do this because some browsers, such as Internet
* Explorer, add margins by default, which can confound attempts to resize
* panels to fit exactly within the window.
* @param size the window's new margin size, in CSS units.
public static native void setMargin(String size) /*-{
$ = size;
* Sets the status text for the window. Calling this method in Firefox has no
* effect.
* @param status the new message to display.
public static native void setStatus(String status) /*-{
$wnd.status = status;
* Sets the browser window's title.
* @param title the new window title.
public static native void setTitle(String title) /*-{
$doc.title = title;
static void onClosed() {
UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = GWT.getUncaughtExceptionHandler();
if (handler != null) {
} else {
static String onClosing() {
UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = GWT.getUncaughtExceptionHandler();
if (handler != null) {
return fireClosingAndCatch(handler);
} else {
return fireClosingImpl();
static void onResize() {
UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = GWT.getUncaughtExceptionHandler();
if (handler != null) {
} else {
private static void fireClosedAndCatch(UncaughtExceptionHandler handler) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
private static void fireClosedImpl() {
if (closingListeners != null) {
for (WindowCloseListener listener : closingListeners) {
private static String fireClosingAndCatch(UncaughtExceptionHandler handler) {
try {
return fireClosingImpl();
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;
private static String fireClosingImpl() {
String ret = null;
if (closingListeners != null) {
for (WindowCloseListener listener : closingListeners) {
// If any listener wants to suppress the window closing event, then do
// so.
String msg = listener.onWindowClosing();
if (ret == null) {
ret = msg;
return ret;
private static void fireResizedAndCatch(UncaughtExceptionHandler handler) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
private static void fireResizedImpl() {
if (resizeListeners != null) {
for (WindowResizeListener listener : resizeListeners) {
listener.onWindowResized(getClientWidth(), getClientHeight());
private static native void init() /*-{
// Magic function defined by the selection script.
function() {;
function() {
function() {;
private static void maybeInitializeHandlers() {
if (GWT.isClient() && !handlersAreInitialized) {
handlersAreInitialized = true;
private Window() {