blob: 7bc3dc094a95815822c88efc678d1cac0c23b419 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
#include "FFSessionHandler.h"
#include "HostChannel.h"
#include "JavaObject.h"
#include "JSRunner.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "XpcomDebug.h"
#include "scoped_ptr/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "RootedObject.h"
#include "InvokeMessage.h"
#include "ServerMethods.h"
#include "AllowedConnections.h"
#include "jsapi.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsStringAPI.h"
#include "nsIJSContextStack.h"
#include "nsIPrincipal.h"
#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
#if GECKO_VERSION >= 2000
#define JS_RemoveRootRT js_RemoveRoot
static inline bool INT_FITS_IN_JSVAL(int i) {
return (i >= JSVAL_INT_MIN) && (i <= JSVAL_INT_MAX);
static JSContext* getJSContext() {
// Get JSContext from stack.
nsCOMPtr<nsIJSContextStack> stack =
if (!stack) {
return NULL;
JSContext *cx;
if (NS_FAILED(stack->Peek(&cx))) {
return NULL;
if (cx == nsnull) {
// TODO(jat): figure out why this can be null at plugin unload time
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "GWT Dev Plugin: Null JS context" << Debug::flush;
return cx;
FFSessionHandler::FFSessionHandler(HostChannel* channel)
: SessionData(channel, this, getJSContext()), jsObjectId(0),
jsObjectsById(NULL), stringObjectClass(NULL) {
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "FFSessionHandler::FFSessionHandler(this="
<< this << ")" << Debug::flush;
// TODO(jat): is there a way to avoid calling this twice, without keeping
// JSContext in an instance field?
JSContext* ctx = getJSContext();
if (!JS_AddNamedObjectRoot(ctx, &jsObjectsById, "jsObjectsById")) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Error rooting jsObjectsById" << Debug::flush;
jsObjectsById = JS_NewArrayObject(ctx, 0, NULL);
if (!jsObjectsById) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Error rooting jsObjectsById" << Debug::flush;
if (!JS_AddNamedValueRoot(ctx, &toStringTearOff, "toStringTearOff")) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Error rooting toStringTearOff" << Debug::flush;
void FFSessionHandler::getStringObjectClass(JSContext* ctx) {
jsval str = JS_GetEmptyStringValue(ctx);
JSObject* obj = 0;
if (!JS_ValueToObject(ctx, str, &obj)) {
if (!obj) {
stringObjectClass = JS_GET_CLASS(ctx, obj);
void FFSessionHandler::getToStringTearOff(JSContext* ctx) {
jsval funcVal;
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "Getting function \"__gwt_makeTearOff\""
<< Debug::flush;
if (!JS_GetProperty(ctx, global, "__gwt_makeTearOff", &funcVal)
|| funcVal == JSVAL_VOID) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Could not get function \"__gwt_makeTearOff\""
<< Debug::flush;
jsval jsargs[3] = {
JSVAL_NULL, // no proxy
INT_TO_JSVAL(InvokeMessage::TOSTRING_DISP_ID), // dispId
JSVAL_ZERO // arg count is zero
if (!JS_CallFunctionValue(ctx, global, funcVal, 3, jsargs, &toStringTearOff)) {
jsval exc;
if (JS_GetPendingException(ctx, &exc)) {
<< "__gwt_makeTearOff(null,0,0) threw exception "
<< dumpJsVal(ctx, exc) << Debug::flush;
} else {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Error creating toString tear-off"
<< Debug::flush;
// TODO(jat): show some crash page and die
FFSessionHandler::~FFSessionHandler(void) {
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "FFSessionHandler::~FFSessionHandler(this="
<< this << ")" << Debug::flush;
if (runtime) {
JS_RemoveRootRT(runtime, &jsObjectsById);
jsObjectsById = NULL;
JS_RemoveRootRT(runtime, &toStringTearOff);
runtime = NULL;
void FFSessionHandler::disconnectDetectedImpl() {
JSContext* ctx = getJSContext();
if (!ctx) {
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "Getting function \"__gwt_disconnected\""
<< Debug::flush;
jsval funcVal;
if (!JS_GetProperty(ctx, global, "__gwt_disconnected", &funcVal)
|| funcVal == JSVAL_VOID) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Could not get function \"__gwt_disconnected\""
<< Debug::flush;
jsval rval;
JS_CallFunctionValue(ctx, global, funcVal, 0, 0, &rval);
void FFSessionHandler::freeValue(HostChannel& channel, int idCount, const int* ids) {
Debug::DebugStream& dbg = Debug::log(Debug::Spam)
<< "FFSessionHandler::freeValue [ ";
JSContext* ctx = getJSContext();
for (int i = 0; i < idCount; ++i) {
int objId = ids[i];
dbg << objId << " ";
jsval toRemove;
if (JS_GetElement(ctx, jsObjectsById, objId, &toRemove) && JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(toRemove)) {
JS_DeleteElement(ctx, jsObjectsById, objId);
} else {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Error deleting js objId=" << objId << Debug::flush;
dbg << "]" << Debug::flush;
void FFSessionHandler::loadJsni(HostChannel& channel, const std::string& js) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "FFSessionHandler::loadJsni " << js << "(EOM)" << Debug::flush;
JSContext* ctx = getJSContext();
if (!JSRunner::eval(ctx, global, js)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Error executing script" << Debug::flush;
void FFSessionHandler::sendFreeValues(HostChannel& channel) {
unsigned n = javaObjectsToFree.size();
if (n) {
scoped_array<int> ids(new int[n]);
int i = 0;
for (std::set<int>::iterator it = javaObjectsToFree.begin();
it != javaObjectsToFree.end(); ++it) {
ids[i++] = *it;
if (ServerMethods::freeJava(channel, this, n, ids.get())) {
void FFSessionHandler::fatalError(HostChannel& channel,
const std::string& message) {
// TODO(jat): implement
bool FFSessionHandler::invoke(HostChannel& channel, const gwt::Value& thisObj, const std::string& methodName,
int numArgs, const gwt::Value* const args, gwt::Value* returnValue) {
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "FFSessionHandler::invoke " << thisObj.toString()
<< "::" << methodName << Debug::flush;
JSContext* ctx = getJSContext();
// Used to root JSthis and args while making the JS call
// TODO(jat): keep one object and just keep a "stack pointer" into that
// object on the native stack so we don't keep allocating/rooting/freeing
// an object
RootedObject argsRoot(ctx, "FFSessionhandler::invoke");
argsRoot = JS_NewArrayObject(ctx, 0, NULL);
if (!JS_SetArrayLength(ctx, argsRoot.get(), numArgs + 1)) {
<< "FFSessionhandler::invoke - could not set argsRoot length"
<< Debug::flush;
return true;
jsval jsThis;
if (thisObj.isNull()) {
jsThis = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(global);
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << " using global object for this" << Debug::flush;
} else {
makeJsvalFromValue(jsThis, ctx, thisObj);
if (Debug::level(Debug::Spam)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << " obj=" << dumpJsVal(ctx, jsThis)
<< Debug::flush;
if (!JS_SetElement(ctx, argsRoot.get(), 0, &jsThis)) {
<< "FFSessionhandler::invoke - could not set argsRoot[0] to this"
<< Debug::flush;
return true;
jsval funcVal;
// TODO: handle non-ASCII method names
if (!JS_GetProperty(ctx, global, methodName.c_str(), &funcVal)
|| funcVal == JSVAL_VOID) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Could not get function " << methodName
<< Debug::flush;
return true;
scoped_array<jsval> jsargs(new jsval[numArgs]);
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
makeJsvalFromValue(jsargs[i], ctx, args[i]);
if (Debug::level(Debug::Spam)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << " arg[" << i << "] = " << dumpJsVal(ctx,
jsargs[i]) << Debug::flush;
if (!JS_SetElement(ctx, argsRoot.get(), i + 1, &jsargs[i])) {
<< "FFSessionhandler::invoke - could not set args[" << (i + 1) << "]"
<< Debug::flush;
return true;
if (JS_IsExceptionPending(ctx)) {
jsval rval;
JSBool ok = JS_CallFunctionValue(ctx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(jsThis), funcVal,
numArgs, jsargs.get(), &rval);
if (!ok) {
if (JS_GetPendingException(ctx, &rval)) {
makeValueFromJsval(*returnValue, ctx, rval);
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "FFSessionHandler::invoke "
<< thisObj.toString() << "::" << methodName << " threw exception "
<< dumpJsVal(ctx, rval) << Debug::flush;
} else {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Non-exception failure invoking "
<< methodName << Debug::flush;
} else {
makeValueFromJsval(*returnValue, ctx, rval);
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << " return= " << *returnValue << Debug::flush;
return !ok;
* Invoke a plugin-provided method with the given args. As above, this method does not own
* any of its args.
* Returns true if an exception occurred.
bool FFSessionHandler::invokeSpecial(HostChannel& channel, SpecialMethodId method, int numArgs,
const gwt::Value* const args, gwt::Value* returnValue) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "FFSessionHandler::invokeSpecial" << Debug::flush;
return false;
* Convert UTF16 string to UTF8-encoded std::string.
* This is implemented here because the Mozilla libraries mangle certain UTF8
* strings.
* @return UTF8-encoded string.
static std::string utf8String(const jschar* str, unsigned len) {
std::string utf8str;
while (len-- > 0) {
unsigned ch = *str++;
// check for paired surrogates first, leave unpaired surrogates as-is
if (ch >= 0xD800 && ch < 0xDC00 && len > 0 && *str >= 0xDC00 && *str < 0xE000) {
ch = ((ch & 1023) << 10) + (*str++ & 1023) + 0x10000;
if (ch < 0x80) { // U+0000 - U+007F as 0xxxxxxx
utf8str.append(1, ch);
} else if (ch < 0x800) { // U+0080 - U+07FF as 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
utf8str.append(1, 0xC0 + ((ch >> 6) & 31));
utf8str.append(1, 0x80 + (ch & 63));
} else if (ch < 0x10000) { // U+0800 - U+FFFF as 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
utf8str.append(1, 0xE0 + ((ch >> 12) & 15));
utf8str.append(1, 0x80 + ((ch >> 6) & 63));
utf8str.append(1, 0x80 + (ch & 63));
} else { // rest as 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
utf8str.append(1, 0xF0 + ((ch >> 18) & 7));
utf8str.append(1, 0x80 + ((ch >> 12) & 63));
utf8str.append(1, 0x80 + ((ch >> 6) & 63));
utf8str.append(1, 0x80 + (ch & 63));
return utf8str;
* Creates a JSString from a UTF8-encoded std::string.
* This is implemented here because the Mozilla libraries mangle certain UTF8
* strings.
* @return the JSString object, which owns its memory buffer.
static JSString* stringUtf8(JSContext* ctx, const std::string& utf8str) {
unsigned len = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < utf8str.length(); ++i) {
char ch = utf8str[i];
switch (ch & 0xF8) {
// continuation & invalid chars
// ASCII characters
case 0x00: case 0x08: case 0x10: case 0x18:
case 0x20: case 0x28: case 0x30: case 0x38:
case 0x40: case 0x48: case 0x50: case 0x58:
case 0x60: case 0x68: case 0x70: case 0x78:
// 2-byte UTF8 characters
case 0xC0: case 0xC8: case 0xD0: case 0xD8:
// 3-byte UTF8 characters
case 0xE0: case 0xE8:
case 0xF0:
len += 2;
// Account for null terminator even if it isn't included in the string length
// Note that buf becomes owned by the JSString and must not be freed here.
jschar* buf = static_cast<jschar*>(JS_malloc(ctx, (len + 1) * sizeof(jschar)));
if (!buf) {
return NULL;
jschar* p = buf;
unsigned codePoint;
int charsLeft = -1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < utf8str.length(); ++i) {
char ch = utf8str[i];
if (charsLeft >= 0) {
if ((ch & 0xC0) != 0x80) {
// invalid, missing continuation character
*p++ = static_cast<jschar>(0xFFFD);
charsLeft = -1;
} else {
codePoint = (codePoint << 6) | (ch & 63);
if (!--charsLeft) {
if (codePoint >= 0x10000) {
codePoint -= 0x10000;
*p++ = static_cast<jschar>(0xD800 + ((codePoint >> 10) & 1023));
*p++ = static_cast<jschar>(0xDC00 + (codePoint & 1023));
} else {
*p++ = static_cast<jschar>(codePoint);
charsLeft = -1;
// Look at the top 5 bits to determine how many bytes are in this character.
switch (ch & 0xF8) {
default: // skip invalid and continuation chars
case 0x00: case 0x08: case 0x10: case 0x18:
case 0x20: case 0x28: case 0x30: case 0x38:
case 0x40: case 0x48: case 0x50: case 0x58:
case 0x60: case 0x68: case 0x70: case 0x78:
*p++ = static_cast<jschar>(ch);
case 0xC0: case 0xC8: case 0xD0: case 0xD8:
charsLeft = 1;
codePoint = ch & 31;
case 0xE0: case 0xE8:
charsLeft = 2;
codePoint = ch & 15;
case 0xF0:
charsLeft = 3;
codePoint = ch & 7;
// null terminator, apparently some code expects a terminator even though
// the strings are counted. Note that this null word should not be included
// in the length, and that the buffer becomes owned by the JSString object.
*p = 0;
return JS_NewUCString(ctx, buf, p - buf);
void FFSessionHandler::makeValueFromJsval(gwt::Value& retVal, JSContext* ctx,
const jsval& value) {
if (JSVAL_IS_VOID(value)) {
} else if (JSVAL_IS_NULL(value)) {
} else if (JSVAL_IS_INT(value)) {
} else if (JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(value)) {
} else if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(value)) {
JSString* str = JSVAL_TO_STRING(value);
#if GECKO_VERSION < 2000
retVal.setString(utf8String(JS_GetStringCharsZ(ctx, str),
} else if (JSVAL_IS_DOUBLE(value)) {
} else if (JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(value)) {
JSObject* obj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(value);
if (JavaObject::isJavaObject(ctx, obj)) {
retVal.setJavaObject(JavaObject::getObjectId(ctx, obj));
} else if (JS_GET_CLASS(ctx, obj) == stringObjectClass) {
// JS String wrapper object, treat as a string primitive
JSString* str = JS_ValueToString(ctx, value);
#if GECKO_VERSION < 2000
retVal.setString(utf8String(JS_GetStringCharsZ(ctx, str),
// str will be garbage-collected, does not need to be freed
} else {
// It's a plain-old JavaScript Object
void* objKey = identityFromObject(obj);
std::map<void*, int>::iterator it = jsIdsByObject.find(objKey);
if (it != jsIdsByObject.end()) {
} else {
// Allocate a new id
int objId = ++jsObjectId;
JS_SetElement(ctx, jsObjectsById, objId, const_cast<jsval*>(&value));
jsIdsByObject[objKey] = objId;
} else {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Unhandled jsval type " << Debug::flush;
retVal.setString("Unhandled jsval type");
void FFSessionHandler::makeJsvalFromValue(jsval& retVal, JSContext* ctx,
const gwt::Value& value) {
switch (value.getType()) {
case gwt::Value::NULL_TYPE:
retVal = JSVAL_NULL;
case gwt::Value::BOOLEAN:
retVal = BOOLEAN_TO_JSVAL(value.getBoolean());
case gwt::Value::BYTE:
retVal = INT_TO_JSVAL((int) value.getByte());
case gwt::Value::CHAR:
retVal = INT_TO_JSVAL((int) value.getChar());
case gwt::Value::SHORT:
retVal = INT_TO_JSVAL((int) value.getShort());
case gwt::Value::INT: {
int intValue = value.getInt();
if (INT_FITS_IN_JSVAL(intValue)) {
retVal = INT_TO_JSVAL(intValue);
} else {
JS_NewNumberValue(ctx, (jsdouble) intValue, &retVal);
// TODO(jat): do we still need long support in the wire format and Value?
// case gwt::Value::LONG:
// retVal = value.getLong();
// break;
case gwt::Value::FLOAT:
JS_NewNumberValue(ctx, (jsdouble) value.getFloat(), &retVal);
case gwt::Value::DOUBLE:
JS_NewNumberValue(ctx, (jsdouble) value.getDouble(), &retVal);
case gwt::Value::STRING:
JSString* str = stringUtf8(ctx, value.getString());
retVal = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
case gwt::Value::JAVA_OBJECT:
int javaId = value.getJavaObjectId();
std::map<int, JSObject*>::iterator i = javaObjectsById.find(javaId);
if (i == javaObjectsById.end()) {
JSObject* obj = JavaObject::construct(ctx, this, javaId);
javaObjectsById[javaId] = obj;
// We may have previously released the proxy for the same object id,
// but have not yet sent a free message back to the server.
retVal = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
} else {
retVal = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(i->second);
case gwt::Value::JS_OBJECT:
int jsId = value.getJsObjectId();
if (!JS_GetElement(ctx, jsObjectsById, jsId, &retVal)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Error getting jsObject with id " << jsId << Debug::flush;
if (!JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(retVal)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Missing jsObject with id " << jsId << Debug::flush;
case gwt::Value::UNDEFINED:
retVal = JSVAL_VOID;
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Unknown Value type " << value.toString() << Debug::flush;
void FFSessionHandler::freeJavaObject(int objectId) {
if (!javaObjectsById.erase(objectId)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Trying to free unknown JavaObject: " << objectId << Debug::flush;
void FFSessionHandler::disconnect() {
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "FFSessionHandler::disconnect" << Debug::flush;
JSContext* ctx = getJSContext();
bool freeCtx = false;
if (!ctx) {
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << " creating temporary context"
<< Debug::flush;
freeCtx = true;
ctx = JS_NewContext(runtime, 8192);
if (ctx) {
if (ctx) {
for (std::map<int, JSObject*>::iterator it = javaObjectsById.begin();
it != javaObjectsById.end(); ++it) {
int javaId = it->first;
JSObject* obj = it->second;
if (JavaObject::isJavaObject(ctx, obj)) {
// clear the SessionData pointer -- JavaObject knows it is
// disconnected if this is null
JS_SetPrivate(ctx, obj, NULL);
if (freeCtx) {
} else {
<< "FFSessionHandler::disconnect - no context available"
<< Debug::flush;
HostChannel* channel = getHostChannel();
if (channel->isConnected()) {
void* FFSessionHandler::identityFromObject(JSObject* obj) {
JSContext* ctx = getJSContext();
jsval rval;
void* returnValue = obj;
if (JS_GetProperty(ctx, obj, "wrappedJSObject", &rval)
&& JSVAL_IS_OBJECT(rval)) {
returnValue = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(rval);
Debug::log(Debug::Info) << "identityFromObject mapped " << obj << " to "
<< returnValue << Debug::flush;
return returnValue;