blob: 47fd10014bfefa15ded3b62aae85104eebb57877 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Tests keyboard events in the {@link DelegatingKeyboardListenerCollection}
* class.
public class DelegatingKeyboardListenerCollectionTest extends GWTTestCase
implements KeyboardListener {
* A {@link Widget} that uses the {@link DelegatingKeyboardListenerCollection}
* to save its list of keyboard events.
public static class DelegatingWidget extends Widget {
// The delegating collection of keyboard listeners
private DelegatingKeyboardListenerCollection keyboardListeners;
// The owner of all events
private Widget eventOwner;
* Adds a listener interface to receive keyboard events.
* @param listener the listener interface to add
public void addKeyboardListener(KeyboardListener listener) {
if (keyboardListeners == null) {
this.eventOwner = new Widget();
keyboardListeners = new DelegatingKeyboardListenerCollection(
this.eventOwner, new TextBox());
* Get the event owner.
* @return the event owner
public Widget getEventOwner() {
return this.eventOwner;
* Get the keyboardListener.
* @return the keyboardListener
public DelegatingKeyboardListenerCollection getKeyboardListeners() {
return this.keyboardListeners;
* Removes a previously added listener interface.
* @param listener the listener interface to remove
public void removeKeyboardListener(KeyboardListener listener) {
* This method is not used in the test or in the
* DelegatingKeyboardListenerCollection constructor
// The owner of the events
private DelegatingWidget delegatingWidget;
// A bit used to verify that some event handler was called
private boolean eventHandled;
// The name of the last event fired
private String lastEventName;
public String getModuleName() {
return "";
* Handle the key down event from the ownerOfEvents.
* @param sender the widget sending the event.
* @param keyCode the key to send with the event.
* @param modifiers the modifier keys pressed at when the event occurred. This
* value is a combination of the bits defined by
* {@link KeyboardListener#MODIFIER_SHIFT},
* {@link KeyboardListener#MODIFIER_CTRL}, and
* {@link KeyboardListener#MODIFIER_ALT}.
public void onKeyDown(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) {
this.handleKeyEvent(sender, "onKeyDown");
* Handle the key press event from the ownerOfEvents.
* @param sender the widget sending the event.
* @param keyCode the key to send with the event.
* @param modifiers the modifier keys pressed at when the event occurred. This
* value is a combination of the bits defined by
* {@link KeyboardListener#MODIFIER_SHIFT},
* {@link KeyboardListener#MODIFIER_CTRL}, and
* {@link KeyboardListener#MODIFIER_ALT}.
public void onKeyPress(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) {
this.handleKeyEvent(sender, "onKeyPress");
* Handle the key up event from the ownerOfEvents.
* @param sender the widget sending the event.
* @param keyCode the key to send with the event.
* @param modifiers the modifier keys pressed at when the event occurred. This
* value is a combination of the bits defined by
* {@link KeyboardListener#MODIFIER_SHIFT},
* {@link KeyboardListener#MODIFIER_CTRL}, and
* {@link KeyboardListener#MODIFIER_ALT}.
public void onKeyUp(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) {
this.handleKeyEvent(sender, "onKeyUp");
* Tests that the key event handlers re-fire the correct key events to the
* correct owner. The owner of the events is a {@link TextBox}, which
* implements {@link SourcesKeyboardEvents} and allows us to check that the
* owner is correctly re-firing the events.
public void testKeyEvents() {
// Create a keyboard event listener with a DeletagingWidgetknown owner
this.delegatingWidget = new DelegatingWidget();
// Fire events from through delegate, which should set the correct owner
* This helper method simulates the firing of an event by the delegating
* widget, with a generic Widget as the source.
* @param eventName the name of the event to fire
private void fireKeyEvent(String eventName) {
this.lastEventName = eventName; // Set the name of this event
this.eventHandled = false; // Mark that we haven't handled it yet
// Fire the actual event through the delegate
if (eventName.compareTo("onKeyDown") == 0) {
this.delegatingWidget.getKeyboardListeners().onKeyDown(new Widget(), 'a',
} else if (eventName.compareTo("onKeyUp") == 0) {
this.delegatingWidget.getKeyboardListeners().onKeyUp(new Widget(), 'a', 0);
} else if (eventName.compareTo("onKeyPress") == 0) {
this.delegatingWidget.getKeyboardListeners().onKeyPress(new Widget(),
'a', 0);
} else {
fail("The event " + eventName + " is not supported");
// Verify that the event was handled
* Handle an event from the ownerOfEvents by verifying the event and the
* source are correct.
* @param sender the Widget that fired the event
* @param eventName the name of the event
private void handleKeyEvent(Widget sender, String eventName) {
assertEquals(this.delegatingWidget.getEventOwner(), sender);
assertEquals(this.lastEventName, eventName);
this.eventHandled = true;