<project name="dist-linux" default="all" basedir="."> | |
<property name="dist.platform" value="linux" /> | |
<import file="../common.ant.xml" /> | |
<property name="project.dist" location="${gwt.build.dist}/${project.distname}.tar.gz" /> | |
<target name="build.platform" description="Copies platform-specific items into the staging area"> | |
<gwt.untar src="${gwt.tools.redist}/mozilla/mozilla-1.7.12.tar.gz" dest="${project.staging}" /> | |
<copy todir="${project.staging}"> | |
<fileset dir="${gwt.tools.lib}/eclipse"> | |
<include name="libswt-*-3235.so" /> | |
</fileset> | |
</copy> | |
</target> | |
<target name="package" depends="build" description="Packages the distro staging area"> | |
<mkdir dir="${gwt.build.dist}" /> | |
<!-- GNU tar handles permissions and symlinks correctly --> | |
<exec executable="tar" failonerror="true"> | |
<arg value="-cpzf" /> | |
<arg value="${project.dist}" /> | |
<arg value="-C" /> | |
<arg file="${gwt.build.staging}" /> | |
<arg value="${project.distname}" /> | |
</exec> | |
</target> | |
<target name="all" depends="package" description="Builds and packages this project" /> | |
</project> |