| <project name="dev-core" default="build" basedir="."> |
| <property name="gwt.root" location="../.." /> |
| <property name="project.tail" value="dev/core" /> |
| <import file="${gwt.root}/common.ant.xml" /> |
| |
| <target name="unjar.deps" description="Unzips all dependency jars into the output folder"> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="apache/tapestry-util-text-4.0.2.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="apache/ant-1.6.5.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="eclipse/jdt-3.1.1.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/ant-launcher-1.6.5.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/catalina-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/catalina-optional-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/commons-beanutils-1.6.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/commons-collections-3.1.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/commons-digester-1.5.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/commons-el-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/commons-logging-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/commons-modeler-1.1.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/jasper-compiler-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/jasper-runtime-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/jsp-api-2.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/mx4j-jmx-1.1.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/naming-common-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/naming-factory-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/naming-java-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/naming-resources-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/servlet-api-2.4.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/servlets-common-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/servlets-default-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/servlets-invoker-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/tomcat-coyote-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/tomcat-http11-1.0.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/tomcat-jk2-2.1.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="tomcat/tomcat-util-5.1.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="xerces/xerces-2.0.2.jar" /> |
| <gwt.unjar toollib="xerces/xml-apis-2.0.2.jar" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <property name="filter.pattern" value="com/google/gwt/dev/About.java" /> |
| |
| <target name="-filter.src" description="Creates filtered copies of source files" unless="filter.uptodate"> |
| <delete dir="${src.filtered}" failonerror="false" /> |
| <mkdir dir="${src.filtered}" /> |
| <copy todir="${src.filtered}" overwrite="true"> |
| <fileset dir="src" includes="${filter.pattern}" /> |
| <filterset> |
| <filter token="GWT_VERSION" value="${gwt.version}" /> |
| </filterset> |
| </copy> |
| <touch file="${src.filtered}/gwt.version-${gwt.version}" /> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="build" depends="unjar.deps" description="Compiles this project"> |
| <!-- |
| There are classes missing from dev/core that are necessary |
| to compile the rest of dev/core (e.g. BootStrapPlatform); these are |
| provided by each platform implementation, but in order to compile the |
| core standalone, we need a dummy version of the class to build against. |
| --> |
| <property name="javac.out-dummy" location="${project.build}/bin-dummy" /> |
| <mkdir dir="${javac.out-dummy}" /> |
| <gwt.javac srcdir="src-dummy" destdir="${javac.out-dummy}" /> |
| |
| <!-- Files with hardcoded version information must be filtered --> |
| <property name="src.filtered" location="${project.build}/src-filtered" /> |
| <condition property="filter.uptodate"> |
| <and> |
| <available file="${src.filtered}/gwt.version-${gwt.version}" /> |
| <uptodate> |
| <srcfiles dir="src" includes="${filter.pattern}"/> |
| <globmapper from="*" to="${src.filtered}/*"/> |
| </uptodate> |
| </and> |
| </condition> |
| <antcall target="-filter.src" /> |
| |
| <mkdir dir="${javac.out}" /> |
| <gwt.javac srcdir="${src.filtered}" /> |
| <gwt.javac srcdir="src" excludes="${filter.pattern}"> |
| <classpath> |
| <pathelement location="${javac.out-dummy}" /> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.tools.lib}/junit/junit-3.8.1.jar" /> |
| <!-- Must build against a version of SWT; just pick one --> |
| <pathelement location="${gwt.tools.lib}/eclipse/org.eclipse.swt.gtk-linux-3.2.1.jar" /> |
| </classpath> |
| </gwt.javac> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="checkstyle" description="Static analysis of source"> |
| <gwt.checkstyle> |
| <fileset dir="src"> |
| <filename name="com/google/gwt/dev/js/rhino/**/*.java" negate="yes" /> |
| <filename name="org/eclipse/**/*.java" negate="yes" /> |
| <filename name="org/apache/**/*.java" negate="yes" /> |
| </fileset> |
| </gwt.checkstyle> |
| |
| <gwt.checkstyle> |
| <fileset dir="super/com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/intrinsic" /> |
| </gwt.checkstyle> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="clean" description="Cleans this project's intermediate and output files"> |
| <delete dir="${project.build}" /> |
| <delete file="${project.lib}" /> |
| </target> |
| </project> |