blob: 6e9dae7f16e0d7efd7d93d45dd6755c3b70e4bcd [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- -->
<!-- Copyright 2009 Google Inc. -->
<!-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you -->
<!-- may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may -->
<!-- may obtain a copy of the License at -->
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<!-- -->
<!-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -->
<!-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -->
<!-- implied. License for the specific language governing permissions and -->
<!-- limitations under the License. -->
<!-- Compiler parameters that can be overridden . -->
<!-- -->
A user-specified initial load sequence for the runAsync calls. Each entry should specify the
surrounding method immediately enclosing the call, using a full JSNI reference.
<define-configuration-property name='compiler.splitpoint.initial.sequence'
is-multi-valued='true' />
Whether or not the compiler should predeclare variables that are defined
outside the initial download and are referenced from a different code
fragment than the one defining them. This is usually determined by which
linker is used and is not directly meaningful to users.
<define-property name="compiler.predeclare.cross.fragment.references"
values="true,false" />
<set-property name="compiler.predeclare.cross.fragment.references"
value="false" />
Whether or not the compiler should alter to return
ordinal() as a way of obfuscating Enum field identifiers.
<define-configuration-property name="compiler.enum.obfuscate.names"
is-multi-valued='false' />
<set-configuration-property name="compiler.enum.obfuscate.names"
value="false" />
<!-- From here down, the properties are unsupported and are only available for test cases -->
This is the maximum number of variables in any var statement GWT
will emit. This avoids a bug in some browsers including
the initial beta of Safari 4. See Issue 3455. If it is set to -1,
then there is no limit.
<define-configuration-property name='compiler.max.vars.per.var'
is-multi-valued='false' />
<set-configuration-property name='compiler.max.vars.per.var' value='2400' />
The iframe linker chunks its output into multiple <script> tags. The default size is fine for
production use; it is overridable mainly for test cases. This size must be small enough that
block-size restrictions in IE are satisfied, because the script tag chunking undoes
JsIEBlockSizeVisitor. If it's set to -1, then no chunking is performed and
JsIEBlockSizeVisitor has its usual effect.
<define-configuration-property name="iframe.linker.script.chunk.size"
is-multi-valued="false" />
<set-configuration-property name="iframe.linker.script.chunk.size"
value="30000" />
The compiler emits deferred code into a deferredjs subdirectory of the
output. This property allows test cases to have the iframe linker
load the deferred code from a different subdirectory.
<define-configuration-property name="iframe.linker.deferredjs.subdir"
is-multi-valued="false" />
<set-configuration-property name="iframe.linker.deferredjs.subdir"
value="deferredjs" />
Specifies whether a given permutation has source map support enabled.
<define-property name="compiler.useSourceMaps" values="true,false"/>
<set-property name="compiler.useSourceMaps" value="false"/>
Specifies whether a given permutation has symbol map support enabled.
<define-property name="compiler.useSymbolMaps" values="true,false"/>
<set-property name="compiler.useSymbolMaps" value="false"/>