blob: a29a95c7ed00707e66d97277ee9f93ff14b5ed04 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Contains various CssResource used to test the CssResource system with GSS.
public interface TestResources extends ClientBundle {
* Inner ClientBundle with a reference to an ImageResource.
public interface ImageResources extends ClientBundle {
ImageResource someResource();
* Simple CssResource.
interface SomeGssResource extends CssResource {
String someClass();
* Used to test sprite definition.
interface SpriteGssResource extends CssResource {
String someClassWithSprite();
String embeddedSprite();
// define a style class having the same name than another resource in the ClientBundle
// test possible conflict
String someImageResource();
* Used to test {@code @external} at-rule.
interface ExternalClasses extends CssResource {
String obfuscatedClass();
String externalClass();
String externalClass2();
String unobfuscated();
String unobfuscated2();
* Used to test that GSS file can contains empty style class definition.
interface EmptyClass extends CssResource {
String empty();
* Used to test constant definition.
interface WithConstant extends CssResource {
String constantOne();
String classOne();
* Used to test {@link ClassName} annotation.
interface ClassNameAnnotation extends CssResource {
String renamedClass();
String nonRenamedClass();
* Used to test {@link Import} annotation.
interface TestImportCss extends CssResource {
String other();
* Used to test shared annotation between clientBundle.
interface SharedChild3 extends SharedParent {
String nonSharedClassName();
* Used to test conflict between style class name and constant name.
interface CssWithConstant extends CssResource {
String constantOne();
int constantTwo();
String className1();
String conflictConstantClass();
int overrideConstantInt();
String overrideConstantIntClass();
* Used to test conditional nodes containing conditions evaluated at runtime.
interface RuntimeConditional extends CssResource {
String foo();
* Used to test that the generator accepts non standard at-rules if they are defined in the
* module file.
interface NonStandardAtRules extends CssResource {
String foo();
* Used to test that the generator accepts non standard css function if they are defined in the
* module file.
interface NonStandardFunctions extends CssResource {
String foo();
* Used to test charset at-rule.
interface Charset extends CssResource {
* Used to test constants that use other constants.
interface Constants extends CssResource {
String color1();
int margin();
String mycolor();
String mycolor1();
String padding2();
int width();
int bar();
* Used to test empty file.
interface Empty extends CssResource {
* Used to test For loop feature.
interface Forloop extends CssResource {
String foo0();
String foo2();
String foo4();
* Used to test vendor keyframes generation.
interface GenKeyFrames extends CssResource {
Constants constants();
ClassNameAnnotation classNameAnnotation();
SomeGssResource mixin();
SomeGssResource add();
SomeGssResource eval();
SomeGssResource resourceUrl();
SpriteGssResource sprite();
ExternalClasses externalClasses();
EmptyClass emptyClass();
WithConstant withConstant();
ImageResource someImageResource();
DataResource someDataResource();
@Import({ImportResource.ImportWithPrefixCss.class, ImportResource.ImportCss.class})
TestImportCss testImportCss();
SharedChild3 sharedChild3();
CssWithConstant cssWithConstant();
SomeGssResource notstrict();
RuntimeConditional runtimeConditional();
ImageResources embeddedImageResources();
NonStandardAtRules nonStandardAtRules();
NonStandardFunctions nonStandardFunctions();
Charset charset();
Empty empty();
Forloop forloop();
GenKeyFrames genKeyFrames();