blob: 6eac110c2b1991a1cea9f8d786d9ce3e8b044c3f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import static;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Tests JsType functionality.
// TODO(cromwellian): Add test cases for property overriding of @JsProperty methods in java object
public class JsTypeTest extends GWTTestCase {
public String getModuleName() {
return "";
protected void gwtSetUp() throws Exception {
ScriptInjector.fromString("function MyJsInterface() {}\n"
+ "MyJsInterface.prototype.sum = function sum(bias) { return this.x + this.y + bias; }\n"
+ "MyJsInterface.prototype.go = function(cb) { cb('Hello'); }")
* Workaround for the fact that the script is injected after defineClass() has been called.
private native void patchPrototype(Class<MyClassExtendsJsPrototype> myClass) /*-{
@java.lang.Class::getPrototypeForClass(Ljava/lang/Class;)(myClass).prototype = $wnd.MyClass;
public void testVirtualUpRefs() {
ListImpl listWithExport = new ListImpl(); // Exports .add().
FooImpl listNoExport = new FooImpl(); // Does not export .add().
// Use a loose type reference to force polymorphic dispatch.
Collection collectionWithExport = alwaysTrue() ? listWithExport : listNoExport;
assertEquals("LooseListImpl", listWithExport.x);
// Use a loose type reference to force polymorphic dispatch.
Collection collectionNoExport = alwaysTrue() ? listNoExport : listWithExport;
assertEquals("LooseCollectionBaseFooImpl", listNoExport.x);
// Calls directly.
assertEquals("TightCollectionBaseFooImpl", listNoExport.x);
// TODO: fix me
if (isIE8()) {
// Calls through a bridge method.
assertEquals("TightListImpl", listWithExport.x);
public void testConcreteJsTypeAccess() {
ConcreteJsType concreteJsType = new ConcreteJsType();
testJsTypeHasFields(concreteJsType, "publicMethod", "publicField");
testJsTypeHasNoFields(concreteJsType, "publicStaticMethod", "privateMethod", "protectedMethod",
"packageMethod", "publicStaticField", "privateField", "protectedField", "packageField");
public void testConcreteJsTypeSubclassAccess() {
ConcreteJsType concreteJsType = new ConcreteJsType();
ConcreteJsTypeSubclass concreteJsTypeSubclass = new ConcreteJsTypeSubclass();
// A subclass of a JsType is not itself a JsType.
testJsTypeHasNoFields(concreteJsTypeSubclass, "publicSubclassMethod", "publicSubclassField",
"publicStaticSubclassMethod", "privateSubclassMethod", "protectedSubclassMethod",
"packageSubclassMethod", "publicStaticSubclassField", "privateSubclassField",
"protectedSubclassField", "packageSubclassField");
// But if it overrides an exported method then the overriding method will be exported.
testJsTypeHasFields(concreteJsType, "publicMethod");
testJsTypeHasFields(concreteJsTypeSubclass, "publicMethod");
areSameFunction(concreteJsType, "publicMethod", concreteJsTypeSubclass, "publicMethod"));
assertFalse(callIntFunction(concreteJsType, "publicMethod")
== callIntFunction(concreteJsTypeSubclass, "publicMethod"));
// // TODO: uncomment when bridge methods are being generated for revealed overrides.
// public void testRevealedOverrideJsType() {
// PlainParentType plainParentType = new PlainParentType();
// RevealedOverrideSubType revealedOverrideSubType = new RevealedOverrideSubType();
// // PlainParentType is neither @JsExport or @JsType and so exports no functions.
// assertFalse(hasField(plainParentType, "run"));
// // RevealedOverrideSubType defines no functions itself, it only inherits them, but it still
// // exports run() because it implements the @JsType interface JsTypeRunnable.
// assertTrue(hasField(revealedOverrideSubType, "run"));
// }
public void testSubClassWithSuperCalls() {
MyClassExtendsJsPrototype mc = new MyClassExtendsJsPrototype();
assertEquals(150, mc.sum(1));
public void testJsProperties() {
MyClassExtendsJsPrototype mc = new MyClassExtendsJsPrototype();
// Tests both fluent and non-fluent accessors.
assertEquals(58, mc.sum(0));
public void testJsPropertyIsX() {
JsPoint point = (JsPoint) JavaScriptObject.createObject();
public void testJsPropertyHasX() {
JsPoint point = (JsPoint) JavaScriptObject.createObject();
public void testJsPropertyGetX() {
JsPoint point = (JsPoint) JavaScriptObject.createObject();
assertEquals(10, point.getX());
assertEquals(0, point.getX());
public void testJsPropertyX() {
JsPoint point = (JsPoint) JavaScriptObject.createObject();
assertEquals(10, point.x());
assertEquals(0, point.x());
public void testCasts() {
MyJsInterface myClass;
assertNotNull(myClass = (MyJsInterface) createMyJsInterface());
try {
assertNotNull(myClass = (MyJsInterface) createNativeButton());
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
// Expected.
ElementLikeJsInterface button;
// JsTypes without prototypes can cross-cast like JSOs
assertNotNull(button = (ElementLikeJsInterface) createMyJsInterface());
* If the optimizations are turned on, it is possible for the compiler to dead-strip the
* variables since they are not used. Therefore the casts could potentially be stripped.
public void testInstanceOf_jsoWithSyntheticProto() {
Object object = createMyJsInterface();
assertTrue(object instanceof Object);
assertFalse(object instanceof HTMLAnotherElement);
assertFalse(object instanceof HTMLButtonElement);
assertFalse(object instanceof HTMLElement);
assertFalse(object instanceof Iterator);
assertTrue(object instanceof MyJsInterface);
assertTrue(object instanceof ElementLikeJsInterface);
public void testInstanceOf_jsoSansProto() {
Object object = JavaScriptObject.createObject();
assertTrue(object instanceof Object);
assertFalse(object instanceof HTMLAnotherElement);
assertFalse(object instanceof HTMLButtonElement);
assertFalse(object instanceof HTMLElement);
assertFalse(object instanceof Iterator);
assertFalse(object instanceof MyJsInterface);
assertTrue(object instanceof ElementLikeJsInterface);
public void testInstanceOf_jsoWithNativeButtonProto() {
Object object = createNativeButton();
assertTrue(object instanceof Object);
assertTrue(object instanceof HTMLAnotherElement);
assertTrue(object instanceof HTMLButtonElement);
assertTrue(object instanceof HTMLElement);
assertFalse(object instanceof Iterator);
assertFalse(object instanceof MyJsInterface);
assertTrue(object instanceof ElementLikeJsInterface);
public void testInstanceOf_javaImplementorOfInterfaceWithProto() {
// Foils type tightening.
Object object = alwaysTrue() ? new MyCustomHtmlButtonWithIterator() : new Object();
assertTrue(object instanceof Object);
assertTrue(object instanceof HTMLAnotherElement);
assertTrue(object instanceof HTMLButtonElement);
assertTrue(object instanceof HTMLElement);
assertTrue(object instanceof Iterable);
* TODO: this works, but only because Object can't be type-tightened to HTMLElement. But it will
* evaluate statically to false for HTMLElement instanceof HTMLAnotherElement. Depending on what
* the spec decides, fix JTypeOracle so that canTheoreticallyCast returns the appropriate
* result, as well as add a test here that can be type-tightened.
assertFalse(object instanceof MyJsInterface);
assertTrue(object instanceof ElementLikeJsInterface);
public void testInstanceOfWithNameSpace() {
Object obj1 = createMyNamespacedJsInterface();
Object obj2 = createMyWrongNamespacedJsInterface();
assertTrue(obj1 instanceof MyNamespacedJsInterface);
assertFalse(obj1 instanceof MyJsInterface);
assertFalse(obj2 instanceof MyNamespacedJsInterface);
public void testEnumeration() {
assertEquals(2, callPublicMethodFromEnumeration(MyEnumWithJsType.TEST1));
assertEquals(3, callPublicMethodFromEnumeration(MyEnumWithJsType.TEST2));
public void testEnumJsTypeAccess() {
testJsTypeHasFields(MyEnumWithJsType.TEST2, "publicMethod", "publicField");
testJsTypeHasNoFields(MyEnumWithJsType.TEST2, "publicStaticMethod", "privateMethod",
"protectedMethod", "packageMethod", "publicStaticField", "privateField", "protectedField",
public void testEnumSubclassEnumeration() {
assertEquals(100, callPublicMethodFromEnumerationSubclass(MyEnumWithSubclassGen.A));
assertEquals(200, callPublicMethodFromEnumerationSubclass(MyEnumWithSubclassGen.B));
assertEquals(1, callPublicMethodFromEnumerationSubclass(MyEnumWithSubclassGen.C));
private static native boolean alwaysTrue() /*-{
return !!$wnd;
private static native boolean areSameFunction(
Object thisObject, String thisFunctionName, Object thatObject, String thatFunctionName) /*-{
return thisObject[thisFunctionName] === thatObject[thatFunctionName];
private static native int callIntFunction(Object object, String functionName) /*-{
return object[functionName]();
private static native Object createNativeButton() /*-{
return $doc.createElement("button");
private static native Object createMyJsInterface() /*-{
return new $wnd.MyJsInterface();
private static native Object createMyNamespacedJsInterface() /*-{
$wnd.testfoo = {};
$ = {};
$ = function(){};
return new $;
private static native Object createMyWrongNamespacedJsInterface() /*-{
$wnd[""] = function(){};
return new $wnd['']();
private static native boolean isUndefined(int value) /*-{
return value === undefined;
private static native boolean hasField(Object object, String fieldName) /*-{
return object[fieldName] != undefined;
private static native boolean isIE8() /*-{
return $wnd.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') != -1 && $doc.documentMode == 8;
private static native boolean isFirefox40OrEarlier() /*-{
private static native int callPublicMethodFromEnumeration(MyEnumWithJsType enumeration) /*-{
return enumeration.idxAddOne();
private static native int callPublicMethodFromEnumerationSubclass(
MyEnumWithSubclassGen enumeration) /*-{
private static void testJsTypeHasFields(Object obj, String... fields) {
for (String field : fields) {
assertTrue("Field '" + field + "' should be exported", hasField(obj, field));
private static void testJsTypeHasNoFields(Object obj, String... fields) {
for (String field : fields) {
assertFalse("Field '" + field + "' should not be exported", hasField(obj, field));