blob: bf92656c8b313c96d7e00623975599e8e486d97e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Tests {@link DeadCodeElimination}.
public class DeadCodeEliminationTest extends OptimizerTestBase {
* TODO: this class needs more tests, and more sophisticated cases. Especially
* to ensure we converge in a single pass.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
addSnippetClassDecl("static volatile boolean b;");
addSnippetClassDecl("static volatile boolean b1;");
addSnippetClassDecl("static volatile int i;");
addSnippetClassDecl("static volatile long l;");
addSnippetClassDecl("static volatile float f;");
addSnippetClassDecl("static volatile double d;");
addSnippetClassDecl("static volatile String s;");
addSnippetClassDecl("static volatile Object o;");
runMethodInliner = false;
runSpecializer = false;
public void testConditionalOptimizations() throws Exception {
optimize("int", "return true ? 3 : 4;").into("return 3;");
optimize("int", "return false ? 3 : 4;").into("return 4;");
optimize("boolean", "return b ? true : b1;").into("return b || b1;");
optimize("boolean", "return b ? false : b1;").into("return !b && b1;");
optimize("boolean", "return b ? b1 : true;").into("return !b || b1;");
optimize("boolean", "return b ? b1 : false;").into("return b && b1;");
public void testSwitchOverConstant_noMatchingCase() throws Exception {
optimize("int", "switch (0) { case 1: return 1; } return 0;")
.into("return 0;");
public void testSwitchOverConstant_MatchingCase() throws Exception {
"switch (1) { case 1: return 1; } return 0;")
.into("return 1;");
// The if isn't really the focus of the optimization, but the `into`
// string will not compile if it is invalid Java. It makes the opt form
// valid java.
"int j = 1;",
"if (b) {",
" switch (1) {",
" case 0:",
" case 1:",
" case 2:",
" j = 5;",
" case 3:",
" return 1;",
" default:",
" return j;",
" }",
"return -1;")
"int j = 1;",
"if (b) {",
" switch (1) {",
" case 1:", // All of the other cases and the default are gone
" j = 5;", // this is a dead-store but is currently retained
" return 1;",
" }",
"return -1;");
public void testSwitchOverConstant_NonConstant() throws Exception {
// doesn't optimize when there is a non-constant switch expr
// (though, in this case, it's easy to imagine that it could)
String[] nonConstantSwitch = new String[] {
"int j = 1;",
"switch (j) {",
" case 0: ",
" case 1: ",
" case 2: ",
" j = 5; ",
" case 3: ",
" return 1; ",
" default: ",
" return j; ",
optimize("int", nonConstantSwitch).into(nonConstantSwitch);
public void testIfOptimizations() throws Exception {
optimize("int", "if (true) return 1; return 0;").into("return 1;");
optimize("int", "if (false) return 1; return 0;").into("return 0;");
optimize("int", "if (true) return 1; else return 2;").into("return 1;");
optimize("int", "if (false) return 1; else return 2;").into("return 2;");
optimize("int", "if (true) {} else return 4; return 0;").into("return 0;");
addSnippetClassDecl("static boolean test() { return b; }");
optimize("int", "if (test()) {} else {}; return 0;").into(
"test(); return 0;");
public void testIfStatementToBoolean_NotOptimization() throws Exception {
optimize("void", "if (!b) i = 1;").intoString(
"EntryPoint.b || (EntryPoint.i = 1);");
optimize("void", "if (!b) i = 1; else i = 2;").intoString(
"EntryPoint.b ? (EntryPoint.i = 2) : (EntryPoint.i = 1);");
optimize("int", "if (!b) { return 1;} else {return 2;}").into(
"return b ? 2 : 1;");
public void testIfStatementToBoolean_ReturnLifting() throws Exception {
optimize("int", "if (b) return 1; return 2;").into(
"if (b) return 1; return 2;");
optimize("int", "if (b) { return 1; } return 2;").into(
"if (b) { return 1; } return 2;");
optimize("int", "if (b) { return 1;} else {return 2;}").into(
"return b ? 1 : 2;");
optimize("int", "if (b) return 1; else {return 2;}").into(
"return b ? 1 : 2;");
optimize("int", "if (b) return 1; else return 2;").into("return b ? 1 : 2;");
optimize("void", "if (b) return; else return;").into(
"if (b) return; else return;");
public void testIfStatementToBoolean_ThenElseOptimization() throws Exception {
optimize("void", "if (b) i = 1; else i = 2;").intoString(
"EntryPoint.b ? (EntryPoint.i = 1) : (EntryPoint.i = 2);");
optimize("void", "if (b) {i = 1;} else {i = 2;}").intoString(
"EntryPoint.b ? (EntryPoint.i = 1) : (EntryPoint.i = 2);");
public void testIfStatementToBoolean_ThenOptimization() throws Exception {
optimize("void", "if (b) i = 1;").intoString(
"EntryPoint.b && (EntryPoint.i = 1);");
optimize("void", "if (b) {i = 1;}").intoString(
"EntryPoint.b && (EntryPoint.i = 1);");
* BUG: JInstance was marked as not having side effects whereas it all depends on the
* whether the expression on the left has side effects.
* Reproduces Issue:7818.
public void testInstanceOfOptimization() throws Exception {
runMethodInliner = true;
"static class A { "
+ "static int f1;"
+ "static A createA() { A.f1 = 1; return new A(); } "
+ "static boolean instanceofMulti() { return (createA() instanceof A); } "
+ "static boolean inlineable() { instanceofMulti(); return true;}"
+ "}");
optimizeExpressions(false, "void", "A.inlineable()")
.into("A.f1 = 1; new A();");
public void testCommuteMultiExpression() throws Exception {
runMethodInliner = true;
"static class A { "
+ "static int f1;"
+ "static A createA() { A.f1 = 1; return new A(); } "
+ "static boolean booleanWithSideEffects() { createA(); return true;}"
+ "static boolean booleanWithoutSideEffects() { return true;}"
+ "static int arithmeticWithSideEffects() { createA(); return 4;}"
+ "}");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "true && A.booleanWithoutSideEffects()")
.intoString("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "true && A.booleanWithSideEffects()")
.intoString("return (EntryPoint$A.f1 = 1, new EntryPoint$A(), true);");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "false && A.booleanWithSideEffects()")
.intoString("return false;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "int", "3 + A.arithmeticWithSideEffects()")
.intoString("return (EntryPoint$A.f1 = 1, new EntryPoint$A(), 7);");
public void testStringOptimizations() throws Exception {
runMethodInliner = true;
"static class A { ",
" final static String s1 = \"a\";",
" final static String s2 = \"a\";",
" final static String s3 = \"b\";",
" final static String s4 = null;",
// TODO(rluble): This test is not 100% meaninful as the JDT performs some optimizations for us.
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "\"a\".equals(\"a\")")
.into("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "\"a\" == \"a\"")
.into("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "\"a\" != \"b\"")
.into("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "A.s1.equals(A.s1)")
.into("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "A.s1 == A.s1")
.into("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "A.s1 == \"a\"")
.into("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "\"a\" != null")
.into("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "\"a\".equals(A.s2)")
.into("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "!\"a\".equals(A.s3)")
.into("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "\"a\" == A.s2")
.into("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "\"a\" != A.s3")
.into("return true;");
optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "A.s1.equals(A.s2)")
.into("return true;");
// Next two are not directly optimizable because of inserted clinits.
// optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "\"a\" != A.s4")
// .into("return true;");
// optimizeExpressions(false, "boolean", "A.s4 == null")
// .into("return true;");
public void testStringOptimizations_withSpecializer() throws Exception {
runSpecializer = true;
public void testDoOptimization() throws Exception {
optimize("void", "do {} while (b);").intoString(
"while (EntryPoint.b);");
optimize("void", "do {} while (true);").intoString(
"while (true);");
optimize("void", "do {} while (false);").intoString("");
optimize("void", "do { i++; } while (false);").intoString("++EntryPoint.i;");
optimize("void", "do { break; } while (false);").intoString(
"do {",
" break;",
"} while (false);");
public void testMultiExpressionOptimization() throws Exception {
runMethodInliner = true;
"static class A { ",
" static int f;",
" static { if (4-f ==0) f=4; }",
" static boolean t() { return true; }",
" static boolean f() { return false; }",
" static boolean notInlineable() { if (4-f == 0) return true;return false;}",
"static class B { ",
" static boolean inlineableOr() { return A.t() || A.notInlineable(); }",
" static boolean inlineableAnd() { return A.t() && A.notInlineable(); }",
optimize("void", "B.inlineableAnd();")
optimize("void", "B.inlineableOr();")
public void testOptimizeStringCalls() throws Exception {
// Note: we're limited here by the methods declared in the mock String in
// JJSTestBase#addBuiltinClasses
// String.length
optimize("int", "return \"abc\".length();").intoString("return 3;");
optimize("int", "return s.length();").intoString("return EntryPoint.s.length();");
// String.charAt
optimize("char", "return \"abc\".charAt(1);").intoString("return 'b';");
optimize("char", "return s.charAt(1);").intoString("return EntryPoint.s.charAt(1);");
// String.toString
optimize("String", "return s.toString();").intoString("return EntryPoint.s;");
optimize("String", "return o.toString();").intoString("return EntryPoint.o.toString();");
// String.hashCode: never optimized
optimize("int", "return \"abc\".hashCode();").intoString("return \"abc\".hashCode();");
optimize("int", "return s.hashCode();").intoString("return EntryPoint.s.hashCode();");
// String.equals
optimize("boolean", "return \"a\".equals(\"a\");").intoString("return true;");
optimize("boolean", "return \"a\".equals(\"b\");").intoString("return false;");
optimize("boolean", "return s.equals(\"a\");")
.intoString("return EntryPoint.s.equals(\"a\");");
// String concat
optimize("String", "return \"a\" + \"a\";").intoString("return \"aa\";");
optimize("String", "return \"a\" + 1;").intoString("return \"a1\";");
optimize("String", "return \"a\" + '1';").intoString("return \"a1\";");
optimize("String", "return \"a\" + 1L;").intoString("return \"a1\";");
public void testSubtractFromZero() throws Exception {
optimize("int", "return 0 - i;").intoString("return -EntryPoint.i;");
optimize("long", "return 0 - l;").intoString("return -EntryPoint.l;");
// Verify that float/double subtracts from zero aren't replaced, since they
// are needed for obscure IEEE754 functionality -- specifically, converting
// 0.0 - v into -v means the sign of the result is the opposite of the input
// rather than always being positive.
optimize("float", "return 0.0F - f;").intoString("return 0.0 - EntryPoint.f;");
optimize("double", "return 0.0 - d;").intoString("return 0.0 - EntryPoint.d;");
public void testFloatingPoint() throws Exception {
// Internally we represent float literals as double, so here we make sure that 1.1f is
// is printed as a double with the right precision.
optimize("float", "return 1.1f;").intoString("return " + String.format("%.16g", (double) 1.1f) +
public void testMultiExpression_RedundantClinitRemoval() throws Exception {
"static class A { "
+ "static int f1;"
+ "static int f2;"
+ "static { f1 = 1; }"
+ "static void m1() { } "
+ "}" +
"static class B extends A { "
+ "static int f3;"
+ "static int f4;"
+ "static { f3 = 1; }"
+ "static void m2() { } "
+ "}");
optimizeExpressions(true, "void", "A.m1()", "A.m1()").intoString("EntryPoint$A.$clinit();\n"
+ "EntryPoint$A.m1();\n"
+ "EntryPoint$A.m1();");
optimizeExpressions(true, "void", "B.m2()", "A.m1()").intoString("EntryPoint$B.$clinit();\n"
+ "EntryPoint$B.m2();\n"
+ "EntryPoint$A.m1();");
optimizeExpressions(true, "void", "A.m1()", "B.m2()").intoString("EntryPoint$A.$clinit();\n"
+ "EntryPoint$A.m1();\n"
+ "EntryPoint$B.$clinit();\n"
+ "EntryPoint$B.m2();");
private boolean runMethodInliner;
private boolean runSpecializer;
protected boolean optimizeMethod(JProgram program, JMethod method) {
if (runMethodInliner) {
if (runSpecializer) {
Finalizer.exec(program); // required so that method is marked final
MakeCallsStatic.exec(program, false); // required so that method is static
TypeTightener.exec(program); // required so that the parameter types are tightened
OptimizerStats result = DeadCodeElimination.exec(program, method);
if (result.didChange()) {
// Make sure we converge in one pass.
// TODO(rluble): It does not appear to be true in general unless we iterate until a
// fixpoint in exec().
// Example:
// Constructor( ) { deadcode }
// m( new Constructor(); }
// If m is processed first, it will see the constructor as having side effects.
// Then the constructor will become empty enabling m() become empty in the next round.
assertFalse(DeadCodeElimination.exec(program, method).didChange());
return result.didChange();