blob: 8dcff18105d11aaa60986b0bf285f15eba8f02fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
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* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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* the License.
* Tests for the {@link Devirtualizer} visitor.
public class DevirtualizerTest extends OptimizerTestBase {
* Devirtualizer should allow dual Java/JSO implementations of the same
* interface, so long as there is only one of each. If there are multiple
* methods with the same method name, it should distinguish between them.
public void testDualJsoImpl() throws UnableToCompleteException {
// Defines a bunch of JSO interfaces and classes with functions a() and b().
"interface Iface1 { int a(); int b(); }",
"static class J1 implements Iface1 {",
" public int a() { return 1; }",
" public int b() { return 1; }",
"static class Jso1 extends JavaScriptObject implements Iface1 {",
" protected Jso1() { }",
" public final int a() { return 2; }",
" public final int b() { return 2; }",
" public static native Jso1 create() /*-{ return {} }-*/;",
"static interface Iface2 { int a(); int b(); }",
"static class J2 implements Iface2 {",
" public int a() { return 3; }",
" public int b() { return 3; }",
"static class Jso2 extends JavaScriptObject implements Iface2 {",
" protected Jso2() { }",
" public final int a() { return 4; }",
" public final int b() { return 4; }",
" public static native Jso2 create() /*-{ return {} }-*/;",
"static Iface1 val1 = new J1();",
"static Iface1 val2 = Jso1.create();",
"static Iface2 val3 = new J2();",
"static Iface2 val4 = Jso2.create();");
// Constructs a code snippet that calls a() but NOT b().
StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();
code.append("int result = val1.a() + val2.a() + val3.a() + val4.a();");
// Constructs an expectation about the resulting devirtualized method calls of a(). The salient
// point in the results below is that the JSO method used for val1 and val1 has a different name
// the method used for val2 and val3.
StringBuilder expected = new StringBuilder();
expected.append("int result = ");
expected.append("EntryPoint$Jso1.a__I__devirtual$(EntryPoint.val1) + ");
expected.append("EntryPoint$Jso1.a__I__devirtual$(EntryPoint.val2) + ");
expected.append("EntryPoint$Jso2.a__I__devirtual$(EntryPoint.val3) + ");
Result result = optimize("void", code.toString());
// Asserts that a() method calls were redirected to the devirtualized version.
// Asserts that a() AND b() method definitions were both duplicated as devirtualized versions
// even though b() was never called.
result.classHasMethodSnippets("EntryPoint$Jso1", Lists.newArrayList("public final int a();",
"public final int b();", "public static final int $a(EntryPoint$Jso1 this$static);",
"public static final int $b(EntryPoint$Jso1 this$static);"));
public void testDevirtualizeString() throws UnableToCompleteException {
// Defines a JSO and a Java object that implements Comparable.
"static class J1 implements Comparable<J1> {",
" public int compareTo(J1 other) { return 1; }",
"static class Jso1 extends JavaScriptObject implements Comparable<Jso1> {",
" protected Jso1() { }",
" final public int compareTo(Jso1 other) { return 2; }",
" public static native Jso1 create() /*-{ return {} }-*/;",
"static Comparable javaVal = new J1();",
"static Comparable jsoVal = Jso1.create();",
"static Comparable stringVal = \"string\";",
"static String aString = \"string\";",
"static CharSequence stringCharSeq = \"string\";");
// Constructs a code snippet that calls a() but NOT b().
StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder();
code.append("int result = javaVal.compareTo(javaVal) + jsoVal.compareTo(jsoVal) +"
+ " stringVal.compareTo(stringVal) + stringCharSeq.length() + aString.length();");
// Constructs an expectation about the resulting devirtualized method calls for
// Comparable.compareTo() and CharSequence.length(). Note that calls to CharSequence.length and
// String.length are devirtualized separately.
StringBuilder expected = new StringBuilder();
expected.append("int result = ");
// Methods in Comparable and CharSequence end up in String even if used by a JSO.
"String.compareTo_%s__I__devirtual$(EntryPoint.javaVal, EntryPoint.javaVal) + " +
"String.compareTo_%s__I__devirtual$(EntryPoint.jsoVal, EntryPoint.jsoVal) + " +
"String.compareTo_%s__I__devirtual$(EntryPoint.stringVal, EntryPoint.stringVal) + " +
"String.length__I__devirtual$(EntryPoint.stringCharSeq) + " +
"String.length__I__devirtual$(EntryPoint.aString);", "Ljava_lang_Object",
"Ljava_lang_Object", "Ljava_lang_Object"));
Result result = optimize("void", code.toString());
protected boolean optimizeMethod(JProgram program, JMethod method) {
return true;