blob: 075533aa355c35b9ce0ce917218014a13c91c7b4 [file] [log] [blame]
This directory contains the source code for the Windows installer. A new installer should
be built using the build script every time oophm.dll is replaced.
The build script will only work on a Windows system with WIX installed:
Files contained in this directory:
installer.wxs.xml - the WIX script used to generate the installer
GwtDevModeIePluginInstaller.msi - the windows installer, which is replaced when the build script is executed
GwtDialog.bmp - the image displayed on the first page of the installer
GwtBanner.bmp - the image displayed at the top of every page other than the first in the installer
COPYING.rtf - Our license agreement in RTF format
build.xml - the ant build script