blob: 6f2031767ab33ed85451978728278b5df5727aa2 [file] [log] [blame]
Build file for the Windows IE Plugin installer. This build should only be
run on a Windows system with WIX installed. You can download WIX at:
<project name="ieInstaller" default="build" basedir=".">
<property name="gwt.root" location="../../../" />
<property name="project.tail" value="plugins/ie/installer" />
<import file="../../../common.ant.xml" />
<property name="wix.bin" location="C:/Program Files/Windows Installer XML v3/bin" />
<property name="wix.log" location="${}/wix.log" />
<property name="gwt.oophmIeInstallerName" value="GwtDevModeIePluginInstaller.msi" />
<target name="build" description="Build the installer">
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<echo message="Preparing WIX script for oophm.dll" />
<exec executable="${wix.bin}/heat.exe" failonerror="yes" output="${wix.log}">
<arg line="file ..\prebuilt\oophm.dll" />
<arg line="-out ${}/oophm.wxs.xml" />
<arg line="-ag -g1" />
<arg line="-dr INSTALLDIR" />
<arg line="-cg oophmDll" />
<arg line="-var var.PluginIeDir" />
<echo message="Compiling WIX scripts" />
<exec executable="${wix.bin}/candle.exe" failonerror="yes" output="${wix.log}" append="true">
<arg line="-out ${}/" />
<arg line="-dPluginIeDir=..\\" />
<arg line="${}/oophm.wxs.xml" />
<arg line="installer.wxs.xml" />
<echo message="Generating Windows Installer" />
<exec executable="${wix.bin}/light.exe" failonerror="yes" output="${wix.log}" append="true">
<arg line="-o ${}/${gwt.oophmIeInstallerName}" />
<arg line="-ext WixUIExtension" />
<arg line="${}/oophm.wxs.wixobj" />
<arg line="${}/installer.wxs.wixobj" />
<echo message="Copying Windows Installer to installer directory" />
<copy file="${}/${gwt.oophmIeInstallerName}"
tofile="../prebuilt/${gwt.oophmIeInstallerName}" />