blob: dbf9b25cb85d99760b117564a627828d2b7ecaf0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import static jsinterop.annotations.JsPackage.GLOBAL;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsProperty;
import jsinterop.annotations.JsType;
* Tests JsProperty functionality.
public class JsPropertyTest extends GWTTestCase {
private static final int SET_PARENT_X = 500;
private static final int GET_PARENT_X = 1000;
private static final int GET_X = 100;
private static final int SET_X = 50;
public String getModuleName() {
return "";
protected void gwtSetUp() throws Exception {
"function JsPropertyTest_MyNativeJsType(x) { this.x = x; this.ctorExecuted = true; }\n"
+ "JsPropertyTest_MyNativeJsType.staticX = 33;"
+ "JsPropertyTest_MyNativeJsType.answerToLife = function() { return 42;};"
+ "JsPropertyTest_MyNativeJsType.prototype.sum = "
+ " function sum(bias) { return this.x + bias; };"
+ "function JsPropertyTest_MyNativeJsTypeInterface() {}\n"
+ "JsPropertyTest_MyNativeJsTypeInterface.prototype.sum = "
+ " function sum(bias) { return this.x + bias; };")
interface MyJsTypeInterfaceWithProperty {
int getX();
void setX(int x);
static class MyJavaTypeImplementingMyJsTypeInterfaceWithProperty
implements MyJsTypeInterfaceWithProperty {
private int x;
public int getX() {
return x + GET_X;
public void setX(int x) {
this.x = x + SET_X;
public void testJavaClassImplementingMyJsTypeInterfaceWithProperty() {
MyJavaTypeImplementingMyJsTypeInterfaceWithProperty obj =
new MyJavaTypeImplementingMyJsTypeInterfaceWithProperty();
assertEquals(0 + GET_X, getProperty(obj, "x"));
assertEquals(0 + GET_X, obj.getX());
assertEquals(0, obj.x);
setProperty(obj, "x", 10);
assertEquals(10 + GET_X + SET_X, getProperty(obj, "x"));
assertEquals(10 + GET_X + SET_X, obj.getX());
assertEquals(10 + SET_X, obj.x);
assertEquals(12 + GET_X + SET_X, getProperty(obj, "x"));
assertEquals(12 + GET_X + SET_X, obj.getX());
assertEquals(12 + SET_X, obj.x);
MyJsTypeInterfaceWithProperty intf = new MyJavaTypeImplementingMyJsTypeInterfaceWithProperty();
assertEquals(0 + GET_X, getProperty(intf, "x"));
assertEquals(0 + GET_X, intf.getX());
assertEquals(0, ((MyJavaTypeImplementingMyJsTypeInterfaceWithProperty) intf).x);
setProperty(intf, "x", 10);
assertEquals(10 + GET_X + SET_X, getProperty(intf, "x"));
assertEquals(10 + GET_X + SET_X, intf.getX());
assertEquals(10 + SET_X, ((MyJavaTypeImplementingMyJsTypeInterfaceWithProperty) intf).x);
assertEquals(12 + GET_X + SET_X, getProperty(intf, "x"));
assertEquals(12 + GET_X + SET_X, intf.getX());
assertEquals(12 + SET_X, ((MyJavaTypeImplementingMyJsTypeInterfaceWithProperty) intf).x);
static class MyConcreteJsType {
private int x;
public int getY() {
return x + GET_X;
public void setY(int x) {
this.x = x + SET_X;
public void testConcreteJsType() {
MyConcreteJsType obj = new MyConcreteJsType();
assertEquals(0 + GET_X, getProperty(obj, "y"));
assertEquals(0 + GET_X,obj.getY());
assertEquals(0, obj.x);
setProperty(obj, "y", 10);
assertEquals(10 + GET_X + SET_X, getProperty(obj, "y"));
assertEquals(10 + GET_X + SET_X, obj.getY());
assertEquals(10 + SET_X, obj.x);
assertEquals(12 + GET_X + SET_X, getProperty(obj, "y"));
assertEquals(12 + GET_X + SET_X, obj.getY());
assertEquals(12 + SET_X, obj.x);
@JsType(isNative = true, namespace = GLOBAL, name = "JsPropertyTest_MyNativeJsType")
static class MyNativeJsType {
public static int staticX;
public static native int answerToLife();
public boolean ctorExecuted;
public int x;
public native int getY();
public native void setY(int x);
public native int sum(int bias);
public void testNativeJsType() {
assertEquals(33, MyNativeJsType.staticX);
MyNativeJsType.staticX = 34;
assertEquals(34, MyNativeJsType.staticX);
assertEquals(42, MyNativeJsType.answerToLife());
MyNativeJsType obj = new MyNativeJsType();
obj.x = 72;
assertEquals(72, obj.x);
assertEquals(74, obj.sum(2));
assertEquals(91, obj.getY());
static class MyNativeJsTypeSubclass extends MyNativeJsType {
MyNativeJsTypeSubclass() {
this.x = 42;
public int sum(int bias) {
return super.sum(bias) + GET_X;
public void testNativeJsTypeSubclass() {
MyNativeJsTypeSubclass mc = new MyNativeJsTypeSubclass();
assertEquals(143, mc.sum(1));
mc.x = -mc.x;
assertEquals(58, mc.sum(0));
assertEquals(52, mc.getY());
static class MyNativeJsTypeSubclassNoOverride extends MyNativeJsType { }
// TODO(rluble): enable when the subclass is setup correctly.
public void _disabled_testNativeJsTypeSubclassNoOverride() {
MyNativeJsTypeSubclassNoOverride myNativeJsType = new MyNativeJsTypeSubclassNoOverride();
myNativeJsType.x = 12;
assertEquals(42, myNativeJsType.sum(30));
@JsType(isNative = true, namespace = GLOBAL, name = "JsPropertyTest_MyNativeJsType")
static class MyNativeJsTypeWithConstructor {
public MyNativeJsTypeWithConstructor(int x) { }
public boolean ctorExecuted;
public int x;
public void testNativeJsTypeWithConstructor() {
MyNativeJsTypeWithConstructor obj = new MyNativeJsTypeWithConstructor(12);
assertEquals(12, obj.x);
static class MyNativeJsTypeWithConstructorSubclass extends MyNativeJsTypeWithConstructor {
public MyNativeJsTypeWithConstructorSubclass(int x) {
public void testNativeJsTypeWithConstructorSubclass() {
MyNativeJsTypeWithConstructorSubclass obj = new MyNativeJsTypeWithConstructorSubclass(12);
assertEquals(12, obj.x);
@JsType(isNative = true, namespace = GLOBAL, name = "JsPropertyTest_MyNativeJsTypeInterface")
interface MyNativeJsTypeInterface {
int getX();
void setX(int x);
static class MyNativeJsTypeInterfaceImplementorNeedingBridge
extends AccidentalImplementer implements MyNativeJsTypeInterface {
static abstract class AccidentalImplementer {
private int x;
public int getX() {
return x + GET_X;
public void setX(int x) {
this.x = x + SET_X;
public int sum(int bias) {
return bias + x;
public void testJsPropertyBridges() {
MyNativeJsTypeInterface object = new MyNativeJsTypeInterfaceImplementorNeedingBridge();
assertEquals(3 + 150, object.getX());
assertEquals(3 + SET_X, ((AccidentalImplementer) object).x);
AccidentalImplementer accidentalImplementer = (AccidentalImplementer) object;
assertEquals(3 + 150, accidentalImplementer.getX());
assertEquals(3 + 150, getProperty(object, "x"));
assertEquals(3 + SET_X, accidentalImplementer.x);
setProperty(object, "x", 4);
assertEquals(4 + 150, accidentalImplementer.getX());
assertEquals(4 + 150, getProperty(object, "x"));
assertEquals(4 + SET_X, accidentalImplementer.x);
assertEquals(3 + 4 + SET_X, accidentalImplementer.sum(3));
static class MyNativeJsTypeInterfaceImplNeedingBridgeSubclassed
extends OtherAccidentalImplementer implements MyNativeJsTypeInterface {
static abstract class OtherAccidentalImplementer {
private int x;
public int getX() {
return x + GET_PARENT_X;
public void setX(int x) {
this.x = x + SET_PARENT_X;
public int sum(int bias) {
return bias + x;
static class MyNativeJsTypeInterfaceImplNeedingBridgeSubclass
extends MyNativeJsTypeInterfaceImplNeedingBridgeSubclassed {
private int y;
public int getX() {
return y + GET_X;
public void setX(int y) {
this.y = y + SET_X;
public void setParentX(int value) {
public int getXPlusY() {
return super.getX() + y;
public void testJsPropertyBridgesSubclass() {
MyNativeJsTypeInterface object = new MyNativeJsTypeInterfaceImplNeedingBridgeSubclass();
assertEquals(3 + 150, object.getX());
OtherAccidentalImplementer simple = (OtherAccidentalImplementer) object;
assertEquals(3 + GET_X + SET_X, simple.getX());
assertEquals(3 + GET_X + SET_X, getProperty(object, "x"));
assertEquals(3 + SET_X, ((MyNativeJsTypeInterfaceImplNeedingBridgeSubclass) object).y);
assertEquals(0, ((OtherAccidentalImplementer) object).x);
setProperty(object, "x", 4);
assertEquals(4 + GET_X + SET_X, simple.getX());
assertEquals(4 + GET_X + SET_X, getProperty(object, "x"));
assertEquals(4 + SET_X, ((MyNativeJsTypeInterfaceImplNeedingBridgeSubclass) object).y);
assertEquals(0, ((OtherAccidentalImplementer) object).x);
MyNativeJsTypeInterfaceImplNeedingBridgeSubclass subclass =
(MyNativeJsTypeInterfaceImplNeedingBridgeSubclass) object;
assertEquals(8 + SET_PARENT_X, simple.sum(3));
assertEquals(9 + SET_PARENT_X + GET_PARENT_X + SET_X, subclass.getXPlusY());
assertEquals(4 + SET_X, ((MyNativeJsTypeInterfaceImplNeedingBridgeSubclass) object).y);
assertEquals(5 + SET_PARENT_X, ((OtherAccidentalImplementer) object).x);
@JsType(isNative = true)
interface MyJsTypeInterfaceWithProtectedNames {
String var();
String getNullField(); // Defined in object scope but shouldn't obfuscate
String getImport();
void setImport(String str);
public void testProtectedNames() {
MyJsTypeInterfaceWithProtectedNames obj = createMyJsInterfaceWithProtectedNames();
assertEquals("var", obj.var());
assertEquals("nullField", obj.getNullField());
assertEquals("import", obj.getImport());
assertEquals("import2", obj.getImport());
@JsType(isNative = true)
interface JsTypeIsProperty {
boolean isX();
void setX(boolean x);
public void testJsPropertyIsX() {
JsTypeIsProperty object = (JsTypeIsProperty) JavaScriptObject.createObject();
@JsType(isNative = true)
interface AccidentalOverridePropertyJsTypeInterface {
int getX();
static class AccidentalOverridePropertyBase {
public int getX() {
return 50;
static class AccidentalOverrideProperty extends AccidentalOverridePropertyBase
implements AccidentalOverridePropertyJsTypeInterface {
public void testJsPropertyAccidentalOverrideSuperCall() {
AccidentalOverrideProperty object = new AccidentalOverrideProperty();
assertEquals(50, object.getX());
assertEquals(50, getProperty(object, "x"));
static class RemovedAccidentalOverridePropertyBase {
public int getX() {
return 55;
static class RemovedAccidentalOverrideProperty extends RemovedAccidentalOverridePropertyBase
implements AccidentalOverridePropertyJsTypeInterface {
public void testJsPropertyRemovedAccidentalOverrideSuperCall() {
RemovedAccidentalOverrideProperty object = new RemovedAccidentalOverrideProperty();
// If the accidental override here were not removed the access to property x would result in
// an infinite loop
assertEquals(55, object.getX());
assertEquals(55, getProperty(object, "x"));
@JsType(isNative = true)
interface JsTypeGetProperty {
int getX();
void setX(int x);
public void testJsPropertyGetX() {
JsTypeGetProperty object = (JsTypeGetProperty) JavaScriptObject.createObject();
assertEquals(10, object.getX());
assertEquals(0, object.getX());
private static native MyJsTypeInterfaceWithProtectedNames createMyJsInterfaceWithProtectedNames() /*-{
var a = {};
a["nullField"] = "nullField";
a["import"] = "import";
a["var"] = function() { return "var"; };
return a;
private static native boolean isUndefined(int value) /*-{
return value === undefined;
private static native boolean hasField(Object object, String fieldName) /*-{
return object[fieldName] != undefined;
private static native int getProperty(Object object, String name) /*-{
return object[name];
private static native void setProperty(Object object, String name, int value) /*-{
object[name] = value;
public static void assertJsTypeHasFields(Object obj, String... fields) {
for (String field : fields) {
assertTrue("Field '" + field + "' should be exported", hasField(obj, field));
public static void assertJsTypeDoesntHaveFields(Object obj, String... fields) {
for (String field : fields) {
assertFalse("Field '" + field + "' should not be exported", hasField(obj, field));
static class B {
public String field;
private native String getB(B b)/*-{
return b.field;
public void testNotReadExpoprtedFieldNotPruned() {
B b = new B();
b.field = "secret";
assertEquals("secret", getB(b));