blob: 5c237507c26b71f29b63879854a9231d3c2beff2 [file] [log] [blame]
Eclipse 3.2.X instructions
---------- Required GWT variables ---------
Window->Preferences->General->Workspace->Linked Resources
Create a variable named "GWT_ROOT" pointing to your "trunk" folder.
Window->Preferences->Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables
Create a variable named "GWT_TOOLS" pointing to your "tools" folder.
Create a variable named "JDK_HOME" pointing to the root of your JDK install
(for example, C:\Program Files\jdk1.5.0_05 or /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun)
---------------- Spelling -----------------
Window->Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors->Spelling
Enable spell checking, use "settings/english.dictionary".
------------ Output Filtering -------------
Make sure "Filtered Resources" includes ".svn/"
---------- Code style/formatting ----------
Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter->Import...
----------- Import organization -----------
Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Organize Imports->Import...
------------ Member sort order ------------
Window->Preferences->Java->Appearance->Members Sort Order
There is no import here, so make your settings match:
First, members should be sorted by category.
1) Types
2) Static Fields
3) Static Initialzers
4) Static Methods
5) Fields
6) Initializers
7) Constructors
8) Methods
Second, members in the same category should be sorted by visibility.
1) Public
2) Protected
3) Default
4) Private
Third, within a category/visibility combination, members should be sorted
--------------- Checkstyle ----------------
1. Checkstyle is used to enforce good programming style. The Eclipse Checkstyle
plugin can be found at:
2. Importing the GWT Checkstyle configuration:
Set the Type to "External Configuration File"
Set the Name to "GWT Checks" (important)
Set the location to "settings/code-style/gwt-checkstyle.xml".
Suggested: Check "Protect Checkstyle configuration file".
Click "Ok".
3. Repeat step 2, except
Set the Name to "GWT Checks for Tests" (important)
Set the location to "settings/code-style/gwt-checkstyle-tests.xml".
4. Enabled Custom GWT Checkstyle checks:
Copy "settings/code-style/gwt-customchecks.jar" into:
("gwt-customchecks.jar" is also built from source into build/lib during a full build)
5. Enable Checkstyle for each project:
Package Explorer->Project Name->Preferences->Checkstyle
Check Checkstyle active for this project, the rest of the configuration should
be already loaded.