blob: f7b8d71c4deeb20e3c5530ab4b7e733484689cca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Tests standard DOM operations in the {@link DOM} class.
public class DOMTest extends GWTTestCase {
public static void assertEndsWith(String ending, String testStr) {
if (ending != testStr && (testStr == null || !testStr.endsWith(ending))) {
fail("expected ending=" + ending + " actual=" + testStr);
* Helper method to return the denormalized child count of a DOM Element. For
* example, child nodes which have a nodeType of Text are included in the
* count, whereas <code>DOM.getChildCount(Element parent)</code> only counts
* the child nodes which have a nodeType of Element.
* @param elem the DOM element to check the child count for
* @return The number of child nodes
public static native int getDenormalizedChildCount(Element elem) /*-{
return (elem.childNodes.length);
public String getModuleName() {
return "";
* Test DOM.get/set/removeElementAttribute() methods.
public void testElementAttribute() {
Element div = DOM.createDiv();
DOM.setElementAttribute(div, "class", "testClass");
String cssClass = DOM.getElementAttribute(div, "class");
assertEquals("testClass", cssClass);
DOM.removeElementAttribute(div, "class");
cssClass = DOM.getElementAttribute(div, "class");
assertEquals("", cssClass);
* Tests that {@link DOM#eventGetCurrentEvent()} returns the event to the
* {@link UncaughtExceptionHandler}.
public void testEventGetCurrentEventOnException() {
Button button = new Button("test", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Intentionally trigger an error
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// Verify the exception is captured
final List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
public void onUncaughtException(Throwable e) {
Event event = DOM.eventGetCurrentEvent();
if (event == null) {
ret.add("Event is null");
if (event.getTypeInt() != Event.ONCLICK) {
ret.add("Event is not a click event");
NativeEvent clickEvent = Document.get().createClickEvent(0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
false, false, false, false);
assertEquals(1, ret.size());
assertEquals("Success", ret.get(0));
* Tests {@link DOM#getAbsoluteLeft(Element)} and
* {@link DOM#getAbsoluteTop(Element)}.
public void testGetAbsolutePosition() {
final int border = 8;
final int margin = 9;
final int padding = 10;
final int top = 15;
final int left = 14;
final Element elem = DOM.createDiv();
DOM.appendChild(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), elem);
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "position", "absolute");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "border", border + "px solid #000");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "padding", padding + "px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "margin", margin + "px");
Document doc = Document.get();
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "top", (top - doc.getBodyOffsetLeft()) + "px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(elem, "left", (left - doc.getBodyOffsetTop()) + "px");
DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() {
public void execute() {
assertEquals(top + margin, DOM.getAbsoluteTop(elem));
assertEquals(left + margin, DOM.getAbsoluteLeft(elem));
* Tests {@link DOM#getAbsoluteTop(Element)} and
* {@link DOM#getAbsoluteLeft(Element)} for consistency when the element
* contains children and has scrollbars. See issue #1093 for more details.
public void testGetAbsolutePositionWhenScrolled() {
final Element outer = DOM.createDiv();
final Element inner = DOM.createDiv();
DOM.setStyleAttribute(outer, "position", "absolute");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(outer, "top", "0px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(outer, "left", "0px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(outer, "overflow", "auto");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(outer, "width", "200px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(outer, "height", "200px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(inner, "marginTop", "800px");
DOM.setStyleAttribute(inner, "marginLeft", "800px");
DOM.appendChild(outer, inner);
DOM.appendChild(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), outer);
DOM.setInnerText(inner, ":-)");
// Ensure that we are scrolled.
assertTrue(DOM.getElementPropertyInt(outer, "scrollTop") > 0);
assertTrue(DOM.getElementPropertyInt(outer, "scrollLeft") > 0);
Document doc = Document.get();
assertEquals(doc.getBodyOffsetLeft(), DOM.getAbsoluteTop(outer));
assertEquals(doc.getBodyOffsetTop(), DOM.getAbsoluteLeft(outer));
* Tests {@link DOM#getAbsoluteTop(Element)} and
* {@link DOM#getAbsoluteLeft(Element)} for consistency when the parent
* element has a border.
public void testGetAbsolutePositionWithPixelBorders() {
final Element outer = DOM.createDiv();
final Element inner = DOM.createDiv();
outer.getStyle().setProperty("position", "relative");
outer.getStyle().setProperty("width", "200px");
outer.getStyle().setProperty("height", "200px");
inner.getStyle().setProperty("position", "absolute");
inner.getStyle().setProperty("top", "30px");
inner.getStyle().setProperty("left", "40px");
// Get the position without a border
int absTop = inner.getAbsoluteTop();
int absLeft = inner.getAbsoluteLeft();
// Get the position with a border
outer.getStyle().setProperty("border", "2px solid blue");
assertEquals(2, inner.getAbsoluteTop() - absTop);
assertEquals(2, inner.getAbsoluteLeft() - absLeft);
* Tests getAbsoluteLeft/Top() for the document.body element. This used to
* cause exceptions to be thrown on Opera (see issue 1556).
public void testGetBodyAbsolutePosition() {
try {
// The body's absolute left/top depends upon the browser, but we just
// need to make sure nothing goes wrong reading them.
BodyElement body = Document.get().getBody();
} catch (Throwable e) {
fail("Exception occurred getting the absolute position of the body");
* Tests the ability to do a parent-ward walk in the DOM.
public void testGetParent() {
Element element = RootPanel.get().getElement();
int i = 0;
while (i < 10 && element != null) {
element = DOM.getParent(element);
// If we got here we looped "forever" or passed, as no exception was thrown.
if (i == 10) {
fail("Cyclic parent structure detected.");
// If we get here, we pass, because we encountered no errors going to the
// top of the parent hierarchy.
* Tests {@link DOM#insertChild(Element, Element, int)}.
public void testInsertChild() {
Element parent = RootPanel.get().getElement();
Element div = DOM.createDiv();
DOM.insertChild(parent, div, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
Element child = DOM.getChild(RootPanel.get().getElement(),
DOM.getChildCount(parent) - 1);
assertTrue(div == child);
* Tests that {@link DOM#isOrHasChild(Element, Element)} works consistently
* across browsers.
public void testIsOrHasChild() {
Element div = DOM.createDiv();
Element childDiv = DOM.createDiv();
assertFalse(DOM.isOrHasChild(div, childDiv));
assertTrue(DOM.isOrHasChild(div, div));
DOM.appendChild(div, childDiv);
assertTrue(DOM.isOrHasChild(div, childDiv));
assertFalse(DOM.isOrHasChild(childDiv, div));
DOM.appendChild(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), div);
assertTrue(DOM.isOrHasChild(div, childDiv));
assertTrue(DOM.isOrHasChild(div, div));
assertFalse(DOM.isOrHasChild(childDiv, div));
* Tests that {@link DOM#setInnerText(Element, String)} works consistently
* across browsers.
* TODO(amitmanjhi): Remove DoNotRunWith after updating to HtmlUnit-2.7.
// TODO (amitmanjhi): Remove annotation after updating HtmlUnit. kprobst says
// the issue has been fixed in htmlUnit trunk
public void testSetInnerText() {
Element tableElem = DOM.createTable();
Element trElem = DOM.createTR();
Element tdElem = DOM.createTD();
DOM.setInnerText(tdElem, "Some Table Heading Data");
// Add a <em> element as a child to the td element
Element emElem = DOM.createElement("em");
DOM.setInnerText(emElem, "Some emphasized text");
DOM.appendChild(tdElem, emElem);
DOM.appendChild(trElem, tdElem);
DOM.appendChild(tableElem, trElem);
DOM.appendChild(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), tableElem);
DOM.setInnerText(tdElem, null);
// Once we set the inner text on an element to null, all of the element's
// child nodes
// should be deleted, including any text nodes, for all supported browsers.
assertTrue(getDenormalizedChildCount(tdElem) == 0);
* Tests the correctness of setting the <code>src</code> attribute on
* images. The reason for these complicated tests is that DOMImplIE6 has a
* complex delay-load strategy to address the fact that loading multiple
* images of the same type on IE6 can cause multiple redundant requests when
* the image is not already cached.
* This tests the following transformation, where letters refer to URLs and
* number refer to indexes.
* <pre>
* 0:A -> 0:B
* <pre>
public void testSetSrc0() {
final Element image = DOM.createImg();
DOM.setImgSrc(image, "a0.gif");
assertEndsWith("a0.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(image));
DOM.setImgSrc(image, "b0.gif");
assertEndsWith("b0.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(image));
new Timer() {
public void run() {
assertEndsWith("b0.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(image, "src"));
* Tests the correctness of setting the <code>src</code> attribute on
* images. The reason for these complicated tests is that DOMImplIE6 has a
* complex delay-load strategy to address the fact that loading multiple
* images of the same type on IE6 can cause multiple redundant requests when
* the image is not already cached.
* This tests the following transformation, where letters refer to URLs and
* number refer to indexes.
* <pre>
* 0:A -> 0:A 1:B
* | |
* |---| |
* 1:A 2:A 2:A
* <pre>
public void testSetSrc1() {
final Element[] images = new Element[] {
DOM.createImg(), DOM.createImg(), DOM.createImg()};
DOM.setImgSrc(images[0], "a1.gif");
DOM.setImgSrc(images[1], "a1.gif");
DOM.setImgSrc(images[2], "a1.gif");
assertEndsWith("a1.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[0]));
assertEndsWith("a1.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[1]));
assertEndsWith("a1.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[2]));
DOM.setImgSrc(images[1], "b1.gif");
assertEndsWith("a1.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[0]));
assertEndsWith("b1.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[1]));
assertEndsWith("a1.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[2]));
new Timer() {
public void run() {
assertEndsWith("a1.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[0], "src"));
assertEndsWith("b1.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[1], "src"));
assertEndsWith("a1.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[2], "src"));
* Tests the correctness of setting the <code>src</code> attribute on
* images. The reason for these complicated tests is that DOMImplIE6 has a
* complex delay-load strategy to address the fact that loading multiple
* images of the same type on IE6 can cause multiple redundant requests when
* the image is not already cached.
* This tests the following transformation, where letters refer to URLs and
* number refer to indexes.
* <pre>
* 0:A -> 1:A 0:B
* | |
* |---| |
* 1:A 2:A 2:A
* <pre>
public void testSetSrc2() {
final Element[] images = new Element[] {
DOM.createImg(), DOM.createImg(), DOM.createImg()};
DOM.setImgSrc(images[0], "a2.gif");
DOM.setImgSrc(images[1], "a2.gif");
DOM.setImgSrc(images[2], "a2.gif");
assertEndsWith("a2.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[0]));
assertEndsWith("a2.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[1]));
assertEndsWith("a2.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[2]));
DOM.setImgSrc(images[0], "b2.gif");
assertEndsWith("b2.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[0]));
assertEndsWith("a2.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[1]));
assertEndsWith("a2.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[2]));
new Timer() {
public void run() {
assertEndsWith("b2.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[0], "src"));
assertEndsWith("a2.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[1], "src"));
assertEndsWith("a2.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[2], "src"));
* Tests the correctness of setting the <code>src</code> attribute on
* images. The reason for these complicated tests is that DOMImplIE6 has a
* complex delay-load strategy to address the fact that loading multiple
* images of the same type on IE6 can cause multiple redundant requests when
* the image is not already cached.
* This tests the following transformation, where letters refer to URLs and
* number refer to indexes.
* <pre>
* 0:A 3:B -> 1:A 3:B
* | | |
* |---| | |
* 1:A 2:A 2:A 0:B
* <pre>
public void testSetSrc3() {
final Element[] images = new Element[] {
DOM.createImg(), DOM.createImg(), DOM.createImg(), DOM.createImg()};
DOM.setImgSrc(images[0], "a3.gif");
DOM.setImgSrc(images[1], "a3.gif");
DOM.setImgSrc(images[2], "a3.gif");
DOM.setImgSrc(images[3], "b3.gif");
assertEndsWith("a3.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[0]));
assertEndsWith("a3.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[1]));
assertEndsWith("a3.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[2]));
assertEndsWith("b3.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[3]));
DOM.setImgSrc(images[0], "b3.gif");
assertEndsWith("b3.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[0]));
assertEndsWith("a3.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[1]));
assertEndsWith("a3.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[2]));
assertEndsWith("b3.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[3]));
new Timer() {
public void run() {
assertEndsWith("b3.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[0], "src"));
assertEndsWith("a3.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[1], "src"));
assertEndsWith("a3.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[2], "src"));
assertEndsWith("b3.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[3], "src"));
* Tests the correctness of setting the <code>src</code> attribute on
* images. The reason for these complicated tests is that DOMImplIE6 has a
* complex delay-load strategy to address the fact that loading multiple
* images of the same type on IE6 can cause multiple redundant requests when
* the image is not already cached.
* This tests the following transformation, where letters refer to URLs and
* number refer to indexes.
* <pre>
* 0:A 3:B -> 0:A 3:B
* | | | |
* |---| | | |---|
* 1:A 2:A 4:B 1:A 4:B 2:B
* <pre>
public void testSetSrc4() {
final Element[] images = new Element[] {
DOM.createImg(), DOM.createImg(), DOM.createImg(), DOM.createImg(),
DOM.setImgSrc(images[0], "a4.gif");
DOM.setImgSrc(images[1], "a4.gif");
DOM.setImgSrc(images[2], "a4.gif");
DOM.setImgSrc(images[3], "b4.gif");
DOM.setImgSrc(images[4], "b4.gif");
assertEndsWith("a4.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[0]));
assertEndsWith("a4.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[1]));
assertEndsWith("a4.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[2]));
assertEndsWith("b4.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[3]));
assertEndsWith("b4.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[4]));
DOM.setImgSrc(images[2], "b4.gif");
assertEndsWith("a4.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[0]));
assertEndsWith("a4.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[1]));
assertEndsWith("b4.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[2]));
assertEndsWith("b4.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[3]));
assertEndsWith("b4.gif", DOM.getImgSrc(images[4]));
new Timer() {
public void run() {
assertEndsWith("a4.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[0], "src"));
assertEndsWith("a4.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[1], "src"));
assertEndsWith("b4.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[2], "src"));
assertEndsWith("b4.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[3], "src"));
assertEndsWith("b4.gif", DOM.getElementProperty(images[4], "src"));
* Tests {@link DOM#toString(Element)} against likely failure points.
public void testToString() {
Button b = new Button("abcdef");
assertTrue(b.toString().indexOf("abcdef") != -1);
assertTrue(b.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("button") != -1);
// Test <img src="http://.../logo.gif" />
Element image = DOM.createImg();
String imageUrl = "";
DOM.setImgSrc(image, imageUrl);
String imageToString = DOM.toString(image).trim().toLowerCase();
assertTrue(imageToString.indexOf(imageUrl) != -1);
// Test <input name="flinks" />
Element input = DOM.createInputText();
DOM.setElementProperty(input, "name", "flinks");
final String inputToString = DOM.toString(input).trim().toLowerCase();
// Test <select><option>....</select>
Element select = DOM.createSelect();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
final Element option = DOM.createElement("option");
DOM.appendChild(select, option);
DOM.setInnerText(option, "item #" + i);
String selectToString = DOM.toString(select).trim().toLowerCase();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
assertTrue(selectToString.indexOf("item #" + i) != -1);
// Test <meta name="robots" />
Element meta = DOM.createElement("meta");
DOM.setElementProperty(meta, "name", "robots");
String metaToString = DOM.toString(meta).trim().toLowerCase();