blob: 65f46710c73568354c1686ad63f6cfe20c3eaef8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
* Tests for GWT's emulation of the JRE Date class.
public class DateTest extends GWTTestCase {
public static final String CURRENT = "CURRENT";
public static final String TO_STRING_PATTERN = "\\w{3} \\w{3} \\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}( .+)? \\d{4}";
public static final long DAY_MILLISECONDS_SHIFT = 27;
public static final String FUTURE = "FUTURE";
public static final String PAST = "PAST";
public static final long SECOND_MILLISECONDS_SHIFT = 10;
private static native void mungeDateNull(Date d) /*-{
d.@java.util.Date::jsdate = null;
private static native void mungeDatePrimitive(Date d) /*-{
d.@java.util.Date::jsdate = 42;
private static native void mungeDateUndef(Date d) /*-{
// use (void 0) to get an undefined value
d.@java.util.Date::jsdate = (void 0);
Date theDate = new Date();
* Sets module name so that javascript compiler can operate.
public String getModuleName() {
return "";
/** Testing for public boolean java.util.Date.after(java.util.Date). */
public void testAfter() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Current
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum0 = create();
Date arg10 = create();
boolean a0 = accum0.after(arg10);
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
Date arg20 = create();
boolean a1 = accum1.after(arg20);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
Date arg30 = create();
boolean a2 = accum2.after(arg30);
/** Testing for public boolean java.util.Date.before(java.util.Date). */
public void testBefore() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Current
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum0 = create();
Date arg10 = create();
boolean a0 = accum0.before(arg10);
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
Date arg20 = create();
boolean a1 = accum1.before(arg20);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
Date arg30 = create();
boolean a2 = accum2.before(arg30);
* Test that Date correctly catches when its internal jsdate
* instance is mangled.
public void testCheck() {
if (GWT.isScript()) {
Date d = new Date();
try {
fail("Expected IllegalStateException");
} catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
// do nothing
d = new Date();
try {
fail("Expected IllegalStateException");
} catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
// do nothing
d = new Date();
try {
fail("Expected IllegalStateException");
} catch (IllegalStateException expected) {
// do nothing
/** Testing for public java.lang.Object java.util.Date.clone(). */
public void testClone() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Current
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum0 = create();
Object a0 = accum0.clone();
assertFalse(a0 == accum0);
assertEquals(a0, accum0);
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
Object a1 = accum1.clone();
assertFalse(a1 == accum1);
assertEquals(a1, accum1);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
Object a2 = accum2.clone();
assertFalse(a2 == accum2);
assertEquals(a2, accum2);
/** Testing for public int java.util.Date.compareTo(java.util.Date). */
public void testCompareTo() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Current
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum0 = create();
Date arg10 = create();
int a0 = accum0.compareTo(arg10);
assertEquals(a0, 0);
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create();
Date arg20 = create(PAST);
int a1 = accum1.compareTo(arg20);
assertEquals(a1, 1);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create();
Date arg30 = create(FUTURE);
int a2 = accum2.compareTo(arg30);
assertEquals(a2, -1);
/** Testing for public int java.util.Date.getDate(). */
public void testGetDate() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
int a1 = accum1.getDate();
assertEquals(4, a1);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
int a2 = accum2.getDate();
assertEquals(29, a2);
/** Testing for public int java.util.Date.getDay(). */
public void testGetDay() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Current
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum0 = create();
int a0 = accum0.getDay();
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
int a1 = accum1.getDay();
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
int a2 = accum2.getDay();
/** Testing for public int java.util.Date.getHours(). */
public void testGetHours() {
// Cannot be done because each time zone will give a different
// answer
/** Testing for public int java.util.Date.getMinutes(). */
public void testGetMinutes() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
int a1 = accum1.getMinutes();
assertEquals(a1, 0);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
int a2 = accum2.getMinutes();
assertEquals(a2, 4);
/** Testing for public int java.util.Date.getMonth(). */
public void testGetMonth() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
int a1 = accum1.getMonth();
assertEquals(0, a1);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
int a2 = accum2.getMonth();
assertEquals(11, a2);
/** Testing for public int java.util.Date.getSeconds(). */
public void testGetSeconds() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
int a1 = accum1.getSeconds();
assertEquals(0, a1);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
int a2 = accum2.getSeconds();
assertEquals(5, a2);
/** Testing for public long java.util.Date.getTime(). */
public void testGetTime() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
long a1 = accum1.getTime();
assertEquals(-2839795200000L, a1);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
long a2 = accum2.getTime();
assertEquals(1293678245000L, a2);
/** Testing for public int java.util.Date.getTimezoneOffset(). */
public void testGetTimezoneOffset() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Current
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum0 = create();
int a0 = accum0.getTimezoneOffset();
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
int a1 = accum1.getTimezoneOffset();
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
int a2 = accum2.getTimezoneOffset();
/** Testing for public int java.util.Date.getYear(). */
public void testGetYear() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
int a1 = accum1.getYear();
assertEquals(a1, -20);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
int a2 = accum2.getYear();
assertEquals(110, a2);
* Testing to that if we set the day number to 31 for a month that only has 30
* days in it, that the date rolls over to the first day of the next month in
* sequence.
public void testInvalidDateForMonth() {
int monthNum = 3; // April
int numDaysInOldMonth = 30;
int newDayNum = 31;
Date dateWithThirtyDays = new Date(2006, monthNum, 30);
assertEquals(dateWithThirtyDays.getMonth(), monthNum + 1);
assertEquals(dateWithThirtyDays.getDate(), newDayNum - numDaysInOldMonth);
/** Testing for public static long java.util.Date.parse(java.lang.String). */
public void testParse() {
try {
fail("Should have thrown exception");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected
// /////////////////////////////
// Current
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum0 = create();
String arg10 = createString(CURRENT);
long a0 = Date.parse(arg10);
assertEquals(roundToDay(accum0.getTime()), roundToDay(a0));
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
String arg20 = createString(PAST);
long a1 = Date.parse(arg20);
assertEquals(-2840140800000L, a1);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
String arg30 = createString(FUTURE);
long a2 = Date.parse(arg30);
assertEquals(1293678245000L, a2);
/** Testing for public void java.util.Date.setDate(int). */
public void testSetDate() {
// We only go through dates from 0-28 here. There are some months that do
// not
// have 29, 30, or 31 days - so our assertion would be wrong in the cases
// where
// the current month did not have 29,30,or 31 days
for (int i = 1; i < 29; i++) {
Date accum0 = create();
assertEquals(accum0.getDate(), i);
/** Testing for public void java.util.Date.setHours(int). */
public void testSetHours() {
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
Date accum0 = create();
assertEquals(accum0.getHours(), i);
* We want to test to see that if we are currently in a month with 31 days and
* we set the month to one which has less than 31 days, that the month
* returned by the date class will be one higher than the month that we
* originally set (according to the spec of
public void testSetInvalidMonthForDate() {
int dayNum = 31;
int newMonthNum = 1;
int numDaysInNewMonth = 28;
Date dateWithThirtyOneDays = new Date(2006, 12, dayNum);
assertEquals(dateWithThirtyOneDays.getMonth(), newMonthNum + 1);
assertEquals(dateWithThirtyOneDays.getDate(), dayNum - numDaysInNewMonth);
* We want to test to see that if the date is Feb 29th (in a leap year) and we
* set the year to a non-leap year, that the month and day will roll over to
* March 1st.
public void testSetInvalidYearForDate() {
int dayNum = 29;
int monthNum = 1; // February
int newYearNum = 2005;
int numDaysInFebInNewYear = 28;
Date leapYearDate = new Date(2004, monthNum, dayNum);
assertEquals(leapYearDate.getYear(), newYearNum);
assertEquals(leapYearDate.getMonth(), monthNum + 1);
assertEquals(leapYearDate.getDate(), dayNum - numDaysInFebInNewYear);
/** Testing for public void java.util.Date.setMinutes(int). */
public void testSetMinutes() {
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
Date accum0 = create();
assertEquals(accum0.getMinutes(), i);
/** Testing for public void java.util.Date.setMonth(int). */
public void testSetMonth() {
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
// We want to use a fixed date here. If we use the current date, the
// assertion may fail
// when the date is the 29th, 30th, or 31st, and we set the month to one
// which does
// not have 29, 30, or 31 days in it, respectively.
Date accum0 = new Date(2006, 12, 1);
assertEquals(accum0.getMonth(), i);
/** Testing for public void java.util.Date.setSeconds(int). */
public void testSetSeconds() {
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
Date accum0 = create();
assertEquals(accum0.getSeconds(), i);
/** Testing for public void java.util.Date.setTime(long). */
public void testSetTime() {
long[] values = new long[] {-100000000000L, -100L, 0, 100L, 1000000000L};
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
Date accum0 = create();
assertEquals(accum0.getTime(), values[i]);
* We want to test to see that if the date is Feb 29th (in a leap year) and we
* set the year to another leap year, that the month and day will be retained.
public void testSetValidLeapYearForDate() {
int dayNum = 29;
int monthNum = 1; // February
int yearNum = 2004;
int newYearNum = yearNum + 4;
Date leapYearDate = new Date(yearNum, monthNum, dayNum);
assertEquals(leapYearDate.getYear(), newYearNum);
assertEquals(leapYearDate.getMonth(), monthNum);
assertEquals(leapYearDate.getDate(), dayNum);
/** Testing for public void java.util.Date.setYear(int). */
public void testSetYear() {
for (int i = 1880; i < 2050; i++) {
// We want to use a fixed date here. If we use the current date, the
// assertion may fail
// when the date is February 29th, and we set the year to a non-leap year
Date accum0 = new Date(2006, 12, 01);
assertEquals(accum0.getYear(), i);
/** Testing for public java.lang.String java.util.Date.toGMTString(). */
public void testToGMTString() {
// We can't rely on the JRE's toString, as it is an implementation detail.
if (GWT.isScript()) {
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
String a1 = accum1.toGMTString();
assertEquals("5 Jan 1880 00:00:00 GMT", a1);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
String a2 = accum2.toGMTString();
assertEquals("30 Dec 2010 03:04:05 GMT", a2);
/** Testing for public java.lang.String java.util.Date.toLocaleString(). */
public void testToLocaleString() {
// We can't rely on the JRE's toString, as it is an implementation detail.
if (GWT.isScript()) {
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
String a1 = accum1.toLocaleString();
assertTrue(a1.indexOf("1880") != -1);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
String a2 = accum2.toLocaleString();
assertTrue(a2.indexOf("2010") != -1);
/** Date docs specify an exact format for toString(). */
public void testToString() {
// We can't rely on the JRE's toString, as it is an implementation detail.
if (GWT.isScript()) {
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date d = create(PAST);
String s = d.toString();
assertTrue("Bad format " + s, s.matches(TO_STRING_PATTERN));
assertEquals("Parsing returned unequal dates from " + s, d, new Date(
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
d = create(FUTURE);
s = d.toString();
assertTrue("Bad format " + s, s.matches(TO_STRING_PATTERN));
assertEquals("Parsing returned unequal dates from " + s, d, new Date(
/** Testing for public static long java.util.Date.UTC(int,int,int,int,int,int). */
public void testUTC() {
// /////////////////////////////
// Current
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum0 = create();
int arg10 = 0;
int arg11 = 0;
int arg12 = 0;
int arg13 = 0;
int arg14 = 0;
int arg15 = 0;
long a0 = accum0.UTC(arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15);
// /////////////////////////////
// Past
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum1 = create(PAST);
int arg20 = 0;
int arg21 = 0;
int arg22 = 0;
int arg23 = 0;
int arg24 = 0;
int arg25 = 0;
long a1 = accum1.UTC(arg20, arg21, arg22, arg23, arg24, arg25);
// /////////////////////////////
// Future
// /////////////////////////////
Date accum2 = create(FUTURE);
int arg30 = 0;
int arg31 = 0;
int arg32 = 0;
int arg33 = 0;
int arg34 = 0;
int arg35 = 0;
long a2 = accum2.UTC(arg30, arg31, arg32, arg33, arg34, arg35);
// Month and date of days with time shifts
private ArrayList<Integer> timeShiftMonth = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private ArrayList<Integer> timeShiftDate = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private boolean containsTimeShift(Date start, int days) {
long startTime = start.getTime();
Date end = new Date();
end.setDate(start.getDate() + days);
long endTime = end.getTime();
return (endTime - startTime) != ((long) days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
private void findTimeShift(Date start, int days) {
assertTrue(days != 0);
// Found a shift day
if (days == 1) {
// Recurse over the first half of the period
if (containsTimeShift(start, days / 2)) {
findTimeShift(start, days / 2);
// Recurse over the second half of the period
Date mid = new Date();
mid.setDate(start.getDate() + days / 2);
if (containsTimeShift(mid, days - days / 2)) {
findTimeShift(mid, days - days / 2);
private void findTimeShifts(int year) {
Date start = new Date(year - 1900, 0, 1, 12, 0, 0);
Date end = new Date(year + 1 - 1900, 0, 1, 12, 0, 0);
int days = (int) ((end.getTime() - start.getTime()) /
(24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
findTimeShift(start, days);
private boolean findClockBackwardTime(int year, int[] monthDayHour) {
int numShifts = timeShiftMonth.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numShifts; i++) {
int month = timeShiftMonth.get(i);
int day = timeShiftDate.get(i);
long start = new Date(year - 1900, month, day, 0, 30, 0).getTime();
long end = new Date(year - 1900, month, day + 1, 23, 30, 0).getTime();
int lastHour = -1;
for (long time = start; time < end; time += 60 * 60 * 1000) {
Date d = new Date();
int hour = d.getHours();
if (hour == lastHour) {
monthDayHour[0] = d.getMonth();
monthDayHour[1] = d.getDate();
monthDayHour[2] = d.getHours();
return true;
lastHour = hour;
return false;
private boolean findClockForwardTime(int year, int[] monthDayHour) {
int numShifts = timeShiftMonth.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numShifts; i++) {
int month = timeShiftMonth.get(i);
int startDay = timeShiftDate.get(i);
for (int day = startDay; day <= startDay + 1; day++) {
for (int hour = 0; hour < 24; hour++) {
Date d = new Date(year - 1900, month, day, hour, 0, 0);
int h = d.getHours();
if ((h % 24) == ((hour + 1) % 24)) {
monthDayHour[0] = month;
monthDayHour[1] = day;
monthDayHour[2] = hour;
return true;
return false;
public void testClockBackwardTime() {
int[] monthDayHour = new int[3];
if (!findClockBackwardTime(2009, monthDayHour)) {
Date d;
int month = monthDayHour[0];
int day = monthDayHour[1];
int hour = monthDayHour[2];
// Check that this is the later of the two times having the
// same hour:minute:second
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour, 30, 0);
assertEquals(hour, d.getHours());
d.setTime(d.getTime() - 60 * 60 * 1000);
assertEquals(hour, d.getHours());
public void testClockForwardTime() {
int[] monthDayHour = new int[3];
if (!findClockForwardTime(2009, monthDayHour)) {
Date d;
int month = monthDayHour[0];
int day = monthDayHour[1];
int hour = monthDayHour[2];
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
// Test year change -- assume the previous year changes on a different day
d = new Date(2008 - 1900, month, day, hour, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour, d.getHours());
d.setYear(2009 - 1900);
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
// Test month change
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month + 1, day, hour, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour, d.getHours());
assertEquals(3, d.getHours());
// Test day change
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day + 1, hour, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour, d.getHours());
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
// Test hour setting
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour + 2, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour + 2, d.getHours());
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
// Test changing hour by minutes = +- 60
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour + 2, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour + 2, d.getHours());
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour - 1, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour - 1, d.getHours());
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
// Test changing hour by minutes = +- 120
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour + 2, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour + 2, d.getHours());
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour - 2, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour - 2, d.getHours());
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
// Test changing hour by seconds = +- 3600
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour + 2, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour + 2, d.getHours());
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour - 1, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour - 1, d.getHours());
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
// Test changing hour by seconds = +- 7200
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour + 2, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour + 2, d.getHours());
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour - 2, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour - 2, d.getHours());
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour + 2, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
assertEquals(30, d.getMinutes());
d = new Date(2009 - 1900, month, day, hour + 2, 0, 0);
assertEquals(hour + 1, d.getHours());
assertEquals(30, d.getMinutes());
Date create() {
return (Date) theDate.clone();
Date create(String s) {
if (s.equals(FUTURE)) {
return new Date("12/30/2010 3:4:5 GMT");
} else if (s.equals(PAST)) {
return new Date("1/5/1880 GMT");
} else {
return (Date) theDate.clone();
private String createString(String s) {
if (s.equals(FUTURE)) {
return "12/30/2010 3:4:5 GMT";
} else if (s.equals(PAST)) {
return "1/1/1880 GMT";
} else {
return theDate.toLocaleString();
private long roundToDay(long accum0) {