| echo >&2 "usage: ./createModifiedJars.sh" |
| echo >&2 "(1) checks for the existence of gwt-dev-*.jar and gwt-user.jar" |
| echo >&2 "(2) creates gwt-dev-modified.jar and gwt-user-modified.jar (to be used by api-checker) by only including .java files in com/google/gwt" |
| for file in gwt-dev-*.jar gwt-user.jar |
| echo "[$file] not found - Aborting" |
| # unpack files in a temporary dir, create a new jar file with only .java files in com/google/gwt |
| for file in gwt-dev-*.jar gwt-user.jar |
| MODIFIED_FILE=gwt-user-modified.jar |
| if [ $file != gwt-user.jar ] |
| MODIFIED_FILE=gwt-dev-modified.jar |
| jar -cf ../${MODIFIED_FILE} `find com/google/gwt -name *.java` |