blob: 45bd6260c92fa396a45c5cb8db8c9db11e08fdf4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import javaemul.internal.annotations.ForceInline;
* Utility class that provides methods for dealing with the runtime representation of Java classes
* and bootstraping code.
public class Runtime {
* Holds a map from typeIds to prototype objects.
private static JavaScriptObject prototypesByTypeId;
* If not already created it creates the prototype for the class and stores it in
* {@code prototypesByTypeId}. If superTypeIdOrPrototype is null, it means that the class being
* defined is the topmost class (i.e. java.lang.Object) and creates an empty prototype for it.
* Otherwise it creates the prototype for the class by calling {@code createSubclassPrototype()}.
* It also assigns the castable type map and sets the constructors prototype field to the
* current prototype.
* Finally adds the class literal if it was created before the call to {@code defineClass}.
* Class literals might be created before the call to {@code defineClass} if they are in separate
* code-split fragments. In that case Class.createFor* methods will have created a placeholder and
* stored in {@code prototypesByTypeId} the class literal.
* <p>
* As a prerequisite if superTypeIdOrPrototype is not null, it is assumed that defineClass for the
* supertype has already been called.
* <p>
* This method has the effect of assigning the newly created prototype to the global temp variable
* '_'.
public static native void defineClass(JavaScriptObject typeId,
JavaScriptObject superTypeIdOrPrototype, JavaScriptObject castableTypeMap) /*-{
// Setup aliases for (horribly long) JSNI references.
var prototypesByTypeId = @Runtime::prototypesByTypeId;
// end of alias definitions.
var prototype = prototypesByTypeId[typeId];
var clazz = @Runtime::maybeGetClassLiteralFromPlaceHolder(*)(prototype);
if (prototype && !clazz) {
// not a placeholder entry setup by Class.setClassLiteral
_ = prototype;
} else {
_ = @Runtime::createSubclassPrototype(*)(superTypeIdOrPrototype);
_.@Object::castableTypeMap = castableTypeMap;
_.constructor = _;
if (!superTypeIdOrPrototype) {
// Set the typeMarker on java.lang.Object's prototype, implicitly setting it for all
// Java subclasses (String and Arrays have special handling in Cast and Array respectively).
_.@Object::typeMarker = @Runtime::typeMarkerFn(*);
prototypesByTypeId[typeId] = _;
for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
// Assign the type prototype to each constructor.
arguments[i].prototype = _;
if (clazz) {
_.@Object::___clazz = clazz;
private static native JavaScriptObject portableObjCreate(JavaScriptObject obj) /*-{
function F() {};
F.prototype = obj || {};
return new F();
* Create a subclass prototype.
private static native JavaScriptObject createSubclassPrototype(
JavaScriptObject superTypeIdOrPrototype) /*-{
var superPrototype = superTypeIdOrPrototype && superTypeIdOrPrototype.prototype;
if (!superPrototype) {
// If it is not a prototype, then it should be a type id.
superPrototype = @Runtime::prototypesByTypeId[superTypeIdOrPrototype];
return @Runtime::portableObjCreate(*)(superPrototype);
public static native void copyObjectProperties(JavaScriptObject from,
JavaScriptObject to) /*-{
for (var property in from) {
if (to[property] === undefined) {
to[property] = from[property];
* Retrieves the class literal if stored in a place holder, {@code null} otherwise.
private static native JavaScriptObject maybeGetClassLiteralFromPlaceHolder(
JavaScriptObject entry) /*-{
// TODO(rluble): Relies on Class.createFor*() storing the class literal wrapped as an array
// to distinguish it from an actual prototype.
return (entry instanceof Array) ? entry[0] : null;
* Creates a JS namespace to attach exported classes to.
* @param namespace a dotted js namespace string
* @return a nested object literal representing the namespace
public static native JavaScriptObject provide(JavaScriptObject namespace,
JavaScriptObject optCtor) /*-{
var cur = $wnd;
if (namespace === '') {
return cur;
// borrowed from Closure's base.js
var parts = namespace.split('.');
// Internet Explorer exhibits strange behavior when throwing errors from
// methods externed in this manner. See the testExportSymbolExceptions in
// base_test.html for an example.
if (!(parts[0] in cur) && cur.execScript) {
cur.execScript('var ' + parts[0]);
// Certain browsers cannot parse code in the form for((a in b); c;);
// This pattern is produced by the JSCompiler when it collapses the
// statement above into the conditional loop below. To prevent this from
// happening, use a for-loop and reserve the init logic as below.
// Parentheses added to eliminate strict JS warning in Firefox.
for (var part; parts.length && (part = parts.shift());) {
// assign the constructor to the last node (when parts is empty)
cur = cur[part] = cur[part] || !parts.length && optCtor || {};
return cur;
* Create a function that applies the specified samMethod on itself, and whose __proto__ points to
* <code>instance</code>.
public static native JavaScriptObject makeLambdaFunction(
JavaScriptObject samMethod,
JavaScriptObject ctor,
JavaScriptObject ctorArguments) /*-{
var lambda = function() { return samMethod.apply(lambda, arguments); }
ctor.apply(lambda, ctorArguments);
return lambda;
* Called at the beginning to setup required structures before any of the classes is defined.
* The code written in and invoked by this method should be plain JavaScript.
public static native void bootstrap() /*-{
@Runtime::prototypesByTypeId = {};
// Do polyfills for all methods expected in a modern browser.
// Patch up Array.isArray for browsers that don't support the fast native check.
if (!Array.isArray) {
Array.isArray = function (vArg) {
return === "[object Array]";
* Retrieves the prototype for a type if it exists, null otherwise.
public static native JavaScriptObject getClassPrototype(JavaScriptObject typeId) /*-{
return @Runtime::prototypesByTypeId[typeId];
* Marker function. All Java Objects (except Strings) have a typeMarker field pointing to
* this function.
static native void typeMarkerFn() /*-{
* A global noop function. Replaces clinits after execution.
static native void emptyMethod() /*-{
static native JavaScriptObject uniqueId(String id) /*-{
return jsinterop.closure.getUniqueId(id);
static native void defineProperties(
JavaScriptObject proto, JavaScriptObject propertyDefinition) /*-{
for (var key in propertyDefinition) {
propertyDefinition[key]['configurable'] = true;
Object.defineProperties(proto, propertyDefinition);