blob: 74cd10f408ed5822625c0af73b813540665d6ab7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
* Test various collections.
public class CollectionsTest extends EmulTestBase {
private interface ListImplProvider {
List<Integer> copyOf(Collection<Integer> data);
public static List<Integer> createRandomList() {
ArrayList<Integer> l = new ArrayList<Integer>();
l.add(new Integer(5));
l.add(new Integer(2));
l.add(new Integer(3));
l.add(new Integer(1));
l.add(new Integer(4));
return l;
public static List<String> createSortedList() {
ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
return l;
private static Entry<String, String> dummyEntry() {
return Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar").entrySet().iterator().next();
public void testAsLifoQueue() {
Object o1 = new Object();
Object o2 = new Object();
Object o3 = new Object();
LinkedList<Object> deque = new LinkedList<Object>();
Queue<Object> queueView = Collections.asLifoQueue(deque);
assertEquals(0, queueView.size());
assertEquals(deque.getFirst(), o1);
assertEquals(deque.element(), o1);
assertEquals(deque.getFirst(), o2);
assertEquals(deque.element(), o2);
assertEquals(deque.getFirst(), o3);
assertEquals(deque.element(), o3);
assertEquals(deque.size(), 3);
assertEquals(deque.size(), queueView.size());
assertEquals(deque.getFirst(), o3);
assertEquals(queueView.element(), o3);
assertEquals(queueView.peek(), o3);
assertEquals(queueView.poll(), o3);
assertEquals(deque.getFirst(), o2);
assertEquals(queueView.element(), o2);
assertEquals(queueView.peek(), o2);
assertEquals(queueView.poll(), o2);
assertEquals(deque.getFirst(), o1);
assertEquals(queueView.element(), o1);
assertEquals(queueView.peek(), o1);
assertEquals(queueView.remove(), o1);
assertEquals(deque.size(), queueView.size());
Iterator<Object> dequeIterator = deque.iterator();
Iterator<Object> queueIterator = queueView.iterator();
while (dequeIterator.hasNext() && queueIterator.hasNext()) {
assertEquals(dequeIterator.hasNext(), queueIterator.hasNext());
assertEquals(deque.toArray(), queueView.toArray());
assertEquals(deque.toString(), queueView.toString());
* Test Collections.binarySearch(List, Object).
* Verify the following cases: empty List odd numbers of elements even numbers
* of elements not found value larger than all elements not found value
* smaller than all elements
public void testBinarySearchObject() {
List<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();
int ret = Collections.binarySearch(a1, "");
assertEquals(-1, ret);
List<String> a2 = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
"a", "g", "y"}));
ret = Collections.binarySearch(a2, "c");
assertEquals(-2, ret);
ret = Collections.binarySearch(a2, "y");
assertEquals(2, ret);
List<String> a3 = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
"b", "c", "x", "y"}));
ret = Collections.binarySearch(a3, "z");
assertEquals(-5, ret);
ret = Collections.binarySearch(a3, "a");
assertEquals(-1, ret);
ret = Collections.binarySearch(a3, "b");
assertEquals(0, ret);
* Test Collections.binarySearch(List, Object, Comparator).
* Verify the following cases: empty List odd numbers of elements even numbers
* of elements not found value larger than all elements not found value
* smaller than all elements null Comparator uses natural ordering
public void testBinarySearchObjectComparator() {
Comparator<String> inverseSort = new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
return o2.compareTo(o1);
List<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();
int ret = Collections.binarySearch(a1, "", inverseSort);
assertEquals(-1, ret);
List<String> a2 = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
"y", "g", "a"}));
ret = Collections.binarySearch(a2, "c", inverseSort);
assertEquals(-3, ret);
ret = Collections.binarySearch(a2, "a", inverseSort);
assertEquals(2, ret);
List<String> a3 = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
"y", "x", "c", "b"}));
ret = Collections.binarySearch(a3, "a", inverseSort);
assertEquals(-5, ret);
ret = Collections.binarySearch(a3, "z", inverseSort);
assertEquals(-1, ret);
ret = Collections.binarySearch(a3, "y", inverseSort);
assertEquals(0, ret);
List<String> a4 = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}));
ret = Collections.binarySearch(a4, "d", null); // should not NPE
assertEquals(3, ret);
public void testEntrySetToArrayOversized() {
Map<String, String> delegate = new HashMap<String, String>();
delegate.put("key", "value");
Map<String, String> unmodifiable = Collections.unmodifiableMap(delegate);
Entry<String, String>[] oversizedArray = new Entry[3];
oversizedArray[0] = dummyEntry();
oversizedArray[1] = dummyEntry();
oversizedArray[2] = dummyEntry();
Entry<String, String>[] result = unmodifiable.entrySet().toArray(
assertSame(result, oversizedArray);
assertEquals("key", result[0].getKey());
assertEquals("value", result[0].getValue());
assertNull("The element after last should be null.", result[1]);
public void testFill() {
List<String> a = createSortedList();
Collections.fill(a, null);
assertEquals(new Object[a.size()], a);
List<Integer> b = createRandomList();
Collections.fill(b, null);
assertEquals(new Object[b.size()], b);
public void testListCopy() {
List<Integer> src = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
List<Integer> dest = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1, 2));
try {
Collections.copy(dest, src);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {
dest = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(5, 6, 7, 8));
Collections.copy(dest, src);
assertEquals(new Integer[]{1, 2, 3, 8}, dest);
dest = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(5, 6, 7));
Collections.copy(dest, src);
assertEquals(new Integer[]{1, 2, 3}, dest);
public void testNewSetFromMap() {
Object o1 = new Object();
Object o2 = new Object();
Object o3 = new Object();
try {
HashMap<Object, Boolean> nonEmptyMap = new HashMap<Object, Boolean>();
nonEmptyMap.put(o1, true);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Set<Object> set = Collections.newSetFromMap(new HashMap<Object, Boolean>());
assertEquals(1, set.size());
assertEquals(2, set.size());
assertEquals(3, set.size());
assertEquals(2, set.size());
assertEquals(0, set.size());
public void testReverse() {
List<String> a = createSortedList();
Object[] x = {"c", "b", "a"};
assertEquals(x, a);
List<Integer> b = createRandomList();
assertEquals(b, createRandomList());
* @tests java.util.Collections#rotate(java.util.List, int)
public void testRotate() {
try {
Collections.rotate(null, 0);
fail("Collections.rotate(null, distance) should throw NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
// Expected
// Test optimized RandomAccess code path
testRotateImpl(new ListImplProvider() {
public List<Integer> copyOf(Collection<Integer> data) {
return new ArrayList<>(data);
// Test sequential List code path
testRotateImpl(new ListImplProvider() {
public List<Integer> copyOf(Collection<Integer> data) {
return new LinkedList<>(data);
public void testSort() {
List<String> a = createSortedList();
assertEquals(createSortedList(), a);
public void testSortWithComparator() {
Comparator<String> x = new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
// sort into reverse order
return s2.compareTo(s1);
List<String> a = createSortedList();
Collections.sort(a, x);
Object[] expected = {"c", "b", "a"};
assertEquals(expected, a);
public void testToArray() {
List<Integer> testList = createRandomList();
Integer[] testArray = new Integer[testList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < testList.size(); ++i) {
Integer val = testList.get(i);
assertEquals(val, testArray[i]);
private void testRotateImpl(ListImplProvider listImpl) {
// rotating empty list should not throw exception
List<Integer> list = listImpl.copyOf(Collections.<Integer> emptyList());
Collections.rotate(list, 2);
List<Integer> original = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
list = listImpl.copyOf(original);
Collections.rotate(list, 0);
assertEquals(original, list);
Collections.rotate(list, 3);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(2, 3, 4, 0, 1), list);
Collections.rotate(list, list.size());
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(2, 3, 4, 0, 1), list);
Collections.rotate(list, list.size() + 3);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(4, 0, 1, 2, 3), list);
Collections.rotate(list, -(list.size() + 3));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(2, 3, 4, 0, 1), list);
Collections.rotate(list, -list.size());
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(2, 3, 4, 0, 1), list);
Collections.rotate(list, -3);
assertEquals(original, list);