blob: 3e683a363a6c3b36bdd1bd738100f52845a41a4f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
* Base class for any declared type.
* Declared types have fields and methods. Two of the methods are treated specially: the class
* initializer method (named <code>$clinit</code>) and the instance initializer method
* (named <code>$init</code>).
* The class initializer method is responsible for initializing all class variables as well as
* those of the superclasses (by calling the superclass class initializer method).
* The instance initializer is responsible for initializing all instance variables as well as those
* of the superclasses (by calling the superclass instance initializer method).
* Optimizations may eliminate class initializers (<code>$clinit</code>) if no static variables need
* initialization, and use the private variable <code>clinitTarget</code>to keep track which
* initializer in the superclass chain needs to be called.
public abstract class JDeclaredType extends JReferenceType {
private String jsPrototype;
private boolean isJsType;
private String exportNamespace = null;
private String exportName = null;
private boolean isJsFunction;
* The types of nested classes,
public enum NestedClassDisposition {
* Static Nested Class.
* Inner Nested Class.
* Local Class.
* Anonymous Inner Class.
* Synthetic Inner Class from Lambda or method reference.
* Regular top-level class.
private final boolean localType;
NestedClassDisposition(boolean local) {
this.localType = local;
NestedClassDisposition() {
this.localType = false;
public boolean isLocalType() {
return localType;
private NestedClassDisposition nestedClassDisposition = NestedClassDisposition.TOP_LEVEL;
* This type's fields. Special serialization treatment.
protected transient List<JField> fields = Lists.create();
* This type's methods. Special serialization treatment.
protected transient List<JMethod> methods = Lists.create();
* Tracks the target static initialization for this class. Default to self (if it has a non
* empty initializer) or point to a superclass or be null.
private JDeclaredType clinitTarget = this;
* The type which originally enclosed this type. Null if this class was a
* top-level type. Note that all classes are converted to top-level types in
* {@link}; this information is
* for tracking purposes.
private JDeclaredType enclosingType;
* True if this class is provided externally to the program by the program's
* host execution environment. For example, while compiling for the JVM, JRE
* types are external types. External types definitions are provided by class
* files which are considered opaque by the GWT compiler.
private boolean isExternal;
* This type's implemented interfaces.
private List<JInterfaceType> superInterfaces = Lists.create();
public JDeclaredType(SourceInfo info, String name) {
super(info, name);
* Adds a field to this type.
public void addField(JField field) {
assert field.getEnclosingType() == this;
fields = Lists.add(fields, field);
* Adds an implemented interface to this type.
public void addImplements(JInterfaceType superInterface) {
superInterfaces = Lists.add(superInterfaces, superInterface);
* Adds a method to this type.
public final void addMethod(int index, JMethod method) {
assert method.getEnclosingType() == this;
assert !method.getName().equals(GwtAstBuilder.CLINIT_NAME) || getMethods().size() == 0 : "Attempted adding "
+ "$clinit method with index != 0";
assert !method.getName().equals(GwtAstBuilder.INIT_NAME) || method.getParams().size() != 0 ||
getMethods().size() == 1 : "Attempted adding $init method with index != 1";
methods = Lists.add(methods, index, method);
public void addMethod(JMethod newMethod) {
addMethod(methods.size(), newMethod);
* Returns <code>true</code> if a static field access of
* <code>targetType</code> from within this type should generate a clinit
* call. This will be true in cases where <code>targetType</code> has a live
* clinit method which we cannot statically know has already run. We can
* statically know the clinit method has already run when:
* <ol>
* <li><code>this == targetType</code></li>
* <li><code>this</code> is a subclass of <code>targetType</code>, because my
* clinit would have already run this <code>targetType</code>'s clinit; see
* JLS 12.4</li>
* </ol>
public boolean checkClinitTo(JDeclaredType targetType) {
if (this == targetType) {
// Call to self (very common case).
return false;
if (targetType == null || !targetType.hasClinit()) {
// Target has no clinit (common case).
return false;
* The clinit for the source of the reference must already have run, so if
* it's the same as this one, there it must have already run. One example is
* a reference from a subclass to something in a superclass.
return this.getClinitTarget() != targetType.getClinitTarget();
* Returns the method with the given signature, if there is one.<br />
* Optionally can search up the super type chain.
public JMethod findMethod(String methodSignature, boolean recurse) {
for (JMethod method : getMethods()) {
if (method.getSignature().equals(methodSignature)) {
return method;
if (recurse && getSuperClass() != null) {
return getSuperClass().findMethod(methodSignature, true);
return null;
* Determines whether a subclass of this type is in the collection <code>types</code>.
* @param types a collections of types.
* @return the first subtype found in the collection if the collection <code>types</code>
* contains a subtype of this type; null otherwise.
public JDeclaredType findSubtype(Iterable<JDeclaredType> types) {
for (JDeclaredType type : types) {
JDeclaredType tp = type;
while (tp != null) {
if (this == tp) {
return type;
tp = tp.getSuperClass();
return null;
* Returns the class initializer method.
* Can only be called after making sure the class has a class initializer method.
* @return The class initializer method.
public final JMethod getClinitMethod() {
assert getMethods().size() != 0;
JMethod clinit = this.getMethods().get(0);
assert clinit != null;
assert clinit.getName().equals(GwtAstBuilder.CLINIT_NAME);
return clinit;
* Returns the class that must be initialized to use this class. May be a
* superclass, or <code>null</code> if this class has no static initializer.
public final JDeclaredType getClinitTarget() {
return clinitTarget;
public String[] getCompoundName() {
// TODO(rluble): refactor the way names are constructed so that the ground data passed from
// JDT is stored.
if (enclosingType == null) {
return new String[] { getShortName() };
String className = StringInterner.get().intern(
getShortName().substring(enclosingType.getShortName().length() + 1));
String[] enclosingCompoundName = enclosingType.getCompoundName();
String[] compoundName = new String[enclosingCompoundName.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(enclosingCompoundName, 0, compoundName, 0, enclosingCompoundName.length);
compoundName[compoundName.length - 1] = className;
return compoundName;
* Returns the simple source name for the class.
* <p>e.g. if the class is a.b.Foo.Bar it returns Bar as opposed to the short name Foo$Bar.
public String getSimpleName() {
String[] compoundName = getCompoundName();
return compoundName[compoundName.length - 1];
* Returns the type which encloses this type.
* @return The enclosing type. May be {@code null}.
public JDeclaredType getEnclosingType() {
return enclosingType;
* Returns this type's fields;does not include fields defined in a super type
* unless they are overridden by this type.
public List<JField> getFields() {
return fields;
* Returns this type's implemented interfaces. Returns an empty list if this
* type implements no interfaces.
public List<JInterfaceType> getImplements() {
return superInterfaces;
* Returns the instance initializer ($init) method.
* Can only be called after making sure the class has an instance initializer method.
* @return The instance initializer method.
public final JMethod getInitMethod() {
assert getMethods().size() > 1;
JMethod init = this.getMethods().get(1);
assert init != null;
assert init.getName().equals(GwtAstBuilder.INIT_NAME);
return init;
public String getJavahSignatureName() {
return JjsUtils.javahSignatureFromName(name);
public String getJsniSignatureName() {
return "L" + name.replace('.', '/') + ';';
* Returns this type's declared methods; does not include methods defined in a
* super type unless they are overridden by this type.
public final List<JMethod> getMethods() {
return methods;
public boolean isJsType() {
return isJsType;
public boolean isOrExtendsJsType() {
if (isJsType()) {
return true;
for (JInterfaceType subIntf : getImplements()) {
if (subIntf.isJsType()) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isJsFunction() {
return isJsFunction;
public boolean isOrExtendsJsFunction() {
if (isJsFunction()) {
return true;
for (JInterfaceType subInterface : getImplements()) {
if (subInterface.isJsFunction()) {
return true;
// We don't need to recurse as inheritance is not supported by JsFunction.
return false;
public boolean isClassWideExport() {
return exportName != null;
public boolean hasAnyExports() {
for (JMethod method : getMethods()) {
if (method.isExported()) {
return true;
for (JField field : getFields()) {
if (field.isExported()) {
return true;
return false;
public String getJsPrototype() {
return jsPrototype;
* Returns this type's super class, or <code>null</code> if this type is
* {@link Object} or an interface.
public abstract JClassType getSuperClass();
* Returns <code>true</code> when this class's clinit must be run dynamically.
public boolean hasClinit() {
return clinitTarget != null;
public boolean isExternal() {
return isExternal;
* Returns whether this type can be instantiated.
public boolean isInstantiable() {
if (isAbstract()) {
return false;
if (!(this instanceof JClassType) && !(this instanceof JEnumType)) {
return false;
if (getDefaultConstructor() == null) {
return false;
return true;
* Removes the field at the specified index.
public void removeField(int i) {
assert !isExternal() : "External types can not be modified.";
fields = Lists.remove(fields, i);
* Removes the method at the specified index.
public void removeMethod(int i) {
assert !isExternal() : "External types can not be modified.";
methods = Lists.remove(methods, i);
* Resolves external references during AST stitching.
public void resolve(List<JInterfaceType> resolvedInterfaces, JDeclaredType pkgInfo) {
assert JType.replaces(resolvedInterfaces, superInterfaces);
superInterfaces = Lists.normalize(resolvedInterfaces);
if (exportNamespace == null) {
exportNamespace = computeExportNamespace(pkgInfo);
private String computeExportNamespace(JDeclaredType pkgInfo) {
if (enclosingType != null) {
return enclosingType.getQualifiedExportName();
return pkgInfo != null && pkgInfo.exportNamespace != null ? pkgInfo.exportNamespace
: getPackageName();
* Sets the type which encloses this types.
* @param enclosingType May be {@code null}.
public void setEnclosingType(JDeclaredType enclosingType) {
this.enclosingType = enclosingType;
public void setExternal(boolean isExternal) {
this.isExternal = isExternal;
public void setJsTypeInfo(boolean isJsType, String jsPrototype) {
this.isJsType = isJsType;
this.jsPrototype = jsPrototype;
public void setExportInfo(String exportNamespace, String exportName) {
this.exportNamespace = exportNamespace;
this.exportName = exportName;
public void setJsFunctionInfo(boolean isJsFunction) {
this.isJsFunction = isJsFunction;
* Sorts this type's fields according to the specified sort.
public void sortFields(Comparator<? super JField> sort) {
fields = Lists.sort(fields, sort);
* Sorts this type's methods according to the specified sort.
public void sortMethods(Comparator<? super JMethod> sort) {
// Sort the methods manually to avoid sorting clinit out of place!
JMethod a[] = methods.toArray(new JMethod[methods.size()]);
Arrays.sort(a, 1, a.length, sort);
methods = Lists.create(a);
* Subclasses must replace themselves with a shallow reference when
* {@link #isExternal()} is <code>true</code>.
protected abstract Object writeReplace();
* See {@link #writeMembers(ObjectOutputStream)}.
* @see #writeMembers(ObjectOutputStream)
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void readMembers(ObjectInputStream stream)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
fields = (List<JField>) stream.readObject();
methods = (List<JMethod>) stream.readObject();
* See {@link #writeMethodBodies(ObjectOutputStream)}.
* @see #writeMethodBodies(ObjectOutputStream)
void readMethodBodies(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
for (JMethod method : methods) {
* Called to set this class's trivial initializer to point to a superclass.
void setClinitTarget(JDeclaredType newClinitTarget) {
if (clinitTarget == newClinitTarget) {
if (newClinitTarget != null && getClass().desiredAssertionStatus()) {
// Make sure this is a pure upgrade to a superclass or null.
for (JClassType current = (JClassType) clinitTarget; current != newClinitTarget; current =
current.getSuperClass()) {
"Null super class for: %s (currentTarget: %s; newTarget: %s) in %s", current,
clinitTarget, newClinitTarget, this);
clinitTarget = newClinitTarget;
* After all types are written to the stream without transient members, this
* method actually writes fields and methods to the stream, which establishes
* type identity for them.
* @see JProgram#writeObject(ObjectOutputStream)
void writeMembers(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
* After all types, fields, and methods are written to the stream, this method
* writes method bodies to the stream.
* @see JProgram#writeObject(ObjectOutputStream)
void writeMethodBodies(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
for (JMethod method : methods) {
private List<JMethod> getConstructors() {
List<JMethod> constructors = new ArrayList<JMethod>();
for (JMethod method : methods) {
if (method instanceof JConstructor) {
return constructors;
private JMethod getDefaultConstructor() {
List<JMethod> constructors = getConstructors();
for (JMethod constructor : constructors) {
if (constructor.getOriginalParamTypes().size() == 0) {
return constructor;
return null;
public String getQualifiedExportName() {
String simpleExportName = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(exportName) ? getSimpleName() : exportName;
return exportNamespace.isEmpty() ? simpleExportName : exportNamespace + "." + simpleExportName;
public NestedClassDisposition getClassDisposition() {
return nestedClassDisposition;
public void setClassDisposition(NestedClassDisposition nestedClassDisposition) {
this.nestedClassDisposition = nestedClassDisposition;