blob: 49c0279e7e7bb5752f6f21e0570ccc94012dd2b2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
Steps to process CLDR data using Eclipse:
1) Get latest CLDR data available locally on your system and compile
it, such as by:
$ svn co <cldrdir>
$ cd release-25/tools/java
$ ant clean jar
2) Required CLDR variables in Eclipse
Set a linked resource variable pointing to this:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> Linked Resources
Add a variable CLDR_ROOT pointing to <cldrdir> above
Create a classpath variable pointing to the same folder:
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Build Path -> Classpath Variables
Create a variable named CLDR_ROOT pointing to <cldrdir>
Create a string subtitution variable:
Window -> Preferences -> Run/Debug -> String Substitution -> New
Create the variable CLDR_ROOT pointing to <cldrdir>
3) Import the cldr-data, cldr-tools, and cldr-import projects (note that
CLDR_ROOT must be defined as above, or you will have to delete and
reimport these projects).
File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects in Workspace
Browse to $GWT_ROOT/eclipse and select the cldr-data, cldr-tools,
and cldr-import projects.
4) Set Compiler compliance level to 1.7
Project -> Properties -> Java Compiler -> Enable project specific settings
-> Compiler compliance level 1.7 -> use default compliance settings.
5) Run the GenerateGwtCldrData launch config -- by default, it will
overwrite files in the GWT distribution; edit the --outdir argument
if you want it to go somewhere else.