blob: 1b5dbdb0511adb3c8277d29b77c48ac82569ea36 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Creates a GWT application.
public final class ApplicationCreator extends ToolBase {
* Arguments for the application creator.
protected class ArgHandlerAppClass extends ArgHandlerExtra {
public boolean addExtraArg(String arg) {
if (fullClassName != null) {
System.err.println("Too many arguments");
return false;
// Check className for certain properties
if (!arg.matches("[\\w\\$]+(\\.[\\w\\$]+)+")) {
System.err.println("'" + arg
+ "' does not appear to be a valid fully-qualified Java class name");
return false;
// Check out the class name.
if (arg.indexOf('$') != -1) {
System.err.println("'" + arg
+ "': This version of the tool does not support nested classes");
return false;
String[] parts = arg.split("\\.");
if (parts.length < 2 || !parts[parts.length - 2].equals("client")) {
+ arg
+ "': Please use 'client' as the final package, as in ''.\n"
+ "It isn't technically necessary, but this tool enforces the best practice.");
return false;
fullClassName = arg;
return true;
public String getPurpose() {
return "The fully-qualified name of the application class to create";
public String[] getTagArgs() {
return new String[] {"className"};
public boolean isRequired() {
return true;
private static final String PACKAGE_PATH;
static {
String path = ApplicationCreator.class.getName();
path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
PACKAGE_PATH = path.replace('.', '/');
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationCreator creator = new ApplicationCreator();
if (creator.processArgs(args)) {
if ( {
* @param fullClassName Name of the fully-qualified Java class to create as an
* Application.
* @param outDir Where to put the output files
* @param eclipse The name of a project to attach a .launch config to
* @param overwrite Overwrite an existing files if they exist.
* @param ignore Ignore existing files if they exist.
* @throws IOException
static void createApplication(String fullClassName, File outDir,
String eclipse, boolean overwrite, boolean ignore) throws IOException {
// Figure out the installation directory
String installPath = Utility.getInstallPath();
String gwtUserPath = installPath + '/' + "gwt-user.jar";
String gwtDevPath = installPath + '/' + Utility.getDevJarName();
// Figure out what platform we're on
boolean isWindows = gwtDevPath.substring(gwtDevPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).indexOf(
"windows") >= 0;
boolean isMacOsX = gwtDevPath.substring(gwtDevPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).indexOf(
"mac") >= 0;
// If the path from here to the install directory is relative, we need to
// set specific "base" directory tags; this is for sample generation during
// the build.
String basePathEnv;
if (!new File(installPath).isAbsolute()) {
if (isWindows) {
basePathEnv = "%~dp0\\";
} else {
basePathEnv = "$APPDIR/";
} else {
basePathEnv = "";
// Check out the class and package names.
int pos = fullClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
String clientPackageName = fullClassName.substring(0, pos);
String className = fullClassName.substring(pos + 1);
// Compute module name and directories
pos = clientPackageName.lastIndexOf('.');
File basePackageDir;
String moduleName;
File javaDir = Utility.getDirectory(outDir, "src", true);
if (pos >= 0) {
String basePackage = clientPackageName.substring(0, pos);
moduleName = basePackage + "." + className;
basePackage = basePackage.replace('.', '/');
basePackageDir = Utility.getDirectory(javaDir, basePackage, true);
} else {
moduleName = className;
basePackageDir = javaDir;
File clientDir = Utility.getDirectory(basePackageDir, "client", true);
File publicDir = Utility.getDirectory(basePackageDir, "public", true);
String startupUrl = moduleName + "/" + className + ".html";
// Create a map of replacements
Map replacements = new HashMap();
replacements.put("@className", className);
replacements.put("@moduleName", moduleName);
replacements.put("@clientPackage", clientPackageName);
replacements.put("@gwtUserPath", basePathEnv + gwtUserPath);
replacements.put("@gwtDevPath", basePathEnv + gwtDevPath);
replacements.put("@shellClass", "");
replacements.put("@compileClass", "");
replacements.put("@startupUrl", startupUrl);
replacements.put("@vmargs", isMacOsX ? "-XstartOnFirstThread" : "");
// Create the module
File moduleXML = Utility.createNormalFile(basePackageDir, className
+ ".gwt.xml", overwrite, ignore);
if (moduleXML != null) {
String out = Utility.getFileFromClassPath(PACKAGE_PATH
+ "Module.gwt.xmlsrc");
Utility.writeTemplateFile(moduleXML, out, replacements);
// Create a skeleton html file
File publicHTML = Utility.createNormalFile(publicDir,
className + ".html", overwrite, ignore);
if (publicHTML != null) {
String out = Utility.getFileFromClassPath(PACKAGE_PATH
+ "AppHtml.htmlsrc");
Utility.writeTemplateFile(publicHTML, out, replacements);
// Create a skeleton Application class
File javaClass = Utility.createNormalFile(clientDir, className + ".java",
overwrite, ignore);
if (javaClass != null) {
String out = Utility.getFileFromClassPath(PACKAGE_PATH
+ "AppClassTemplate.javasrc");
Utility.writeTemplateFile(javaClass, out, replacements);
if (eclipse != null) {
// Create an eclipse launch config
replacements.put("@projectName", eclipse);
File launchConfig = Utility.createNormalFile(outDir, className
+ ".launch", overwrite, ignore);
if (launchConfig != null) {
String out = Utility.getFileFromClassPath(PACKAGE_PATH
+ "App.launchsrc");
Utility.writeTemplateFile(launchConfig, out, replacements);
// create startup files
String extension;
if (isWindows) {
extension = ".cmd";
} else {
extension = "";
File gwtshell = Utility.createNormalFile(outDir, className + "-shell"
+ extension, overwrite, ignore);
if (gwtshell != null) {
String out = Utility.getFileFromClassPath(PACKAGE_PATH + "gwtshell"
+ extension + "src");
Utility.writeTemplateFile(gwtshell, out, replacements);
if (extension.length() == 0) {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod u+x " + gwtshell.getAbsolutePath());
File gwtcompile = Utility.createNormalFile(outDir, className + "-compile"
+ extension, overwrite, ignore);
if (gwtcompile != null) {
String out = Utility.getFileFromClassPath(PACKAGE_PATH + "gwtcompile"
+ extension + "src");
Utility.writeTemplateFile(gwtcompile, out, replacements);
if (extension.length() == 0) {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod u+x " + gwtcompile.getAbsolutePath());
private String eclipse = null;
private String fullClassName = null;
private boolean ignore = false;
private File outDir;
private boolean overwrite = false;
protected ApplicationCreator() {
registerHandler(new ArgHandlerEclipse() {
public String getPurpose() {
return "Creates a debug launch config for the named eclipse project";
public boolean setString(String str) {
eclipse = str;
return true;
registerHandler(new ArgHandlerOutDir() {
public void setDir(File dir) {
outDir = dir;
registerHandler(new ArgHandlerOverwrite() {
public boolean setFlag() {
if (ignore) {
System.err.println("-overwrite cannot be used with -ignore");
return false;
overwrite = true;
return true;
registerHandler(new ArgHandlerIgnore() {
public boolean setFlag() {
if (overwrite) {
System.err.println("-ignore cannot be used with -overwrite");
return false;
ignore = true;
return true;
registerHandler(new ArgHandlerAppClass());
protected boolean run() {
try {
createApplication(fullClassName, outDir, eclipse, overwrite, ignore);
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
return false;