blob: ecd078bd69f68cd311f997241695dd6921005f4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Native implementation associated with
* {@link}.
public abstract class XMLParserImpl {
private static XMLParserImpl impl = (XMLParserImpl) GWT.create(XMLParserImpl.class);
public static XMLParserImpl getInstance() {
return impl;
static native JavaScriptObject appendChild(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
JavaScriptObject newChildJs) /*-{
var out = jsObject.appendChild(newChildJs);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native void appendData(JavaScriptObject jsObject, String arg) /*-{
static native JavaScriptObject cloneNode(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
boolean deep) /*-{
var out = jsObject.cloneNode(deep);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native JavaScriptObject createCDATASection(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
String data) /*-{
var out = jsObject.createCDATASection(data);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native JavaScriptObject createComment(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
String data) /*-{
var out = jsObject.createComment(data);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native JavaScriptObject createDocumentFragment(
JavaScriptObject jsObject) /*-{
var out = jsObject.createDocumentFragment();
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native JavaScriptObject createElement(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
String tagName) /*-{
var out = jsObject.createElement(tagName);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native JavaScriptObject createProcessingInstruction(
JavaScriptObject jsObject, String target, String data) /*-{
var out = jsObject.createProcessingInstruction(target, data);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native JavaScriptObject createTextNode(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
String data) /*-{
var out = jsObject.createTextNode(data);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native void deleteData(JavaScriptObject jsObject, int offset, int count) /*-{
jsObject.deleteData(offset, count);
static native String getAttribute(JavaScriptObject o, String name) /*-{
return o.getAttribute(name);
static native JavaScriptObject getAttributeNode(JavaScriptObject o,
String name) /*-{
var out = o.getAttributeNode(name);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native JavaScriptObject getAttributes(JavaScriptObject t) /*-{
return t.attributes;
static native JavaScriptObject getChildNodes(JavaScriptObject t) /*-{
var out = t.childNodes;
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native String getData(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
static native JavaScriptObject getDocumentElement(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
return o.documentElement;
static JavaScriptObject getElementById(JavaScriptObject document, String id) {
return impl.getElementByIdImpl(document, id);
static JavaScriptObject getElementsByTagName(JavaScriptObject o,
String tagName) {
return impl.getElementsByTagNameImpl(o, tagName);
static native int getLength(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
return o.length;
static native String getName(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
static native JavaScriptObject getNamedItem(JavaScriptObject t, String name) /*-{
var out = t.getNamedItem(name);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native String getNamespaceURI(JavaScriptObject jsObject) /*-{
var out = jsObject.namespaceURI;
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native JavaScriptObject getNextSibling(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
var out = o.nextSibling;
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native String getNodeName(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
var out = o.nodeName;
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native short getNodeType(JavaScriptObject jsObject) /*-{
var out = jsObject.nodeType;
return (out == null) ? -1 : out;
static native String getNodeValue(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
return o.nodeValue;
static native JavaScriptObject getOwnerDocument(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
return o.ownerDocument;
static native JavaScriptObject getParentNode(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
var out = o.parentNode;
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static String getPrefix(JavaScriptObject jsObject) {
return impl.getPrefixImpl(jsObject);
static native JavaScriptObject getPreviousSibling(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
return o.previousSibling;
static native boolean getSpecified(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
return o.specified;
static native String getTagName(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
return o.tagName;
static native String getTarget(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
static native String getValue(JavaScriptObject o) /*-{
return o.value;
static native boolean hasAttributes(JavaScriptObject jsObject) /*-{
return jsObject.attributes.length != 0;
static native boolean hasChildNodes(JavaScriptObject jsObject) /*-{
return jsObject.hasChildNodes();
static JavaScriptObject importNode(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
JavaScriptObject importedNode, boolean deep) {
return impl.importNodeImpl(jsObject, importedNode, deep);
static native JavaScriptObject insertBefore(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
JavaScriptObject newChildJs, JavaScriptObject refChildJs) /*-{
var out = jsObject.insertBefore(newChildJs, refChildJs);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native void insertData(JavaScriptObject jsObject, int offset,
String arg) /*-{
jsObject.insertData(offset, arg);
static native JavaScriptObject item(JavaScriptObject t, int index) /*-{
if (index >= t.length) {
return null;
var out = t.item(index);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native void normalize(JavaScriptObject jsObject) /*-{
static native void removeAttribute(JavaScriptObject jsObject, String name) /*-{
static native JavaScriptObject removeChild(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
JavaScriptObject oldChildJs) /*-{
var out = jsObject.removeChild(oldChildJs);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native JavaScriptObject removeNamedItem(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
String name) /*-{
var out = jsObject.removeNamedItem(name);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native JavaScriptObject replaceChild(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
JavaScriptObject newChildJs, JavaScriptObject oldChildJs) /*-{
var out = jsObject.replaceChild(newChildJs, oldChildJs);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native void replaceData(JavaScriptObject jsObject, int offset,
int count, String arg) /*-{
jsObject.replaceData(offset, count, arg);
static native void setAttribute(JavaScriptObject jsObject, String name,
String value) /*-{
jsObject.setAttribute(name, value);
static native void setData(JavaScriptObject jsObject, String data) /*-{ = data;
static native JavaScriptObject setNamedItem(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
JavaScriptObject arg) /*-{
var out = jsObject.setNamedItem(arg);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native void setNodeValue(JavaScriptObject jsObject, String nodeValue) /*-{
jsObject.nodeValue = nodeValue;
static native JavaScriptObject splitText(JavaScriptObject jsObject, int offset) /*-{
var out = jsObject.splitText(offset);
return (out == null) ? null : out;
static native String substringData(JavaScriptObject o, int offset, int count) /*-{
return o.substringData(offset, count);
* Not globally instantable.
XMLParserImpl() {
public final Document createDocument() {
return (Document);
public final Document parse(String contents) {
try {
return (Document);
} catch (JavaScriptException e) {
throw new DOMParseException(contents, e);
public boolean supportsCDATASection() {
return true;
protected abstract JavaScriptObject createDocumentImpl();
protected abstract JavaScriptObject getElementByIdImpl(
JavaScriptObject document, String id);
protected abstract JavaScriptObject getElementsByTagNameImpl(
JavaScriptObject o, String tagName);
protected abstract String getPrefixImpl(JavaScriptObject jsObject);
protected abstract JavaScriptObject importNodeImpl(JavaScriptObject jsObject,
JavaScriptObject importedNode, boolean deep);
protected abstract JavaScriptObject parseImpl(String contents);