blob: b62581e1c941d6f023ad8b03c5179e01e21dbfe4 [file] [log] [blame]
Eclipse 3.2.X instructions
---------- Required GWT variables ---------
Window->Preferences->General->Workspace->Linked Resources
Create a variable named "GWT_ROOT" pointing to your "trunk" folder.
Window->Preferences->Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables
Create a variable named "GWT_TOOLS" pointing to your "tools" folder.
Create a variable named "JDK_HOME" pointing to the root of your JDK install
(for example, C:\Program Files\jdk1.5.0_05 or /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun)
---------------- Spelling -----------------
Window->Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors->Spelling
Enable spell checking, use "settings/english.dictionary".
------------ Output Filtering -------------
Make sure "Filtered Resources" includes ".svn/"
---------- Code style/formatting ----------
Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter->Import...
----------- Import organization -----------
Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Organize Imports->Import...
------------ Member sort order ------------
Window->Preferences->Java->Appearance->Members Sort Order
There is no import here, make your settings match:
--------------- Checkstyle ----------------
1. Checkstyle is used to enforce good programming style. The Eclipse Checkstyle
plugin can be found at:
2. Importing the GWT Checkstyle configuration:
Set the Type to "External Configuration File"
Set the Name to "GWT Checks" (important)
Set the location to "settings/code-style/gwt-checkstyle.xml".
Suggested: Check "Protect Checkstyle configuration file".
Click "Ok".
3. Enabled Custom GWT Checkstyle checks:
Copy "settings/code-style/gwt-customchecks.jar" into:
("gwt-customchecks.jar" is also built from source into build/lib during a full build)
4. Enable Checkstyle for each project:
Package Explorer->Project Name->Preferences->Checkstyle
Check Checkstyle active for this project, the rest of the configuration should
be already loaded.