blob: 85148b36081fac8674dc16aa19be58a9f5bf9d10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstring>
#include <jni.h>
// comment this out to remove almost all runtime overhead (with usual compiler
// support) from tracing.
* Utility class for tracing. This class is intended to be used as follows:
* {
* Tracer tracer("method name");
* ... do work
* if (fail) {
* tracer.setFail("failure explanation");
* return;
* }
* if (fail2) {
* tracer.throwHostedModeException("failure explanation");
* return;
* }
* return;
* }
* The class automatically logs an enter message when it is created, as well
* as leave/fail messages when it is destroyed. Logging is performed to a
* file or to a Java static member function on a class (or both) -- these
* are configured by using static member functions setFile() and setJava().
* This class knows about the Java class
* and throws a new instance of that exception if requested.
class Tracer {
enum LogLevel {
// static variables that specify where logging is performed. This are
// set by calling setFile() and setJava().
static FILE* outfp;
static JNIEnv* jniEnv;
static jclass traceClass;
static jmethodID traceMethod;
static int indentation;
static LogLevel logLevel;
// method is set when the instance is created.
const char* method_;
// fail_msg is set to indicate a failure has occurred.
const char* fail_msg_;
// level of this trace object
LogLevel log_level_;
* Set the logging level.
static void setLevel(LogLevel level) {
logLevel = level;
* Log a message (with supplied prefix) to the configured file.
* Only called if a file was specified and successfully opened for writing.
static void logFile(const char* msg) {
for (int i = 0; i < indentation; ++i) {
putc(' ', outfp);
fputs(msg, outfp);
putc('\n', outfp);
(void)msg; // avoid unused warning
* Log a message (with supplied prefix) to the configured Java class.
* Only called if a file was specified and successfully accessed.
* Call static void trace(String msg) on the configured class.
static void logJava(const char* msg) {
// TODO(jat): fixed buffer size
char buf[512];
for (int i = 0; (i < indentation) && (i < int(sizeof(buf))); ++i) {
buf[i] = ' ';
strncpy(buf + indentation, msg, sizeof(buf) - indentation);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0; // ensure null termination
jstring str = jniEnv->NewStringUTF(buf);
jniEnv->CallStaticVoidMethod(traceClass, traceMethod, str);
(void)msg; // avoid unused warning
* Log a message to a file and/or class with the default logging level.
* If the preprocessor symbol DISABLE_TRACING has been defined, this is
* completely removed from the code path.
void logPrefix(const char* prefix) {
logPrefix(prefix, log_level_);
(void)prefix; // avoid unused warning
* Log a message to a file and/or class.
* If the preprocessor symbol DISABLE_TRACING has been defined, this is
* completely removed from the code path.
void logPrefix(const char* prefix, LogLevel level) {
if (level>logLevel) return;
log("%-5.5s %s%s%s", prefix, method_, fail_msg_ ? ": " : "",
fail_msg_ ? fail_msg_ : "");
* Create an instance with the specified method name and no failure
* message. Log an ENTER message.
Tracer(const char* method, LogLevel log_level = LEVEL_ERROR)
: method_(method), fail_msg_(0), log_level_(log_level) {
log("ENTER %s", method);
{ (void)method; (void)log_level; // avoid unused warnings
* Create an instance with the specified method name and no failure
* message. Log an ENTER message and the this pointer.
Tracer(const char* method, const void* objThis,
LogLevel log_level = LEVEL_ERROR)
: method_(method), fail_msg_(0), log_level_(log_level) {
log("ENTER %s(this=%08x)", method, unsigned(objThis));
{ (void)method; (void)objThis; (void)log_level; // avoid unused warnings
* Destroy the instance and log a fail or leave message.
~Tracer() {
if(fail_msg_) {
logPrefix("*FAIL", LEVEL_ERROR);
} else {
* Specify a filename to receive logging output. Close any previously
* opened file. If a null filename is passed, disable logging to a
* file.
* filename - the file path to receive logging output. This file is
* truncated if it already exists.
* Returns false on failure.
static bool setFile(const char* filename) {
if (outfp) {
outfp = 0;
if (!filename) {
return true;
outfp = fopen(filename, "w");
if (!outfp) {
return false;
fprintf(outfp, "== started logging ==\n");
(void)filename; // avoid unused warning
return true;
* Specify a Java class to receive logging output. The supplied class
* must have a static void trace(String) member function which is called
* for output. Logging to a Java class is disabled if the supplied JNI
* environment is null.
* env - JNI environment
* clazz - the Java class to receive logging output
* Returns false on failure.
static bool setJava(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz)
// inline a null body if we aren't debugging; avoid unused warnings
{ (void)env; (void)clazz; return true; }
* Set a failure message, overwriting any previously specified failure
* message. Passing a null string will remove any previous failure
* notification.
void setFail(const char* fail_msg) {
fail_msg_ = fail_msg;
(void)fail_msg; // avoid unused warning
* Throw a Java HostedModeException as well as set a failure message to
* be logged.
* env - JNI environment to throw exception into
* fail_msg - failure message
void throwHostedModeException(JNIEnv* env, const char* fail_msg);
* Log an arbitrary message.
static void log(const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
char msg[512]; // TODO(jat): fixed size buffer
vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), format, args);
msg[sizeof(msg) - 1] = 0; // ensure null termination
if(outfp) logFile(msg);
if(jniEnv) logJava(msg);
(void)format; // avoid unused warning
#endif /* JNI_LINUX_TRACER_H_ */