blob: 2cc288bc2781e8f1fe9b1f21f9526fa5856ef8b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
#import "WebScriptSessionHandler.h"
#import "InvokeMessage.h"
#import "ObjectFunctions.h"
#import "ServerMethods.h"
#import "TrackingData.h"
#import "scoped_ptr.h"
WebScriptSessionHandler::WebScriptSessionHandler(HostChannel* channel,
JSGlobalContextRef contextRef,
CrashHandlerRef crashHandler) :
SessionData(channel, contextRef, this), jsObjectId(1), crashHandler(crashHandler) {
JSClassDefinition def = kJSClassDefinitionEmpty;
def.className = "JavaObject";
def.hasProperty = JavaObjectHasProperty;
def.callAsFunction = JavaObjectCallAsFunction;
def.finalize = JavaObjectFinalize;
def.getProperty = JavaObjectGetProperty;
def.setProperty = JavaObjectSetProperty;
javaObjectWrapperClass = JSClassCreate(&def);
// Get the String constructor function to tell Strings from other Objects
JSStringRef stringString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("String");
JSValueRef stringConstructorValue = JSObjectGetProperty(contextRef,
stringString, NULL);
stringConstructor = JSValueToObject(contextRef, stringConstructorValue, NULL);
JSValueProtect(contextRef, stringConstructor);
// Call out to the utility __gwt_makeResult function to create the return array
JSStringRef makeResultString = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("__gwt_makeResult");
JSValueRef makeResultValue = JSObjectGetProperty(contextRef, JSContextGetGlobalObject(contextRef), makeResultString, NULL);
if (!JSValueIsObject(contextRef, makeResultValue)) {
crashHandler->crash(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Could not find __gwt_makeResult");
} else {
makeResultFunction = JSValueToObject(contextRef, makeResultValue, NULL);
JSValueProtect(contextRef, makeResultFunction);
pthread_mutexattr_t mutexAttrs;
// This behaves basically like the Java synchronized keyword
pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mutexAttrs, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
pthread_mutex_init(&javaObjectsLock, &mutexAttrs);
WebScriptSessionHandler::~WebScriptSessionHandler() {
std::map<int, JSObjectRef>::iterator i;
while ((i = javaObjectsById.begin()) != javaObjectsById.end()) {
for (i = jsObjectsById.begin(); i != jsObjectsById.end(); i++) {
JSObjectRef ref = i->second;
delete static_cast<TrackingDataRef>(JSObjectGetPrivate(ref));
JSObjectSetPrivate(ref, NULL);
JSValueUnprotect(contextRef, i->second);
JSValueUnprotect(contextRef, stringConstructor);
JSValueUnprotect(contextRef, makeResultFunction);
void WebScriptSessionHandler::fatalError(HostChannel& channel,
const std::string& message) {
// TODO: better way of reporting error?
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Fatal error: " << message << Debug::flush;
void WebScriptSessionHandler::sendFreeValues(HostChannel& channel) {
int idCount = javaObjectsToFree.size();
if (idCount == 0) {
int ids[idCount];
std::set<int>::iterator it = javaObjectsToFree.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < idCount; it++) {
ids[i++] = *it;
if (!ServerMethods::freeJava(channel, this, idCount, ids)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Unable to free Java ids" << Debug::flush;
} else {
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "Freed " << idCount << " Java ids" << Debug::flush;
void WebScriptSessionHandler::freeValue(HostChannel& channel, int idCount, const int* ids) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "freeValue freeing " << idCount << " js objects" << Debug::flush;
if (idCount == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < idCount; i++) {
int objId = ids[i];
std::map<int, JSObjectRef>::iterator i = jsObjectsById.find(objId);
if (i == jsObjectsById.end()) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Unknown object id " << objId << Debug::flush;
JSObjectRef ref = i->second;
JSValueUnprotect(contextRef, ref);
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "Freed " << idCount << " JS objects" << Debug::flush;
void WebScriptSessionHandler::initiateAutodestructSequence(const char* functionName, const char* message) {
crashHandler->crash(functionName, message);
bool WebScriptSessionHandler::invoke(HostChannel& channel, const Value& thisObj,
const std::string& methodName,
int numArgs, const Value* args, Value* returnValue) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "invoke " << methodName << Debug::flush;
JSValueRef argsJS[numArgs];
JSValueRef localException = NULL;
JSStringRef methodNameJS = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(methodName.c_str());
JSObjectRef thisObjJs;
if (thisObj.isNull()) {
thisObjJs = JSContextGetGlobalObject(contextRef);
} else {
thisObjJs = (JSObjectRef) makeValueRef(thisObj);
JSValueRef functionValueJS = JSObjectGetProperty(contextRef, JSContextGetGlobalObject(contextRef),
methodNameJS, &localException);
if (!JSValueIsObject(contextRef, functionValueJS)) {
char message[512];
snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "Could not find method for property name %s on %s", methodName.c_str(), thisObj.toString().c_str());
makeExceptionValue(*returnValue, message);
return true;
JSObjectRef functionJS = JSValueToObject(contextRef, functionValueJS,
if (localException) {
makeValue(*returnValue, localException);
return true;
// Convert the arguments
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
argsJS[i] = makeValueRef(args[i]);
JSValueRef retVal = JSObjectCallAsFunction(contextRef, functionJS,
thisObjJs, numArgs, argsJS,
if (localException) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "Returning exception to server" << Debug::flush;
makeValue(*returnValue, localException);
return true;
} else {
makeValue(*returnValue, retVal);
return false;
bool WebScriptSessionHandler::invokeSpecial(HostChannel& channel, SpecialMethodId method, int numArgs,
const Value* const args, Value* returnValue) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "invokeSpecial " << method << Debug::flush;
switch (method) {
case GetProperty:
int objId = args[0].getInt();
std::map<int, JSObjectRef>::iterator i = jsObjectsById.find(objId);
if (i == jsObjectsById.end()) {
char message[50];
snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "Unknown object id %i", objId);
makeExceptionValue(*returnValue, message);
return true;
JSObjectRef jsObj = i->second;
if (args[1].isString()) {
JSStringRef asString = JSValueToStringCopy(contextRef, jsObj, NULL);
int maxLength = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(asString);
scoped_array<char> asChars(new char[maxLength]);
JSStringGetUTF8CString(asString, asChars.get(), maxLength);
JSValueRef localException = NULL;
JSStringRef str = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(args[1].getString().c_str());
JSValueRef value = JSObjectGetProperty(contextRef, jsObj, str, &localException);
if (localException) {
makeValue(*returnValue, localException);
return true;
} else {
makeValue(*returnValue, value);
return false;
} else if (args[1].isInt()) {
JSValueRef localException = NULL;
JSValueRef value = JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex(contextRef, jsObj, args[1].getInt(), &localException);
if (localException) {
makeValue(*returnValue, localException);
return true;
} else {
makeValue(*returnValue, value);
return false;
} else {
char message[50];
snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "Unhandled argument type %s for getProperty", args[1].toString().c_str());
makeExceptionValue(*returnValue, message);
return true;
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Unhandled invokeSpecial " << method << Debug::flush;
makeExceptionValue(*returnValue, "Unhandled invokeSpecial");
return true;
JSValueRef WebScriptSessionHandler::javaFunctionCallbackImpl (int dispatchId,
JSObjectRef thisObject,
size_t argumentCount,
const JSValueRef arguments[],
JSValueRef* exception){
* NB: Because throwing exceptions in JavaScriptCore is trivial, we don't rely
* on any special return values to indicate that an exception is thrown, we'll simply
* throw the exception.
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "Java method " << dispatchId << " invoked" << Debug::flush;
* If a JS function is evaluated without an meaningful this object or the global
* object is implicitly used as the this object, we'll assume that the
* Java-derived method is static, and send a null this object to the server
Value thisValue;
if (JSValueIsEqual(contextRef, thisObject, JSContextGetGlobalObject(contextRef), NULL)) {
thisValue = Value();
} else {
makeValue(thisValue, thisObject);
// Argument conversion is straightforward
Value args[argumentCount];
for (int i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++) {
makeValue(args[i], arguments[i]);
if (!InvokeMessage::send(*channel, thisValue, dispatchId,
argumentCount, args)) {
initiateAutodestructSequence(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Unable to send invocation message");
*exception = makeException("Unable to send invocation message");
return JSValueMakeUndefined(contextRef);
scoped_ptr<ReturnMessage> ret(channel->reactToMessagesWhileWaitingForReturn(sessionHandler));
if (!ret.get()) {
initiateAutodestructSequence(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Unable to receive return message");
*exception = makeException("Unable to receive return message");
return JSValueMakeUndefined(contextRef);
Value v = ret->getReturnValue();
JSValueRef toReturn;
if (ret->isException()) {
*exception = makeValueRef(v);
toReturn = JSValueMakeUndefined(contextRef);
} else {
toReturn = makeValueRef(v);
JSValueRef makeResultArguments[] = {JSValueMakeBoolean(contextRef, false), toReturn};
return JSObjectCallAsFunction(contextRef, makeResultFunction, NULL, 2, makeResultArguments, exception);
void WebScriptSessionHandler::javaObjectFinalizeImpl(int objId) {
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&javaObjectsLock)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Unable to acquire javaObjectsLock in thread " << pthread_self() << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << Debug::flush;
initiateAutodestructSequence(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Unable to acquire javaObjectsLock");
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&javaObjectsLock)) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Unable to release javaObjectsLock in thread " << pthread_self() << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << Debug::flush;
initiateAutodestructSequence(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Unable to release javaObjectsLock");
JSValueRef WebScriptSessionHandler::javaObjectGetPropertyImpl (TrackingDataRef tracker, JSObjectRef object,
JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef* exception) {
*exception = NULL;
// Convert the name
int maxLength = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(propertyName);
scoped_array<char> propertyNameChars(new char[maxLength]);
JSStringGetUTF8CString(propertyName, propertyNameChars.get(), maxLength);
JSValueRef toReturn;
if (!strcmp(propertyNameChars.get(), "toString")) {
// We'll call out to the JSNI tear-off support function
JSStringRef tearOffName =JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("__gwt_makeTearOff");
JSValueRef makeTearOffValue = JSObjectGetProperty(contextRef, JSContextGetGlobalObject(contextRef), tearOffName, exception);
if (*exception) {
return JSValueMakeUndefined(contextRef);
JSObjectRef makeTearOff = JSValueToObject(contextRef, makeTearOffValue, exception);
if (*exception) {
return JSValueMakeUndefined(contextRef);
JSValueRef arguments[3];
arguments[0] = object;
arguments[1] = JSValueMakeNumber(contextRef, 0);
arguments[2] = JSValueMakeNumber(contextRef, 0);
toReturn = JSObjectCallAsFunction(contextRef, makeTearOff, JSContextGetGlobalObject(contextRef), 3, arguments, exception);
} else {
char* endptr;
int dispatchId = strtol(propertyNameChars.get(), &endptr, 10);
if (*endptr != '\0') {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Unable to parse dispatch id " << propertyNameChars.get() << Debug::flush;
*exception = makeException("Unable to parse dispatch id");
} else if (dispatchId < 0) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Dispatch ids may not be negative" << Debug::flush;
*exception = makeException("Dispatch ids may not be negative");
} else {
Value v = ServerMethods::getProperty(*channel, this, tracker->getObjectId(), dispatchId);
toReturn = makeValueRef(v);
return toReturn;
bool WebScriptSessionHandler::javaObjectHasPropertyImpl (TrackingDataRef tracker, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef propertyName) {
// The property name must either be "toString" or a number
int maxLength = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(propertyName);
scoped_array<char> propertyNameChars(new char[maxLength]);
JSStringGetUTF8CString(propertyName, propertyNameChars.get(), maxLength);
if (!strcmp(propertyNameChars.get(), "toString")) {
return true;
char* endptr;
int dispatchId = strtol(propertyNameChars.get(), &endptr, 10);
if (*endptr != '\0') {
return false;
} else if (dispatchId < 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
bool WebScriptSessionHandler::javaObjectSetPropertyImpl (TrackingDataRef tracker, JSObjectRef object,
JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef jsValue,
JSValueRef* exception) {
int maxLength = JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(propertyName);
scoped_array<char> propertyNameChars(new char[maxLength]);
JSStringGetUTF8CString(propertyName, propertyNameChars.get(), maxLength);
Value value;
char* endptr;
int dispatchId = strtol(propertyNameChars.get(), &endptr, 10);
if (*endptr != '\0') {
// TODO Figure out the right policy here; when we throw a Java object, JSCore wants to
// add expandos to record stack information. It would be possible to map the limited
// number of properties into a synthetic causal exception in the exception being thrown.
} else if (dispatchId < 0) {
// Do nothing.
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Dispatch ids may not be negative" << Debug::flush;
*exception = makeException("Dispatch ids may not be negative");
} else {
makeValue(value, jsValue);
if (!ServerMethods::setProperty(*channel, this, tracker->getObjectId(), dispatchId, value)) {
char message[50];
snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "Unable to set value object %i dispatchId %i", tracker->getObjectId(), dispatchId);
*exception = makeException(message);
// true means to not try to follow the prototype chain; not an indication of success
return true;
void WebScriptSessionHandler::loadJsni(HostChannel& channel, const std::string& js) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "loadJsni " << js << Debug::flush;
JSValueRef localException = NULL;
JSStringRef script = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(js.c_str());
JSEvaluateScript(contextRef, script, NULL, NULL, NULL, &localException);
if (localException) {
// TODO Exception handling
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Exception thrown during loadJsni" << Debug::flush;
} else {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "Success" << Debug::flush;
JSValueRef WebScriptSessionHandler::makeException(const char* message) {
JSValueRef localException = NULL;
JSObjectRef global = JSContextGetGlobalObject(contextRef);
JSStringRef errorName = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("Error");
JSValueRef errorValue = JSObjectGetProperty(contextRef, global, errorName, &localException);
if (!JSValueIsObject(contextRef, errorValue)) {
initiateAutodestructSequence(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Could not get reference to Error");
return JSValueMakeUndefined(contextRef);
JSObjectRef errorObject = (JSObjectRef) errorValue;
if (!JSObjectIsFunction(contextRef, errorObject)) {
initiateAutodestructSequence(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Error was not a function");
return JSValueMakeUndefined(contextRef);
JSValueRef args[1];
JSStringRef messageJs = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(message);
args[0] = JSValueMakeString(contextRef, messageJs);
return JSObjectCallAsConstructor(contextRef, errorObject, 1, args, &localException);
void WebScriptSessionHandler::makeExceptionValue(Value& value, const char* message) {
makeValue(value, makeException(message));
JSObjectRef WebScriptSessionHandler::makeJavaWrapper(int objId) {
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "Creating wrapper for Java object " << objId << Debug::flush;
TrackingDataRef data = new TrackingData(this, objId);
return JSObjectMake(contextRef, javaObjectWrapperClass,
JSValueRef WebScriptSessionHandler::makeValueRef(const Value& v) {
std::map<int, JSObjectRef>::iterator i;
switch (v.getType()) {
case Value::NULL_TYPE:
return JSValueMakeNull(contextRef);
case Value::BOOLEAN:
return JSValueMakeBoolean(contextRef, v.getBoolean());
case Value::BYTE:
return JSValueMakeNumber(contextRef, v.getByte());
case Value::CHAR:
return JSValueMakeNumber(contextRef, v.getChar());
case Value::SHORT:
return JSValueMakeNumber(contextRef, v.getShort());
case Value::INT:
return JSValueMakeNumber(contextRef, v.getInt());
case Value::LONG:
return JSValueMakeNumber(contextRef, v.getLong());
case Value::FLOAT:
return JSValueMakeNumber(contextRef, v.getFloat());
case Value::DOUBLE:
return JSValueMakeNumber(contextRef, v.getDouble());
case Value::STRING:
std::string stringValue = v.getString();
// We need to handle the conversion ourselves to be able to get both
// UTF8 encoding as well as explicit control over the length of the string
// due to the possibility of null characters being part of the data
CFStringRef cfString = CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL, (UInt8*),
stringValue.length(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8,
false, kCFAllocatorNull);
JSStringRef stringRef = JSStringCreateWithCFString(cfString);
JSValueRef toReturn = JSValueMakeString(contextRef, stringRef);
return toReturn;
case Value::JAVA_OBJECT:
unsigned javaId = v.getJavaObjectId();
JSObjectRef ref;
i = javaObjectsById.find(javaId);
* It's possible that we've already finalized the JsObjectRef that
* represented the object with the given id. If so, we must remove it
* from the list of finalized object ids to avoid prematurely freeing
* the object on the server.
if (i == javaObjectsById.end()) {
* We don't call JSValueProtect so that the JavaObject peer can be
* garbage-collected during the lifetime of the program. Object
* identity is maintained as long as the object hasn't been finalized.
* If it had been finalized, then there wouldn't be an object to use
* as a basis for identity comparison.
* NB: The act of creating the wrapper may trigger a GC.
ref = makeJavaWrapper(javaId);
javaObjectsById[javaId] = ref;
} else {
ref = i->second;
return ref;
case Value::JS_OBJECT:
int jsId = v.getJsObjectId();
i = jsObjectsById.find(jsId);
if (i == jsObjectsById.end()) {
char errMsg[50];
snprintf(errMsg, sizeof(errMsg), "Missing JsObject with id %i", jsId);
return makeException(errMsg);
} else {
return i->second;
case Value::UNDEFINED:
return JSValueMakeUndefined(contextRef);
char message[50];
snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "Could not convert %s", v.toString().c_str());
initiateAutodestructSequence(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, message);
return makeException(message);
bool WebScriptSessionHandler::makeValue(Value& ret, JSValueRef v) {
JSValueRef localException = NULL;
if (JSValueIsNull(contextRef, v)) {
} else if (JSValueIsUndefined(contextRef, v)) {
} else if (JSValueIsBoolean(contextRef, v)) {
ret.setBoolean(JSValueToBoolean(contextRef, v));
} else if (JSValueIsNumber(contextRef, v)) {
double d = JSValueToNumber(contextRef, v, &localException);
int i = round(d);
if (i == d) {
} else {
} else if (JSValueIsString(contextRef, v) ||
JSValueIsInstanceOfConstructor(contextRef, v, stringConstructor, &localException)) {
return makeValueFromString(ret, v);
} else if (JSValueIsObjectOfClass(contextRef, v, javaObjectWrapperClass)) {
// It's one of our Java object proxies
JSObjectRef objectRef = JSValueToObject(contextRef, v, &localException);
if (!localException) {
TrackingDataRef tracker = (TrackingDataRef) JSObjectGetPrivate(objectRef);
int objId = tracker->getObjectId();
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "Made a Java object Value " << objId << Debug::flush;
} else if (JSValueIsObject(contextRef, v)) {
JSObjectRef objectRef = JSValueToObject(contextRef, v, &localException);
if (!localException) {
* Then this is just a plain-old JavaScript Object. Because JSCore
* doesn't retain private data for objects derived from the built-in
* Object type, we'll simply revert to using a pair of maps to provide
* a 1:1 mapping of JSObjectRefs and ints.
std::map<JSObjectRef, int>::iterator i = jsIdsByObject.find(objectRef);
if (i != jsIdsByObject.end()) {
// We've seen the object before
} else {
// Allocate a new id
int objId = ++jsObjectId;
JSValueProtect(contextRef, objectRef);
jsObjectsById[objId] = objectRef;
jsIdsByObject[objectRef] = objId;
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "Made JS Value " << objId << Debug::flush;
} else {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Unhandled JSValueRef -> Value conversion in plugin" << Debug::flush;
ret.setString("Unhandled JSValueRef -> Value conversion in plugin");
if (localException) {
makeValue(ret, localException);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool WebScriptSessionHandler::makeValueFromString(Value& ret, JSValueRef value) {
JSValueRef localException = NULL;
JSStringRef jsString = JSValueToStringCopy(contextRef, value, &localException);
if (localException) {
makeValue(ret, localException);
return true;
CFStringRef cfString = JSStringCopyCFString(NULL, jsString);
CFIndex cfLength = CFStringGetLength(cfString);
CFIndex maxLength = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(cfLength, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
scoped_array<char> utf8(new char[maxLength]);
CFIndex numBytes;
CFStringGetBytes(cfString, CFRangeMake(0, cfLength), kCFStringEncodingUTF8,
0, false, (UInt8*) utf8.get(), maxLength, &numBytes);
ret.setString(utf8.get(), numBytes);
Debug::log(Debug::Spam) << "Made a string Value " << ret.getString() << Debug::flush;
return false;