blob: 0b0b288824ec5940a4619954315f84e09841c544 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
#include <map>
#import <JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.h>
#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>
#import "BrowserChannel.h"
#import "Debug.h"
#import "GTMStackTrace.h"
#import "GTMSystemVersion.h"
#import "NSMutableString+HtmlReplacement.h"
#import "LoadModuleMessage.h"
#import "OophmWebScriptObject.h"
#import "SessionHandler.h"
#import "AllowedConnections.h"
* This is a helper shim to bridge crash events from the core cpp code to the
* objc plugin and UI layer.
class PluginCrashHandler : public CrashHandler {
PluginCrashHandler(OophmWebScriptObject* obj) : obj(obj) {
virtual void crash(const char* functionName, const char* message) {
Debug::log(Debug::Error) << "Crashing with message: "<< message << Debug::flush;
NSString* str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s\n\n%s", message, functionName];
[obj crashWithMessage:str];
OophmWebScriptObject* const obj;
@interface OophmWebScriptObject (Private)
+ (void)logAndThrowString: (NSString*)message;
- (void)addAllowedHost: (NSString*)host;
- (void)connectAlertDidEnd: (NSAlert*)alert
returnCode: (int)returnCode
contextInfo: (void*)contextInfo;
- (BOOL)doConnectWithUrl: (NSString*) url
withSessionKey: (NSString*) sessionKey
withHost: (NSString*) host
withModule: (NSString*) moduleName
withHostedHtmlVersion: (NSString*) hostedHtmlVersion;
@implementation OophmWebScriptObject
+ (void)initialize {
// Add the plugin's bundle name to the user defaults search path
NSBundle* pluginBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[OophmWebScriptObject class]];
NSString* bundleIdentifier = [pluginBundle bundleIdentifier];
NSUserDefaults* shared = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[shared addSuiteNamed:bundleIdentifier];
+ (BOOL)isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript:(SEL)selector {
if (selector == @selector(initForWebScriptWithJsniContext:)) {
return NO;
} else if (selector == @selector(connectWithUrl:withSessionKey:withHost:withModuleName:withHostedHtmlVersion:)) {
return NO;
} else if (selector == @selector(crashWithMessage:)) {
return NO;
return YES;
+ (OophmWebScriptObject*)scriptObjectWithContext: (JSGlobalContextRef) context
withWebView: (WebView*) webView {
OophmWebScriptObject* obj = [[[OophmWebScriptObject alloc] init] autorelease];
obj->_contextRef = context;
obj->_webView = [webView retain];
return obj;
+ (NSString*)webScriptNameForSelector: (SEL)selector {
if (selector == @selector(initForWebScriptWithJsniContext:)) {
return @"init";
} else if (selector == @selector(connectWithUrl:withSessionKey:withHost:withModuleName:withHostedHtmlVersion:)) {
return @"connect";
} else if (selector == @selector(crashWithMessage:)) {
return @"crash";
return nil;
// Simply return true to indicate the plugin was successfully loaded and
// reachable.
- (BOOL)initForWebScriptWithJsniContext: (WebScriptObject*) jsniContext {
return YES;
- (BOOL)connectWithUrl: (NSString*) url
withSessionKey: (NSString*) sessionKey
withHost: (NSString*) host
withModuleName: (NSString*) moduleName
withHostedHtmlVersion: (NSString*) hostedHtmlVersion {
NSUserDefaults* defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
// See if authentication has been bypassed
if ([defaults boolForKey:@"allowAll"]) {
return [self doConnectWithUrl:url withSessionKey:sessionKey withHost:host
withModule:moduleName withHostedHtmlVersion:hostedHtmlVersion];
// TODO(jat): do this only once, refactor to a separate method
NSArray* allowedHosts = [defaults arrayForKey:@"allowedHosts"];
if (allowedHosts != nil) {
int n = [allowedHosts count];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
NSString* entry = [allowedHosts objectAtIndex:i];
std::string hostName = [entry UTF8String];
int len = hostName.length();
bool exclude = false;
if (len > 0) {
if (len > 1 && hostName[0] == '!') {
exclude = true;
hostName = hostName.substr(1);
AllowedConnections::addRule(hostName, exclude);
const std::string urlStr = [url UTF8String];
bool allowed = false;
if (AllowedConnections::matchesRule(urlStr, &allowed)) {
if (allowed) {
return [self doConnectWithUrl:url withSessionKey:sessionKey withHost:host
withModule:moduleName withHostedHtmlVersion:hostedHtmlVersion];
} else {
return YES;
// Otherwise, bring up an alert dialog
// TODO(jat): add an include/exclude option, currently treat as only include
NSAlert* alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"Initiate hosted-mode session"
informativeTextWithFormat:@"The current web-page would like to initiate a hosted-mode connection to %@", host];
if ([alert respondsToSelector:@selector(setShowsSuppressionButton:)]) {
[alert setShowsSuppressionButton:YES];
[[alert suppressionButton] setTitle:@"Remember this decision for this server"];
} else {
[[alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Always allow"] setTag:NSAlertAlternateReturn];
NSBundle* bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[OophmWebScriptObject class]];
NSArray* contextArray = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[url retain],
[sessionKey retain], [host retain], [moduleName retain],
[hostedHtmlVersion retain], nil] retain];
NSString* imagePath = [bundle pathForImageResource:@"gwtlogo"];
if (imagePath != nil) {
NSImage* img = [[[NSImage alloc] initByReferencingFile:imagePath] autorelease];
[alert setIcon:img];
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow:[_webView hostWindow]
return YES;
- (void)crashWithMessage: (NSString*)message {
NSBundle* oophmBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
NSString* path = [oophmBundle pathForResource:@"crash" ofType:@"html"];
NSMutableString* crashPage = [NSMutableString stringWithContentsOfFile:path];
[crashPage replacePattern:@"__MESSAGE__" withStringLiteral:message];
long major, minor, bugFix;
[GTMSystemVersion getMajor:&major minor:&minor bugFix:&bugFix];
NSString* systemVersion = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i.%i.%i", major, minor, bugFix];
[crashPage replacePattern:@"__SYSTEM_VERSION__" withStringLiteral:systemVersion];
NSString* ua = [_webView userAgentForURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"about:blank"]];
[crashPage replacePattern:@"__USER_AGENT__" withStringLiteral:ua];
[crashPage replacePattern:@"__DATE__"
withStringLiteral:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__DATE__]];
[crashPage replacePattern:@"__TIME__"
withStringLiteral:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__TIME__]];
NSString* trace = GTMStackTrace();
[crashPage replacePattern:@"__BACKTRACE__" withStringLiteral:trace];
NSURL* currentUrl = [[[[_webView mainFrame] dataSource] response] URL];
[[_webView mainFrame] loadAlternateHTMLString:crashPage
baseURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]
- (void)dealloc {
[_webView release];
delete _crashHandler;
[super dealloc];
- (void)finalizeForWebScript {
Debug::log(Debug::Info) << "Finalizing OophmWebScriptObject" << Debug::flush;
// Free memory
delete _sessionHandler;
if (_hostChannel) {
delete _hostChannel;
_hostChannel = NULL;
if (_contextRef) {
_contextRef = NULL;
@implementation OophmWebScriptObject (Private)
+ (void)logAndThrowString:(NSString*)message {
Debug::log(Debug::Info) << "Throwing exception from WSO: " << message << Debug::flush;
[WebScriptObject throwException:message];
- (void)addAllowedHost:(NSString*)host {
* This is more complicated than usual because we're not using the
* application's default persestent domain. Instead, we use a plugin-specific
* domain.
NSBundle* pluginBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[OophmWebScriptObject class]];
NSString* bundleIdentifier = [pluginBundle bundleIdentifier];
NSUserDefaults* shared = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSDictionary* pluginDict = [shared persistentDomainForName:bundleIdentifier];
NSArray* allowedHosts = [pluginDict objectForKey:@"allowedHosts"];
NSMutableArray* mutableHosts = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:allowedHosts];
NSMutableDictionary* mutableDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:pluginDict];
[mutableHosts addObject:host];
[mutableDict setObject:mutableHosts forKey:@"allowedHosts"];
[shared setPersistentDomain:mutableDict forName:bundleIdentifier];
[shared synchronize];
- (void)connectAlertDidEnd:(NSAlert *)alert
contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo {
NSArray* contextArray = (NSArray*) contextInfo;
NSString* url = [[contextArray objectAtIndex:0] autorelease];
NSString* sessionKey = [[contextArray objectAtIndex:1] autorelease];
NSString* host = [[contextArray objectAtIndex:2] autorelease];
NSString* moduleName = [[contextArray objectAtIndex:3] autorelease];
NSString* hostedHtmlVersion = [[contextArray objectAtIndex:4] autorelease];
[contextArray release];
if (returnCode == NSAlertDefaultReturn) {
} else if (returnCode == NSAlertAlternateReturn ||
[alert respondsToSelector:@selector(suppressionButton)] &&
[[alert suppressionButton] state] == NSOnState) {
// TODO(jat): simplify, handle errors
// Get the host part of the URL and store that
NSString* server = [[[[[[url componentsSeparatedByString:@"://"]
objectAtIndex:1] componentsSeparatedByString:@"/"] objectAtIndex:0]
componentsSeparatedByString:@":"] objectAtIndex:0];
[self addAllowedHost:server];
[self doConnectWithUrl:url withSessionKey:sessionKey withHost:host
withModule:moduleName withHostedHtmlVersion:hostedHtmlVersion];
- (BOOL)doConnectWithUrl: (NSString*) url
withSessionKey: (NSString*) sessionKey
withHost: (NSString*) host
withModule: (NSString*) moduleName
withHostedHtmlVersion: (NSString*) hostedHtmlVersion {
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "connect : " << [host UTF8String] << " " <<
[moduleName UTF8String] << Debug::flush;
if (_hostChannel != NULL) {
[OophmWebScriptObject logAndThrowString:@"Already connected"];
return NO;
NSArray *parts = [host componentsSeparatedByString:@":"];
if ([parts count] != 2) {
[OophmWebScriptObject logAndThrowString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Incorrect format for host string %i",
[parts count]]];
return NO;
NSString *hostPart = [parts objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *portPart = [parts objectAtIndex:1];
Debug::log(Debug::Debugging) << "Extracted host: " << [hostPart UTF8String] <<
" and port: " << [portPart UTF8String] << Debug::flush;
char *hostAsChars = const_cast<char*>([hostPart UTF8String]);
unsigned portAsInt = [portPart intValue];
_hostChannel = new HostChannel();
if (!_hostChannel->connectToHost(hostAsChars, portAsInt)) {
[OophmWebScriptObject logAndThrowString:@"HostChannel failed to connect"];
delete _hostChannel;
_hostChannel = NULL;
return NO;
_crashHandler = new PluginCrashHandler(self);
_sessionHandler = new WebScriptSessionHandler(_hostChannel, _contextRef, _crashHandler);
std::string hostedHtmlVersionStr([hostedHtmlVersion UTF8String]);
// TODO: add support for a range of protocol versions when more are added.
if (!_hostChannel->init(_sessionHandler, BROWSERCHANNEL_PROTOCOL_VERSION,
[OophmWebScriptObject logAndThrowString:@"HostChannel failed to initialize"];
delete _hostChannel;
_hostChannel = NULL;
return NO;
const std::string urlStr = [url UTF8String];
// TODO(jat): add support for tab identity
const std::string tabKeyStr = "";
const std::string sessionKeyStr = [sessionKey UTF8String];
const std::string moduleNameStr = [moduleName UTF8String];
if (!LoadModuleMessage::send(*_hostChannel, urlStr, tabKeyStr,
sessionKeyStr, moduleNameStr,
"Safari DMP", _sessionHandler)) {
delete _hostChannel;
_hostChannel = NULL;
[OophmWebScriptObject logAndThrowString:@"Unable to load module"];
return NO;
return YES;