blob: bc15590c33519fafd16919c33a2ea7f1030d858e [file] [log] [blame]
# Following code is generated from CLDR data by script. You can do
# emergency fix here, but you fix will be lost unless it is also
# fixed in CLDR. The data generation scripts exists outside GWT and
# will be run manually after each major CLDR updates. Each update
# will be manually checked before check in to make sure undesired
# changes in CLDR will not break existing applications as possible.
eras = BC, AD
eraNames = BC, AD
narrowMonths = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
months = Phando, Luhuhi, hafamuhwe, Lambamai, Shundunthule, Fulwi, Fulwana, hangule, Khubvumedzi, Tshimedzi, ara, Nyendavhusiku
shortMonths = Pha, Luh, ha, Lam, Shu, Lwi, Lwa, ha, Khu, Tsh, ar, Nye
standaloneNarrowMonths = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
standaloneMonths = Phando, Luhuhi, hafamuhwe, Lambamai, Shundunthule, Fulwi, Fulwana, hangule, Khubvumedzi, Tshimedzi, ara, Nyendavhusiku
standaloneShortMonths = Pha, Luh, ha, Lam, Shu, Lwi, Lwa, ha, Khu, Tsh, ar, Nye
weekdays = Swondaha, Musumbuluwo, avhuvhili, avhuraru, avhua, avhuanu, Mugivhela
shortWeekdays = Swo, Mus, Vhi, Rar, a, an, Mug
narrowWeekdays = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
standaloneWeekdays = Swondaha, Musumbuluwo, avhuvhili, avhuraru, avhua, avhuanu, Mugivhela
standaloneShortWeekdays = Swo, Mus, Vhi, Rar, a, an, Mug
standaloneNarrowWeekdays = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
shortQuarters = K1, K2, K3, K4
quarters = Kotara ya u thoma, Kotara ya vhuvhili, Kotara ya vhuraru, Kotara ya vhua
ampms = AM, PM
dateFormats = EEEE\\, yyyy MMMM dd, yyyy MMMM d, yyyy MMM d, yy/MM/dd
timeFormats = HH:mm:ss v, HH:mm:ss z, HH:mm:ss, HH:mm
firstDayOfTheWeek = 2
weekendRange = 7, 1