blob: 0903c7d690b7d755a0d75cc0f2c2deb2b30651e0 [file] [log] [blame]
basicText=Estay emay
withMeaning=Oncay oremay, ithway eaningmay
oneArgument=PL: One argument: {0}
optionalArgument=PL: One argument ({0}), which is optional
quotedText=PL: Don''t tell me I can''t '{'quote things in braces'}'
quotedArg=PL: This '{0}' would be an argument if not quoted
currencyFormat=PL: Total is {0,number,currency}
defaultNumberFormat=PL: Default number format is {0,number}
getTimeDate=PL: It is {0,time,short} on {0,date,full}
pluralWidgetsOther=PL: {0} widgets
pluralWidgetsOther[many]=Too many widgets to count ({0}) in pig-latin
pluralWidgetsOther[one]=PL: A widget