blob: 46ccb3ecf7a76e66eaae13f3288d41c22de07364 [file] [log] [blame]
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<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin Not Installed</title>
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
var troubleshootingUrl = "";
// The missing plugin module expects downloadInfo.inferredDownloadId to contain the key to use
// in allDownloads field.
var downloadInfo = {
"inferredDownloadId" : null,
"troubleshootingUrl" : troubleshootingUrl,
"allDownloads" : {
"unknown" :
"caption" : "Regrettably, this browser is currently unsupported :-(",
"url" : troubleshootingUrl,
"supported" : false
"firefox-old" :
"caption" : "Sorry, the GWT Developer Plugin only supports Firefox 3.0 - 10.0 at present",
"url" : "",
"supported" : false
"opera" :
"caption" : "Sorry, there is currently no GWT Developer Plugin for Opera",
// TODO(you): If you are reading this, maybe you would be interested in contributing an Opera version?
"url" : "",
"supported" : false
"safari-iphone" :
"caption" : "Sorry, there is currently no GWT Developer Plugin for mobile Safari",
"url" : troubleshootingUrl,
"supported" : false
"webkit-android" :
"caption" : "Sorry, there is currently no GWT Developer Plugin for mobile WebKit",
"url" : troubleshootingUrl,
"supported" : false
"chrome" :
"caption" : "Download the GWT Developer Plugin<br>For Chrome",
"url" : "",
"platforms" : "Win x86, Linux x86/x86_64, Mac x86",
"supported" : true
"safari-win" :
"caption" : "Sorry, there is currently no GWT Developer Plugin for Safari on Windows",
"url" : troubleshootingUrl,
"supported" : false
"firefox" :
"caption" : "Download the GWT Developer Plugin<br>For Firefox",
"url" : "",
"platforms" : "Win x86, Linux x86/x86_64, Mac x86/PPC(3.x only)/x86_64",
"supported" : true
"ie" :
"caption" : "Download the GWT Developer Plugin<br>For Internet Explorer",
"url" : "",
"platforms" : "Win x86",
"supported" : true
"ie-x64" :
"caption" : "Download the GWT Developer Plugin<br>For Internet Explorer (64-bit)",
"url" : "",
"platforms" : "Win x64",
"supported" : true
"safari-mac" :
"caption" : "Download the GWT Developer Plugin<br>For Safari",
"url" : "",
"platforms" : "Mac x86/x86_64/PPC",
"supported" : true
"safari-mac-late" :
"caption" : "Sorry, there is currently no GWT Developer Plugin for Safari 5.1<br>"
+ "or later, due to major changes in the Safari plugin API. <br><br>"
+ "In the meantime, <a href=''>OmniWeb 5.11</a> is similar to Safari 5.0 and <br>"
+ "known to work.",
"url" : troubleshootingUrl,
"supported" : false
function leadingDigits(s) {
var suffix =[^\d]/g);
if (suffix != -1) {
s = s.substring(0, suffix);
return s;
function isSafariLate(ua) {
// Distinguish Safari from something "like Safari", e.g. OmniWeb
// "Version/" comes after "like"
var versionAndBeyond = ua.substring(ua.indexOf("version/"));
if (versionAndBeyond.indexOf("safari/") == -1) {
return false;
var componentsAfterVersion =
ua.substring(ua.indexOf("version/") + "version/".length).split(" ");
var version = componentsAfterVersion[0].split(".");
var major = Number(version[0]);
// Sometimes minor has a suffix like "dp1"
var minor = Number(leadingDigits(version[1]));
return major > 5 || major == 5 && minor > 0;
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var id = 'unknown';
if (ua.indexOf("webkit") != -1) {
if ( (ua.indexOf("iphone") != -1) || (ua.indexOf("ipod") != -1) ) {
id = 'safari-iphone';
} else if (ua.indexOf("android") != -1) {
id = 'webkit-android';
} else if (ua.indexOf("chrome") != -1) {
id = 'chrome';
} else if (ua.indexOf("macintosh") != -1) {
if (isSafariLate(ua)) {
id = 'safari-mac-late';
} else {
id = 'safari-mac';
} else if (ua.indexOf("windows") != -1) {
id = 'safari-win';
} else if (ua.indexOf("msie") != -1) {
id = (ua.indexOf("win64") == -1) ? 'ie' : 'ie-x64';
} else if (ua.indexOf("opera") != -1) {
id = 'opera';
} else if (ua.indexOf("gecko") != -1) {
if (ua.indexOf("rv:1.9") != -1 ||
ua.indexOf("rv:2.0") != -1 ||
ua.indexOf("rv:5.0") != -1 ||
ua.indexOf("rv:6.0") != -1 ||
ua.indexOf("rv:7.0") != -1 ||
ua.indexOf("rv:8.0") != -1 ||
ua.indexOf("rv:9.0") != -1 ||
ua.indexOf("rv:10.0") != -1) {
id = 'firefox';
} else {
id = 'firefox-old';
downloadInfo.inferredDownloadId = id;
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="missingplugin/missingplugin.nocache.js"></script>
<div style="width: 22em; position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -11em; color: red; background-color: white; border: 1px solid red; padding: 4px; font-family: sans-serif">
The Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin does not appear to be installed.
However, you also don't seem to have a browser that is willing to run JavaScript.
Please enable JavaScript or switch to a browser that supports JavaScript and try again.