blob: 9bc3dd8be707fd90336d6066dbf3f86d512c1dc2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
* Replace references to functions which have post-obfuscation duplicate bodies
* by reference to a canonical one. Intended to run only when stack trace
* stripping is enabled.
public class JsDuplicateFunctionRemover {
private class DuplicateFunctionBodyRecorder extends JsVisitor {
private final Set<JsName> dontReplace = new IdentityHashSet<JsName>();
private final Map<JsName, JsName> duplicateOriginalMap = new IdentityHashMap<JsName, JsName>();
private final Map<JsFunction, JsFunction> duplicateMethodOriginalMap = new IdentityHashMap<JsFunction, JsFunction>();
private final Stack<JsNameRef> invocationQualifiers = new Stack<JsNameRef>();
// static / global methods
private final Map<String, JsName> uniqueBodies = new HashMap<String, JsName>();
// vtable methods
private final Map<String, JsFunction> uniqueMethodBodies = new HashMap<String, JsFunction>();
public DuplicateFunctionBodyRecorder() {
// Add sentinel to stop Stack.peek() from throwing exception.
public void endVisit(JsInvocation x, JsContext ctx) {
if (x.getQualifier() instanceof JsNameRef) {
public void endVisit(JsNameOf x, JsContext ctx) {
public void endVisit(JsNameRef x, JsContext ctx) {
if (x != invocationQualifiers.peek()) {
if (x.getName() != null) {
public Set<JsName> getBlacklist() {
return dontReplace;
public Map<JsName, JsName> getDuplicateMap() {
return duplicateOriginalMap;
public Map<JsFunction, JsFunction> getDuplicateMethodMap() {
return duplicateMethodOriginalMap;
public boolean visit(JsFunction x, JsContext ctx) {
String fnSource = x.toSource();
String body = fnSource.substring(fnSource.indexOf("("));
* Static function processed separate from virtual functions
if (x.getName() != null) {
JsName original = uniqueBodies.get(body);
if (original != null) {
duplicateOriginalMap.put(x.getName(), original);
} else {
uniqueBodies.put(body, x.getName());
} else if (x.isFromJava()) {
JsFunction original = uniqueMethodBodies.get(body);
if (original != null) {
duplicateMethodOriginalMap.put(x, original);
} else {
uniqueMethodBodies.put(body, x);
return true;
public boolean visit(JsInvocation x, JsContext ctx) {
if (x.getQualifier() instanceof JsNameRef) {
invocationQualifiers.push((JsNameRef) x.getQualifier());
return true;
private class ReplaceDuplicateInvocationNameRefs extends JsModVisitor {
private final Set<JsName> blacklist;
private final Map<JsFunction, JsFunction> dupMethodMap;
private final Map<JsFunction, JsName> hoistMap;
private final Map<JsName, JsName> duplicateMap;
public ReplaceDuplicateInvocationNameRefs(Map<JsName, JsName> duplicateMap,
Set<JsName> blacklist, Map<JsFunction, JsFunction> dupMethodMap,
Map<JsFunction, JsName> hoistMap) {
this.duplicateMap = duplicateMap;
this.blacklist = blacklist;
this.dupMethodMap = dupMethodMap;
this.hoistMap = hoistMap;
public void endVisit(JsFunction x, JsContext ctx) {
if (dupMethodMap.containsKey(x)) {
} else if (hoistMap.containsKey(x)) {
public void endVisit(JsNameRef x, JsContext ctx) {
JsName orig = duplicateMap.get(x.getName());
if (orig != null && x.getName() != null
&& x.getName().getEnclosing() == program.getScope()
&& !blacklist.contains(x.getName()) && !blacklist.contains(orig)) {
* Entry point for the removeDuplicateFunctions optimization.
* This optimization will collapse functions whose JavaScript (output) code is identical. After
* collapsing duplicate functions it will remove functions that become unreferenced as a result.
* This pass is safe only for JavaScript functions generated from Java where references to
* local function variables can not be extruded by returning a function. E,g. in the next example
* function f1() {return a;}
* funcion f2() { var a; return function() {return a;}}
* f1() and the return of f2() are not duplicates even though the have a syntacticaly identical
* parameters and body. The reason is that a in f1() refers to some globally scoped variable a,
* whereas a in the return of f2() refers to the local variable a. It would be not correct to
* move the return of f2() to the global scope.
* This situation does NOT arise from functions that where generated from Java sources (non
* native)
* IMPORTANT NOTE: It is NOT safe to rename JsNames after this pass is performed. E.g.
* Consider an output JavaScript for two unrelated classes:
* defineSeed(...) //class A
* _.a
* _.m1 = function() { return this.a; }
* defineSeed(...) // class B
* _.a
* _.m2 = function() { return this.a; }
* Here m1() in class A and m2 in class B have identical parameters and bodies; hence the result
* will be
* defineSeed(...) //class A
* _.a
* _.m1 = g1
* defineSeed(...) // class B
* _.a
* _.m2 = g1
* function g1() { return this.a; }
* The reference to this.a in g1 will be to either A.a or B.a and as long as those names remain
* the same the removal was correct. However if A.a gets renamed then A.m1() and B.m2() would
* no longer have been identical hence the dedup that is already done is incorrect.
* @param program the program to optimize
* @param nameGenerator a freshNameGenerator to assign fresh names to deduped functions that are
* lifted to the global scope
* @return {@code true} if it made any changes; {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean exec(JsProgram program, FreshNameGenerator nameGenerator) {
return new JsDuplicateFunctionRemover(program, nameGenerator).execImpl();
private final JsProgram program;
* A FreshNameGenerator instance to obtain fresh top scope names consistent with the
* naming strategy used.
private FreshNameGenerator freshNameGenerator;
public JsDuplicateFunctionRemover(JsProgram program, FreshNameGenerator freshNameGenerator) {
this.program = program;
this.freshNameGenerator = freshNameGenerator;
private boolean execImpl() {
boolean changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < program.getFragmentCount(); i++) {
JsBlock fragment = program.getFragmentBlock(i);
DuplicateFunctionBodyRecorder dfbr = new DuplicateFunctionBodyRecorder();
Map<JsFunction, JsName> newNamesByHoistedFunction = new HashMap<JsFunction, JsName>();
// Hoist all anonymous duplicate functions.
Map<JsFunction, JsFunction> dupMethodMap = dfbr.getDuplicateMethodMap();
for (JsFunction dupMethod : dupMethodMap.values()) {
if (newNamesByHoistedFunction.containsKey(dupMethod)) {
// move function to top scope and re-declaring it with a unique name
JsName newName = program.getScope().declareName(freshNameGenerator.getFreshName());
JsFunction newFunc = new JsFunction(dupMethod.getSourceInfo(),
program.getScope(), newName, dupMethod.isFromJava());
// we're not using the old function anymore, we can use reuse the body
// instead of cloning it
// also copy the parameters from the old function
// add the new function to the top level list of statements
newNamesByHoistedFunction.put(dupMethod, newName);
ReplaceDuplicateInvocationNameRefs rdup = new ReplaceDuplicateInvocationNameRefs(
dfbr.getDuplicateMap(), dfbr.getBlacklist(), dupMethodMap, newNamesByHoistedFunction);
changed = changed || rdup.didChange();
if (changed) {
return changed;