blob: c2d443b783e16b8d3a6b2cf707f47504095195f8 [file] [log] [blame]
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=''
<g:HTMLPanel styleName='oneArea'>
The Root Logger comes with a set of handlers added by default. You can
configure which handlers are added in the gwt.xml file, and you can also
add/remove them programatically. Below, we have greyed out any handlers
which are not being added due to gwt.xml file configuration.
Checking/unchecking boxes will add/remove them programatically.
<g:CheckBox ui:field='systemCheckbox'> System Handler </g:CheckBox>
<g:CheckBox ui:field='consoleCheckbox'> Console Handler </g:CheckBox>
<g:CheckBox ui:field='devmodeCheckbox'> Dev Mode Handler </g:CheckBox>
<g:CheckBox ui:field='popupCheckbox'> Popup Handler </g:CheckBox>
<g:CheckBox ui:field='remoteCheckbox'> Simple Remote Handler </g:CheckBox>