blob: 73e8a180accea5bdd30cef13a0849f2388275b73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* A GwtTestCase for the JavaScript that is part of super dev mode.
* Since inside of the GWT SDK there is not a lot of JavaScript it does not make sense to add a
* extra testing framework for JavaScript. Rather this class bundles the JavaScript that should
* be tested as a TextResource and injects it into the current page. This way we can write test
* against it using JSNI.
public class CodeServerGwtTest extends GWTTestCase {
interface Resource extends ClientBundle {
TextResource libJS();
private boolean injected;
public String getModuleName() {
return "";
protected void gwtSetUp() throws Exception {
public native void testPropertySource_withProperInput() /*-{
// setup property providers and values for the test
var propertyProvidersHolder = function() {
var propProviders = {};
var propValues = {};
propProviders['prop1'] = function(){
return 'val1_1';
propValues['prop1'] = {'val1_1':0,'val1_2':1,'val1_3':2};
propProviders['prop2'] = function(){
return 'val2_2';
propValues['prop2'] = {'val2_1':0,'val2_2':1,'val2_3':2};
return {providers: propProviders, values : propValues};
// Actual test
var PropertySource = $wnd.namespace.lib.PropertySource;
var propertySource = new PropertySource('testModule', propertyProvidersHolder, {});
var result = propertySource.computeBindingProperties();
var assertStringEquals = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertEquals(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;);
var assertTrue = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertTrue(Ljava/lang/String;Z);
var length = Object.keys(result).length;
assertTrue("PropertySource did not return two entries: " + length, length == 2);
assertStringEquals('val1_1', result['prop1']);
assertStringEquals('val2_2', result['prop2']);
public native void testPropertySource_environment() /*-{
var assertStringEquals = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertEquals(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;);
var assertTrue = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertTrue(Ljava/lang/String;Z);
// setup property providers and values for the test
var propertyProvidersHolder = function(local_getMetaProperty, local_isKnownPropertyValue) {
var propProviders = {};
var propValues = {};
propProviders['prop1'] = function() {
assertTrue('__gwt_isKnownPropertyValue not working',
local_isKnownPropertyValue('prop1', 'val1_1'));
return 'val1_1';
propValues['prop1'] = {'val1_1':0,'val1_2':1,'val1_3':2};
propProviders['prop2'] = function(){
return local_getMetaProperty('meta1');
propValues['prop2'] = {'meta1_val':0};
return {providers: propProviders, values : propValues};
var metaTagParserMock = {};
metaTagParserMock.get = function() {
return {meta1: 'meta1_val'};
// Actual test
var PropertySource = $wnd.namespace.lib.PropertySource;
var propertySource = new PropertySource('testModule', propertyProvidersHolder, metaTagParserMock);
var result = propertySource.computeBindingProperties();
var length = Object.keys(result).length;
assertTrue("PropertySource did not return two entries: " + length, length == 2);
assertStringEquals('val1_1', result['prop1']);
assertStringEquals('meta1_val', result['prop2']);
public native void testRecompiler() /*-{
var Recompiler = $wnd.namespace.lib.Recompiler;
$wnd.__gwt_sdm_globals = { callbacks: {}, callbackCounter: 1234};
var recompiler = new Recompiler('testModule', {prop1: 'val1', prop2 : 'val2'});
var jsonpUrl = '';
var callbackCalled = false;
var assertStringEquals = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertEquals(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;);
var assertTrue = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertTrue(Ljava/lang/String;Z);
// patch up functions of recompiler that need the actual SDM environment
recompiler.getCodeServerBaseUrl = function() {
return "http://mytesthost:7812/";
recompiler.__injectScriptTag = function(url) {
jsonpUrl = url;
// call the callback that should have been stored in global context
var callback = $wnd.__gwt_sdm_globals.callbacks['c1234'];
assertTrue('No function found', typeof callback == 'function');
callback({status : 'ok'});
assertTrue('Callback has not been deleted', $wnd.__gwt_sdm_globals.callbacks['c1234'] == null);
// do the test
recompiler.compile(function(result) {
callbackCalled = true;
//compile is done
assertStringEquals('ok', result.status);
assertStringEquals('http://mytesthost:7812/recompile/testModule' +
assertTrue('callback for successful recompile was not executed', callbackCalled);
public native void testMetaTagParser() /*-{
var assertStringEquals = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertEquals(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;);
var assertTrue = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertTrue(Ljava/lang/String;Z);
var MetaTagParser = $wnd.namespace.lib.MetaTagParser;
var parser = new MetaTagParser('testModule');
parser.__getMetaTags = function() {
// provide mocks
var returnValues = [
var index = 0;
var readEntry = function() {
return returnValues[index++];
return [
{getAttribute: readEntry},
{getAttribute: readEntry},
{getAttribute: readEntry},
{getAttribute: readEntry}
var props = parser.get();
var len = Object.keys(props).length;
assertTrue('Wrong number of entries: ' + len, len == 2);
assertTrue('bar is missing', 'bar' in props);
assertTrue('test1 is missing', 'test1' in props);
assertStringEquals('test2', props.test1);
public native void testBaseUrlProvider_nocache () /*-{
var assertStringEquals = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertEquals(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;);
var BaseUrlProvider = $wnd.namespace.lib.BaseUrlProvider;
var baseUrlProvider = new BaseUrlProvider('testModule');
// have other sources return null
baseUrlProvider.__getBaseUrlFromMetaTag = function() {
return null;
// have other sources return nothing
baseUrlProvider.__getBaseElements = function() {
return [];
baseUrlProvider.__getScriptTags = function() {
return [
{src: 'http://localhost:9876/somepath/testModule.recompile.nocache.js'},
{src: 'http://localhost:8888/somepath/testModule.nocache.js'},
{src: 'http://localhost:9876/somepath/testModule.recompile.nocache.js'}
// Issue #8973
public native void testBaseUrlProvider_nocache_relative_with_querystring () /*-{
var assertStringEquals = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertEquals(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;);
var BaseUrlProvider = $wnd.namespace.lib.BaseUrlProvider;
var baseUrlProvider = new BaseUrlProvider('testModule');
// have other sources return null
baseUrlProvider.__getBaseUrlFromMetaTag = function() {
return null;
// have other sources return nothing
baseUrlProvider.__getBaseElements = function() {
return [];
var moduleRelativePath = '/ModulePath/testModule.nocache.js?abc#def?ghi#jkl';
var loc = $wnd.location;
// getBaseUrl() should return an absolute path without filename, QS, or hash
var expectedModulePath = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.hostname + ':' + loc.port + '/ModulePath/';
baseUrlProvider.__getScriptTags = function() {
return [
{src: 'http://localhost:9876/testModule.recompile.nocache.js'},
{src: 'http://localhost:8888/foo.js'},
{src: moduleRelativePath},
{src: 'http://localhost:9876/foo/bar.js'}
assertStringEquals(expectedModulePath, baseUrlProvider.getBaseUrl());
public native void testBaseUrlProvider_metatag() /*-{
var assertStringEquals = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertEquals(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;);
var BaseUrlProvider = $wnd.namespace.lib.BaseUrlProvider;
var baseUrlProvider = new BaseUrlProvider('testModule');
baseUrlProvider.__getBaseUrlFromMetaTag = function() {
return 'http://localhost:8888/somepathFromMeta/';
// have other sources return nothing
baseUrlProvider.__getBaseElements = function() {
return [];
// have other sources return nothing
baseUrlProvider.__getScriptTags = function() {
return [];
public native void testBaseUrlProvider_basetag() /*-{
var assertStringEquals = @CodeServerGwtTest::assertEquals(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;);
var BaseUrlProvider = $wnd.namespace.lib.BaseUrlProvider;
var baseUrlProvider = new BaseUrlProvider('testModule');
// have other sources return null
baseUrlProvider.__getBaseUrlFromMetaTag = function() {
return null;
baseUrlProvider.__getBaseElements = function() {
return [
{href: 'http://localhost:9876/somepath1/'},
{href: 'http://localhost:9876/somepath2/'},
{href: 'http://localhost:9876/somepath3/'}
// have other sources return nothing
baseUrlProvider.__getScriptTags = function() {
return [];
private void ensureJsInjected() {
if(injected) {
Resource res = GWT.create(Resource.class);
String before = "(function(){ \n $wnd.namespace = {};$namespace = $wnd.namespace;";
String js = res.libJS().getText();
ScriptInjector.fromString(before + js + "})()").inject();