blob: 691f6cf63d481bc7dad112afdd206dc878ccfe0e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.commons.collections.AbstractTestObject;
import org.apache.commons.collections.BulkTest;
import org.apache.commons.collections.collection.AbstractTestCollection;
import org.apache.commons.collections.set.AbstractTestSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Abstract test class for {@link java.util.Map} methods and contracts.
* <p>
* The forces at work here are similar to those in {@link AbstractTestCollection}.
* If your class implements the full Map interface, including optional
* operations, simply extend this class, and implement the
* {@link #makeEmptyMap()} method.
* <p>
* On the other hand, if your map implementation is weird, you may have to
* override one or more of the other protected methods. They're described
* below.
* <p>
* <b>Entry Population Methods</b>
* <p>
* Override these methods if your map requires special entries:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #getSampleKeys()}
* <li>{@link #getSampleValues()}
* <li>{@link #getNewSampleValues()}
* <li>{@link #getOtherKeys()}
* <li>{@link #getOtherValues()}
* </ul>
* <b>Supported Operation Methods</b>
* <p>
* Override these methods if your map doesn't support certain operations:
* <ul>
* <li> {@link #isPutAddSupported()}
* <li> {@link #isPutChangeSupported()}
* <li> {@link #isSetValueSupported()}
* <li> {@link #isRemoveSupported()}
* <li> {@link #isGetStructuralModify()}
* <li> {@link #isAllowDuplicateValues()}
* <li> {@link #isAllowNullKey()}
* <li> {@link #isAllowNullValue()}
* </ul>
* <b>Fixture Methods</b>
* <p>
* For tests on modification operations (puts and removes), fixtures are used
* to verify that that operation results in correct state for the map and its
* collection views. Basically, the modification is performed against your
* map implementation, and an identical modification is performed against
* a <I>confirmed</I> map implementation. A confirmed map implementation is
* something like <Code>java.util.HashMap</Code>, which is known to conform
* exactly to the {@link Map} contract. After the modification takes place
* on both your map implementation and the confirmed map implementation, the
* two maps are compared to see if their state is identical. The comparison
* also compares the collection views to make sure they're still the same.<P>
* The upshot of all that is that <I>any</I> test that modifies the map in
* <I>any</I> way will verify that <I>all</I> of the map's state is still
* correct, including the state of its collection views. So for instance
* if a key is removed by the map's key set's iterator, then the entry set
* is checked to make sure the key/value pair no longer appears.<P>
* The {@link #map} field holds an instance of your collection implementation.
* The {@link #entrySet}, {@link #keySet} and {@link #values} fields hold
* that map's collection views. And the {@link #confirmed} field holds
* an instance of the confirmed collection implementation. The
* {@link #resetEmpty()} and {@link #resetFull()} methods set these fields to
* empty or full maps, so that tests can proceed from a known state.<P>
* After a modification operation to both {@link #map} and {@link #confirmed},
* the {@link #verify()} method is invoked to compare the results. The
* {@link #verify} method calls separate methods to verify the map and its three
* collection views ({@link #verifyMap}, {@link #verifyEntrySet},
* {@link #verifyKeySet}, and {@link #verifyValues}). You may want to override
* one of the verification methodsto perform additional verifications. For
* instance, TestDoubleOrderedMap would want override its
* {@link #verifyValues()} method to verify that the values are unique and in
* ascending order.<P>
* <b>Other Notes</b>
* <p>
* If your {@link Map} fails one of these tests by design, you may still use
* this base set of cases. Simply override the test case (method) your map
* fails and/or the methods that define the assumptions used by the test
* cases. For example, if your map does not allow duplicate values, override
* {@link #isAllowDuplicateValues()} and have it return <code>false</code>
* @author Michael Smith
* @author Rodney Waldhoff
* @author Paul Jack
* @author Stephen Colebourne
* @version $Revision: 646780 $ $Date: 2008-04-10 13:48:07 +0100 (Thu, 10 Apr 2008) $
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public abstract class AbstractTestMap extends AbstractTestObject {
* JDK1.2 has bugs in null handling of Maps, especially HashMap.Entry.toString
* This avoids nulls for JDK1.2
private static final boolean JDK12;
static {
String str = System.getProperty("java.version");
JDK12 = str.startsWith("1.2");
// These instance variables are initialized with the reset method.
// Tests for map methods that alter the map (put, putAll, remove)
// first call reset() to create the map and its views; then perform
// the modification on the map; perform the same modification on the
// confirmed; and then call verify() to ensure that the map is equal
// to the confirmed, that the already-constructed collection views
// are still equal to the confirmed's collection views.
/** Map created by reset(). */
protected Map map;
/** Entry set of map created by reset(). */
protected Set entrySet;
/** Key set of map created by reset(). */
protected Set keySet;
/** Values collection of map created by reset(). */
protected Collection values;
/** HashMap created by reset(). */
protected Map confirmed;
* JUnit constructor.
* @param testName the test name
public AbstractTestMap(String testName) {
* Returns true if the maps produced by
* {@link #makeEmptyMap()} and {@link #makeFullMap()}
* support the <code>put</code> and <code>putAll</code> operations
* adding new mappings.
* <p>
* Default implementation returns true.
* Override if your collection class does not support put adding.
public boolean isPutAddSupported() {
return true;
* Returns true if the maps produced by
* {@link #makeEmptyMap()} and {@link #makeFullMap()}
* support the <code>put</code> and <code>putAll</code> operations
* changing existing mappings.
* <p>
* Default implementation returns true.
* Override if your collection class does not support put changing.
public boolean isPutChangeSupported() {
return true;
* Returns true if the maps produced by
* {@link #makeEmptyMap()} and {@link #makeFullMap()}
* support the <code>setValue</code> operation on entrySet entries.
* <p>
* Default implementation returns isPutChangeSupported().
* Override if your collection class does not support setValue but does
* support put changing.
public boolean isSetValueSupported() {
return isPutChangeSupported();
* Returns true if the maps produced by
* {@link #makeEmptyMap()} and {@link #makeFullMap()}
* support the <code>remove</code> and <code>clear</code> operations.
* <p>
* Default implementation returns true.
* Override if your collection class does not support removal operations.
public boolean isRemoveSupported() {
return true;
* Returns true if the maps produced by
* {@link #makeEmptyMap()} and {@link #makeFullMap()}
* can cause structural modification on a get(). The example is LRUMap.
* <p>
* Default implementation returns false.
* Override if your map class structurally modifies on get.
public boolean isGetStructuralModify() {
return false;
* Returns whether the sub map views of SortedMap are serializable.
* If the class being tested is based around a TreeMap then you should
* override and return false as TreeMap has a bug in deserialization.
* @return false
public boolean isSubMapViewsSerializable() {
return true;
* Returns true if the maps produced by
* {@link #makeEmptyMap()} and {@link #makeFullMap()}
* supports null keys.
* <p>
* Default implementation returns true.
* Override if your collection class does not support null keys.
public boolean isAllowNullKey() {
return true;
* Returns true if the maps produced by
* {@link #makeEmptyMap()} and {@link #makeFullMap()}
* supports null values.
* <p>
* Default implementation returns true.
* Override if your collection class does not support null values.
public boolean isAllowNullValue() {
return true;
* Returns true if the maps produced by
* {@link #makeEmptyMap()} and {@link #makeFullMap()}
* supports duplicate values.
* <p>
* Default implementation returns true.
* Override if your collection class does not support duplicate values.
public boolean isAllowDuplicateValues() {
return true;
* Returns the set of keys in the mappings used to test the map. This
* method must return an array with the same length as {@link
* #getSampleValues()} and all array elements must be different. The
* default implementation constructs a set of String keys, and includes a
* single null key if {@link #isAllowNullKey()} returns <code>true</code>.
public Object[] getSampleKeys() {
Object[] result = new Object[] {
"blah", "foo", "bar", "baz", "tmp", "gosh", "golly", "gee",
"hello", "goodbye", "we'll", "see", "you", "all", "again",
(isAllowNullKey() && !JDK12) ? null : "nonnullkey"
return result;
public Object[] getOtherKeys() {
return getOtherNonNullStringElements();
public Object[] getOtherValues() {
return getOtherNonNullStringElements();
* Returns a list of string elements suitable for return by
* {@link #getOtherKeys()} or {@link #getOtherValues}.
* <p>Override getOtherElements to returnthe results of this method if your
* collection does not support heterogenous elements or the null element.
* </p>
public Object[] getOtherNonNullStringElements() {
return new Object[] {
"For","then","despite",/* of */"space","I","would","be","brought",
* Returns the set of values in the mappings used to test the map. This
* method must return an array with the same length as
* {@link #getSampleKeys()}. The default implementation constructs a set of
* String values and includes a single null value if
* {@link #isAllowNullValue()} returns <code>true</code>, and includes
* two values that are the same if {@link #isAllowDuplicateValues()} returns
* <code>true</code>.
public Object[] getSampleValues() {
Object[] result = new Object[] {
"blahv", "foov", "barv", "bazv", "tmpv", "goshv", "gollyv", "geev",
"hellov", "goodbyev", "we'llv", "seev", "youv", "allv", "againv",
(isAllowNullValue() && !JDK12) ? null : "nonnullvalue",
(isAllowDuplicateValues()) ? "value" : "value2",
return result;
* Returns a the set of values that can be used to replace the values
* returned from {@link #getSampleValues()}. This method must return an
* array with the same length as {@link #getSampleValues()}. The values
* returned from this method should not be the same as those returned from
* {@link #getSampleValues()}. The default implementation constructs a
* set of String values and includes a single null value if
* {@link #isAllowNullValue()} returns <code>true</code>, and includes two values
* that are the same if {@link #isAllowDuplicateValues()} returns
* <code>true</code>.
public Object[] getNewSampleValues() {
Object[] result = new Object[] {
(isAllowNullValue() && !JDK12 && isAllowDuplicateValues()) ? null : "newnonnullvalue",
(isAllowDuplicateValues()) ? "newvalue" : "newvalue2",
"newblahv", "newfoov", "newbarv", "newbazv", "newtmpv", "newgoshv",
"newgollyv", "newgeev", "newhellov", "newgoodbyev", "newwe'llv",
"newseev", "newyouv", "newallv", "newagainv",
return result;
* Helper method to add all the mappings described by
* {@link #getSampleKeys()} and {@link #getSampleValues()}.
public void addSampleMappings(Map m) {
Object[] keys = getSampleKeys();
Object[] values = getSampleValues();
for(int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
try {
m.put(keys[i], values[i]);
} catch (NullPointerException exception) {
assertTrue("NullPointerException only allowed to be thrown " +
"if either the key or value is null.",
keys[i] == null || values[i] == null);
assertTrue("NullPointerException on null key, but " +
"isAllowNullKey is not overridden to return false.",
keys[i] == null || !isAllowNullKey());
assertTrue("NullPointerException on null value, but " +
"isAllowNullValue is not overridden to return false.",
values[i] == null || !isAllowNullValue());
assertTrue("Unknown reason for NullPointer.", false);
assertEquals("size must reflect number of mappings added.",
keys.length, m.size());
* Return a new, empty {@link Map} to be used for testing.
* @return the map to be tested
public abstract Map makeEmptyMap();
* Return a new, populated map. The mappings in the map should match the
* keys and values returned from {@link #getSampleKeys()} and
* {@link #getSampleValues()}. The default implementation uses makeEmptyMap()
* and calls {@link #addSampleMappings} to add all the mappings to the
* map.
* @return the map to be tested
public Map makeFullMap() {
Map m = makeEmptyMap();
return m;
* Implements the superclass method to return the map to be tested.
* @return the map to be tested
public Object makeObject() {
return makeEmptyMap();
* Override to return a map other than HashMap as the confirmed map.
* @return a map that is known to be valid
public Map makeConfirmedMap() {
return new HashMap();
* Creates a new Map Entry that is independent of the first and the map.
public Map.Entry cloneMapEntry(Map.Entry entry) {
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return (Map.Entry) map.entrySet().iterator().next();
* Gets the compatability version, needed for package access.
public String getCompatibilityVersion() {
return super.getCompatibilityVersion();
* Test to ensure the test setup is working properly. This method checks
* to ensure that the getSampleKeys and getSampleValues methods are
* returning results that look appropriate. That is, they both return a
* non-null array of equal length. The keys array must not have any
* duplicate values, and may only contain a (single) null key if
* isNullKeySupported() returns true. The values array must only have a null
* value if useNullValue() is true and may only have duplicate values if
* isAllowDuplicateValues() returns true.
public void testSampleMappings() {
Object[] keys = getSampleKeys();
Object[] values = getSampleValues();
Object[] newValues = getNewSampleValues();
assertTrue("failure in test: Must have keys returned from " +
"getSampleKeys.", keys != null);
assertTrue("failure in test: Must have values returned from " +
"getSampleValues.", values != null);
// verify keys and values have equivalent lengths (in case getSampleX are
// overridden)
assertEquals("failure in test: not the same number of sample " +
"keys and values.", keys.length, values.length);
assertEquals("failure in test: not the same number of values and new values.",
values.length, newValues.length);
// verify there aren't duplicate keys, and check values
for(int i = 0; i < keys.length - 1; i++) {
for(int j = i + 1; j < keys.length; j++) {
assertTrue("failure in test: duplicate null keys.",
(keys[i] != null || keys[j] != null));
assertTrue("failure in test: duplicate non-null key.",
(keys[i] == null || keys[j] == null ||
(!keys[i].equals(keys[j]) &&
assertTrue("failure in test: found null key, but isNullKeySupported " +
"is false.", keys[i] != null || isAllowNullKey());
assertTrue("failure in test: found null value, but isNullValueSupported " +
"is false.", values[i] != null || isAllowNullValue());
assertTrue("failure in test: found null new value, but isNullValueSupported " +
"is false.", newValues[i] != null || isAllowNullValue());
assertTrue("failure in test: values should not be the same as new value",
values[i] != newValues[i] &&
(values[i] == null || !values[i].equals(newValues[i])));
// tests begin here. Each test adds a little bit of tested functionality.
// Many methods assume previous methods passed. That is, they do not
// exhaustively recheck things that have already been checked in a previous
// test methods.
* Test to ensure that makeEmptyMap and makeFull returns a new non-null
* map with each invocation.
public void testMakeMap() {
Map em = makeEmptyMap();
assertTrue("failure in test: makeEmptyMap must return a non-null map.",
em != null);
Map em2 = makeEmptyMap();
assertTrue("failure in test: makeEmptyMap must return a non-null map.",
em != null);
assertTrue("failure in test: makeEmptyMap must return a new map " +
"with each invocation.", em != em2);
Map fm = makeFullMap();
assertTrue("failure in test: makeFullMap must return a non-null map.",
fm != null);
Map fm2 = makeFullMap();
assertTrue("failure in test: makeFullMap must return a non-null map.",
fm != null);
assertTrue("failure in test: makeFullMap must return a new map " +
"with each invocation.", fm != fm2);
* Tests Map.isEmpty()
public void testMapIsEmpty() {
assertEquals("Map.isEmpty() should return true with an empty map",
true, map.isEmpty());
assertEquals("Map.isEmpty() should return false with a non-empty map",
false, map.isEmpty());
* Tests Map.size()
public void testMapSize() {
assertEquals("Map.size() should be 0 with an empty map",
0, map.size());
assertEquals("Map.size() should equal the number of entries " +
"in the map", getSampleKeys().length, map.size());
* Tests {@link Map#clear()}. If the map {@link #isRemoveSupported()}
* can add and remove elements}, then {@link Map#size()} and
* {@link Map#isEmpty()} are used to ensure that map has no elements after
* a call to clear. If the map does not support adding and removing
* elements, this method checks to ensure clear throws an
* UnsupportedOperationException.
public void testMapClear() {
if (!isRemoveSupported()) {
try {
fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException on clear");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {}
* Tests Map.containsKey(Object) by verifying it returns false for all
* sample keys on a map created using an empty map and returns true for
* all sample keys returned on a full map.
public void testMapContainsKey() {
Object[] keys = getSampleKeys();
for(int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
assertTrue("Map must not contain key when map is empty",
for(int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
assertTrue("Map must contain key for a mapping in the map. " +
"Missing: " + keys[i], map.containsKey(keys[i]));
* Tests Map.containsValue(Object) by verifying it returns false for all
* sample values on an empty map and returns true for all sample values on
* a full map.
public void testMapContainsValue() {
Object[] values = getSampleValues();
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
assertTrue("Empty map must not contain value",
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
assertTrue("Map must contain value for a mapping in the map.",
* Tests Map.equals(Object)
public void testMapEquals() {
assertTrue("Empty maps unequal.", map.equals(confirmed));
assertTrue("Full maps unequal.", map.equals(confirmed));
// modify the HashMap created from the full map and make sure this
// change results in map.equals() to return false.
Iterator iter = confirmed.keySet().iterator();;
assertTrue("Different maps equal.", !map.equals(confirmed));
assertTrue("equals(null) returned true.", !map.equals(null));
assertTrue("equals(new Object()) returned true.",
!map.equals(new Object()));
* Tests Map.get(Object)
public void testMapGet() {
Object[] keys = getSampleKeys();
Object[] values = getSampleValues();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
assertTrue("Empty map.get() should return null.",
map.get(keys[i]) == null);
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
assertEquals("Full map.get() should return value from mapping.",
values[i], map.get(keys[i]));
* Tests Map.hashCode()
public void testMapHashCode() {
assertTrue("Empty maps have different hashCodes.",
map.hashCode() == confirmed.hashCode());
assertTrue("Equal maps have different hashCodes.",
map.hashCode() == confirmed.hashCode());
* Tests Map.toString(). Since the format of the string returned by the
* toString() method is not defined in the Map interface, there is no
* common way to test the results of the toString() method. Thereforce,
* it is encouraged that Map implementations override this test with one
* that checks the format matches any format defined in its API. This
* default implementation just verifies that the toString() method does
* not return null.
public void testMapToString() {
assertTrue("Empty map toString() should not return null",
map.toString() != null);
assertTrue("Empty map toString() should not return null",
map.toString() != null);
* Compare the current serialized form of the Map
* against the canonical version in CVS.
public void testEmptyMapCompatibility() throws Exception {
* Create canonical objects with this code
Map map = makeEmptyMap();
if (!(map instanceof Serializable)) return;
writeExternalFormToDisk((Serializable) map, getCanonicalEmptyCollectionName(map));
// test to make sure the canonical form has been preserved
Map map = makeEmptyMap();
if (map instanceof Serializable && !skipSerializedCanonicalTests() && isTestSerialization()) {
Map map2 = (Map) readExternalFormFromDisk(getCanonicalEmptyCollectionName(map));
assertEquals("Map is empty", 0, map2.size());
* Compare the current serialized form of the Map
* against the canonical version in CVS.
public void testFullMapCompatibility() throws Exception {
* Create canonical objects with this code
Map map = makeFullMap();
if (!(map instanceof Serializable)) return;
writeExternalFormToDisk((Serializable) map, getCanonicalFullCollectionName(map));
// test to make sure the canonical form has been preserved
Map map = makeFullMap();
if (map instanceof Serializable && !skipSerializedCanonicalTests() && isTestSerialization()) {
Map map2 = (Map) readExternalFormFromDisk(getCanonicalFullCollectionName(map));
assertEquals("Map is the right size", getSampleKeys().length, map2.size());
* Tests Map.put(Object, Object)
public void testMapPut() {
Object[] keys = getSampleKeys();
Object[] values = getSampleValues();
Object[] newValues = getNewSampleValues();
if (isPutAddSupported()) {
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
Object o = map.put(keys[i], values[i]);
confirmed.put(keys[i], values[i]);
assertTrue("First map.put should return null", o == null);
assertTrue("Map should contain key after put",
assertTrue("Map should contain value after put",
if (isPutChangeSupported()) {
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
Object o = map.put(keys[i], newValues[i]);
confirmed.put(keys[i], newValues[i]);
assertEquals("Map.put should return previous value when changed",
values[i], o);
assertTrue("Map should still contain key after put when changed",
assertTrue("Map should contain new value after put when changed",
// if duplicates are allowed, we're not guaranteed that the value
// no longer exists, so don't try checking that.
if (!isAllowDuplicateValues()) {
assertTrue("Map should not contain old value after put when changed",
} else {
try {
// two possible exception here, either valid
map.put(keys[0], newValues[0]);
fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException or UnsupportedOperationException on put (change)");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {}
} else if (isPutChangeSupported()) {
try {
map.put(keys[0], values[0]);
fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException or IllegalArgumentException on put (add) when fixed size");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
int i = 0;
for (Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext() && i < newValues.length; i++) {
Object key =;
Object o = map.put(key, newValues[i]);
Object value = confirmed.put(key, newValues[i]);
assertEquals("Map.put should return previous value when changed",
value, o);
assertTrue("Map should still contain key after put when changed",
assertTrue("Map should contain new value after put when changed",
// if duplicates are allowed, we're not guaranteed that the value
// no longer exists, so don't try checking that.
if (!isAllowDuplicateValues()) {
assertTrue("Map should not contain old value after put when changed",
} else {
try {
map.put(keys[0], values[0]);
fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException on put (add)");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {}
* Tests Map.put(null, value)
public void testMapPutNullKey() {
Object[] values = getSampleValues();
if (isPutAddSupported()) {
if (isAllowNullKey()) {
map.put(null, values[0]);
} else {
try {
map.put(null, values[0]);
fail("put(null, value) should throw NPE/IAE");
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {}
* Tests Map.put(null, value)
public void testMapPutNullValue() {
Object[] keys = getSampleKeys();
if (isPutAddSupported()) {
if (isAllowNullValue()) {
map.put(keys[0], null);
} else {
try {
map.put(keys[0], null);
fail("put(key, null) should throw NPE/IAE");
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {}
* Tests Map.putAll(map)
public void testMapPutAll() {
if (!isPutAddSupported()) {
if (!isPutChangeSupported()) {
Map temp = makeFullMap();
try {
fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException on putAll");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {}
// check putAll OK adding empty map to empty map
assertEquals(0, map.size());
map.putAll(new HashMap());
assertEquals(0, map.size());
// check putAll OK adding empty map to non-empty map
int size = map.size();
map.putAll(new HashMap());
assertEquals(size, map.size());
// check putAll OK adding non-empty map to empty map
Map m2 = makeFullMap();
// check putAll OK adding non-empty JDK map to empty map
m2 = makeConfirmedMap();
Object[] keys = getSampleKeys();
Object[] values = getSampleValues();
for(int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
m2.put(keys[i], values[i]);
// check putAll OK adding non-empty JDK map to non-empty map
m2 = makeConfirmedMap();
map.put(keys[0], values[0]);
confirmed.put(keys[0], values[0]);
for(int i = 1; i < keys.length; i++) {
m2.put(keys[i], values[i]);
* Tests Map.remove(Object)
public void testMapRemove() {
if (!isRemoveSupported()) {
try {
fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException on remove");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {}
Object[] keys = getSampleKeys();
Object[] values = getSampleValues();
for(int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
Object o = map.remove(keys[i]);
assertTrue("First map.remove should return null", o == null);
for(int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
Object o = map.remove(keys[i]);
assertEquals("map.remove with valid key should return value",
values[i], o);
Object[] other = getOtherKeys();
int size = map.size();
for (int i = 0; i < other.length; i++) {
Object o = map.remove(other[i]);
assertEquals("map.remove for nonexistent key should return null",
o, null);
assertEquals("map.remove for nonexistent key should not " +
"shrink map", size, map.size());
* Tests that the {@link Map#values} collection is backed by
* the underlying map for clear().
public void testValuesClearChangesMap() {
if (!isRemoveSupported()) return;
// clear values, reflected in map
Collection values = map.values();
assertTrue(map.size() > 0);
assertTrue(values.size() > 0);
assertTrue(map.size() == 0);
assertTrue(values.size() == 0);
// clear map, reflected in values
values = map.values();
assertTrue(map.size() > 0);
assertTrue(values.size() > 0);
assertTrue(map.size() == 0);
assertTrue(values.size() == 0);
* Tests that the {@link Map#keySet} collection is backed by
* the underlying map for clear().
public void testKeySetClearChangesMap() {
if (!isRemoveSupported()) return;
// clear values, reflected in map
Set keySet = map.keySet();
assertTrue(map.size() > 0);
assertTrue(keySet.size() > 0);
assertTrue(map.size() == 0);
assertTrue(keySet.size() == 0);
// clear map, reflected in values
keySet = map.keySet();
assertTrue(map.size() > 0);
assertTrue(keySet.size() > 0);
assertTrue(map.size() == 0);
assertTrue(keySet.size() == 0);
* Tests that the {@link Map#entrySet()} collection is backed by
* the underlying map for clear().
public void testEntrySetClearChangesMap() {
if (!isRemoveSupported()) return;
// clear values, reflected in map
Set entrySet = map.entrySet();
assertTrue(map.size() > 0);
assertTrue(entrySet.size() > 0);
assertTrue(map.size() == 0);
assertTrue(entrySet.size() == 0);
// clear map, reflected in values
entrySet = map.entrySet();
assertTrue(map.size() > 0);
assertTrue(entrySet.size() > 0);
assertTrue(map.size() == 0);
assertTrue(entrySet.size() == 0);
public void testEntrySetContains1() {
Set entrySet = map.entrySet();
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entrySet.iterator().next();
assertEquals(true, entrySet.contains(entry));
public void testEntrySetContains2() {
Set entrySet = map.entrySet();
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entrySet.iterator().next();
Map.Entry test = cloneMapEntry(entry);
assertEquals(true, entrySet.contains(test));
public void testEntrySetContains3() {
Set entrySet = map.entrySet();
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entrySet.iterator().next();
HashMap temp = new HashMap();
temp.put(entry.getKey(), "A VERY DIFFERENT VALUE");
Map.Entry test = (Map.Entry) temp.entrySet().iterator().next();
assertEquals(false, entrySet.contains(test));
public void testEntrySetRemove1() {
if (!isRemoveSupported()) return;
int size = map.size();
Set entrySet = map.entrySet();
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entrySet.iterator().next();
Object key = entry.getKey();
assertEquals(true, entrySet.remove(entry));
assertEquals(false, map.containsKey(key));
assertEquals(size - 1, map.size());
public void testEntrySetRemove2() {
if (!isRemoveSupported()) return;
int size = map.size();
Set entrySet = map.entrySet();
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entrySet.iterator().next();
Object key = entry.getKey();
Map.Entry test = cloneMapEntry(entry);
assertEquals(true, entrySet.remove(test));
assertEquals(false, map.containsKey(key));
assertEquals(size - 1, map.size());
public void testEntrySetRemove3() {
if (!isRemoveSupported()) return;
int size = map.size();
Set entrySet = map.entrySet();
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) entrySet.iterator().next();
Object key = entry.getKey();
HashMap temp = new HashMap();
temp.put(entry.getKey(), "A VERY DIFFERENT VALUE");
Map.Entry test = (Map.Entry) temp.entrySet().iterator().next();
assertEquals(false, entrySet.remove(test));
assertEquals(true, map.containsKey(key));
assertEquals(size, map.size());
* Tests that the {@link Map#values} collection is backed by
* the underlying map by removing from the values collection
* and testing if the value was removed from the map.
* <p>
* We should really test the "vice versa" case--that values removed
* from the map are removed from the values collection--also,
* but that's a more difficult test to construct (lacking a
* "removeValue" method.)
* </p>
* <p>
* See bug <a href="">
* 9573</a>.
* </p>
public void testValuesRemoveChangesMap() {
Object[] sampleValues = getSampleValues();
Collection values = map.values();
for (int i = 0; i < sampleValues.length; i++) {
if (map.containsValue(sampleValues[i])) {
int j = 0; // loop counter prevents infinite loops when remove is broken
while (values.contains(sampleValues[i]) && j < 10000) {
try {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
// if values.remove is unsupported, just skip this test
assertTrue("values().remove(obj) is broken", j < 10000);
"Value should have been removed from the underlying map.",
* Tests that the {@link Map#keySet} set is backed by
* the underlying map by removing from the keySet set
* and testing if the key was removed from the map.
public void testKeySetRemoveChangesMap() {
Object[] sampleKeys = getSampleKeys();
Set keys = map.keySet();
for (int i = 0; i < sampleKeys.length; i++) {
try {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
// if key.remove is unsupported, just skip this test
"Key should have been removed from the underlying map.",
// TODO: Need:
// testValuesRemovedFromEntrySetAreRemovedFromMap
// same for EntrySet/KeySet/values's
// Iterator.remove, removeAll, retainAll
* Utility methods to create an array of Map.Entry objects
* out of the given key and value arrays.<P>
* @param keys the array of keys
* @param values the array of values
* @return an array of Map.Entry of those keys to those values
private Map.Entry[] makeEntryArray(Object[] keys, Object[] values) {
Map.Entry[] result = new Map.Entry[keys.length];
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
Map map = makeConfirmedMap();
map.put(keys[i], values[i]);
result[i] = (Map.Entry) map.entrySet().iterator().next();
return result;
* Bulk test {@link Map#entrySet()}. This method runs through all of
* the tests in {@link AbstractTestSet}.
* After modification operations, {@link #verify()} is invoked to ensure
* that the map and the other collection views are still valid.
* @return a {@link AbstractTestSet} instance for testing the map's entry set
public BulkTest bulkTestMapEntrySet() {
return new TestMapEntrySet();
public class TestMapEntrySet extends AbstractTestSet {
public TestMapEntrySet() {
// Have to implement manually; entrySet doesn't support addAll
public Object[] getFullElements() {
Object[] k = getSampleKeys();
Object[] v = getSampleValues();
return makeEntryArray(k, v);
// Have to implement manually; entrySet doesn't support addAll
public Object[] getOtherElements() {
Object[] k = getOtherKeys();
Object[] v = getOtherValues();
return makeEntryArray(k, v);
public Set makeEmptySet() {
return makeEmptyMap().entrySet();
public Set makeFullSet() {
return makeFullMap().entrySet();
public boolean isAddSupported() {
// Collection views don't support add operations.
return false;
public boolean isRemoveSupported() {
// Entry set should only support remove if map does
return AbstractTestMap.this.isRemoveSupported();
public boolean isGetStructuralModify() {
return AbstractTestMap.this.isGetStructuralModify();
public boolean isTestSerialization() {
return false;
public void resetFull() {
collection = map.entrySet();
TestMapEntrySet.this.confirmed = AbstractTestMap.this.confirmed.entrySet();
public void resetEmpty() {
collection = map.entrySet();
TestMapEntrySet.this.confirmed = AbstractTestMap.this.confirmed.entrySet();
public void testMapEntrySetIteratorEntry() {
Iterator it = collection.iterator();
int count = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
if (isGetStructuralModify() == false) {
assertEquals(, entry.getValue());
assertEquals(collection.size(), count);
public void testMapEntrySetIteratorEntrySetValue() {
Object key1 = getSampleKeys()[0];
Object key2 = (getSampleKeys().length ==1 ? getSampleKeys()[0] : getSampleKeys()[1]);
Object newValue1 = getNewSampleValues()[0];
Object newValue2 = (getNewSampleValues().length ==1 ? getNewSampleValues()[0] : getNewSampleValues()[1]);
// explicitly get entries as sample values/keys are connected for some maps
// such as BeanMap
Iterator it = TestMapEntrySet.this.collection.iterator();
Map.Entry entry1 = getEntry(it, key1);
it = TestMapEntrySet.this.collection.iterator();
Map.Entry entry2 = getEntry(it, key2);
Iterator itConfirmed = TestMapEntrySet.this.confirmed.iterator();
Map.Entry entryConfirmed1 = getEntry(itConfirmed, key1);
itConfirmed = TestMapEntrySet.this.confirmed.iterator();
Map.Entry entryConfirmed2 = getEntry(itConfirmed, key2);
if (isSetValueSupported() == false) {
try {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
assertEquals(newValue1, entry1.getValue());
assertEquals(newValue1, entry1.getValue());
assertEquals(newValue2, entry2.getValue());
public Map.Entry getEntry(Iterator itConfirmed, Object key) {
Map.Entry entry = null;
while (itConfirmed.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry temp = (Map.Entry);
if (temp.getKey() == null) {
if (key == null) {
entry = temp;
} else if (temp.getKey().equals(key)) {
entry = temp;
assertNotNull("No matching entry in map for key '" + key + "'", entry);
return entry;
public void testMapEntrySetRemoveNonMapEntry() {
if (isRemoveSupported() == false) return;
assertEquals(false, getSet().remove(null));
assertEquals(false, getSet().remove(new Object()));
public void verify() {
* Bulk test {@link Map#keySet()}. This method runs through all of
* the tests in {@link AbstractTestSet}.
* After modification operations, {@link #verify()} is invoked to ensure
* that the map and the other collection views are still valid.
* @return a {@link AbstractTestSet} instance for testing the map's key set
public BulkTest bulkTestMapKeySet() {
return new TestMapKeySet();
public class TestMapKeySet extends AbstractTestSet {
public TestMapKeySet() {
public Object[] getFullElements() {
return getSampleKeys();
public Object[] getOtherElements() {
return getOtherKeys();
public Set makeEmptySet() {
return makeEmptyMap().keySet();
public Set makeFullSet() {
return makeFullMap().keySet();
public boolean isNullSupported() {
return AbstractTestMap.this.isAllowNullKey();
public boolean isAddSupported() {
return false;
public boolean isRemoveSupported() {
return AbstractTestMap.this.isRemoveSupported();
public boolean isTestSerialization() {
return false;
public void resetEmpty() {
collection = map.keySet();
TestMapKeySet.this.confirmed = AbstractTestMap.this.confirmed.keySet();
public void resetFull() {
collection = map.keySet();
TestMapKeySet.this.confirmed = AbstractTestMap.this.confirmed.keySet();
public void verify() {
* Bulk test {@link Map#values()}. This method runs through all of
* the tests in {@link AbstractTestCollection}.
* After modification operations, {@link #verify()} is invoked to ensure
* that the map and the other collection views are still valid.
* @return a {@link AbstractTestCollection} instance for testing the map's
* values collection
public BulkTest bulkTestMapValues() {
return new TestMapValues();
public class TestMapValues extends AbstractTestCollection {
public TestMapValues() {
public Object[] getFullElements() {
return getSampleValues();
public Object[] getOtherElements() {
return getOtherValues();
public Collection makeCollection() {
return makeEmptyMap().values();
public Collection makeFullCollection() {
return makeFullMap().values();
public boolean isNullSupported() {
return AbstractTestMap.this.isAllowNullKey();
public boolean isAddSupported() {
return false;
public boolean isRemoveSupported() {
return AbstractTestMap.this.isRemoveSupported();
public boolean isTestSerialization() {
return false;
public boolean areEqualElementsDistinguishable() {
// equal values are associated with different keys, so they are
// distinguishable.
return true;
public Collection makeConfirmedCollection() {
// never gets called, reset methods are overridden
return null;
public Collection makeConfirmedFullCollection() {
// never gets called, reset methods are overridden
return null;
public void resetFull() {
collection = map.values();
TestMapValues.this.confirmed = AbstractTestMap.this.confirmed.values();
public void resetEmpty() {
collection = map.values();
TestMapValues.this.confirmed = AbstractTestMap.this.confirmed.values();
public void verify() {
// TODO: should test that a remove on the values collection view
// removes the proper mapping and not just any mapping that may have
// the value equal to the value returned from the values iterator.
* Resets the {@link #map}, {@link #entrySet}, {@link #keySet},
* {@link #values} and {@link #confirmed} fields to empty.
public void resetEmpty() { = makeEmptyMap();
this.confirmed = makeConfirmedMap();
* Resets the {@link #map}, {@link #entrySet}, {@link #keySet},
* {@link #values} and {@link #confirmed} fields to full.
public void resetFull() { = makeFullMap();
this.confirmed = makeConfirmedMap();
Object[] k = getSampleKeys();
Object[] v = getSampleValues();
for (int i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
confirmed.put(k[i], v[i]);
* Resets the collection view fields.
private void views() {
this.keySet = map.keySet();
this.values = map.values();
this.entrySet = map.entrySet();
* Verifies that {@link #map} is still equal to {@link #confirmed}.
* This method checks that the map is equal to the HashMap,
* <I>and</I> that the map's collection views are still equal to
* the HashMap's collection views. An <Code>equals</Code> test
* is done on the maps and their collection views; their size and
* <Code>isEmpty</Code> results are compared; their hashCodes are
* compared; and <Code>containsAll</Code> tests are run on the
* collection views.
public void verify() {
public void verifyMap() {
int size = confirmed.size();
boolean empty = confirmed.isEmpty();
assertEquals("Map should be same size as HashMap",
size, map.size());
assertEquals("Map should be empty if HashMap is",
empty, map.isEmpty());
assertEquals("hashCodes should be the same",
confirmed.hashCode(), map.hashCode());
// this fails for LRUMap because confirmed.equals() somehow modifies
// map, causing concurrent modification exceptions.
//assertEquals("Map should still equal HashMap", confirmed, map);
// this works though and performs the same verification:
assertTrue("Map should still equal HashMap", map.equals(confirmed));
// TODO: this should really be reexamined to figure out why LRU map
// behaves like it does (the equals shouldn't modify since all accesses
// by the confirmed collection should be through an iterator, thus not
// causing LRUMap to change).
public void verifyEntrySet() {
int size = confirmed.size();
boolean empty = confirmed.isEmpty();
assertEquals("entrySet should be same size as HashMap's" +
"\nTest: " + entrySet + "\nReal: " + confirmed.entrySet(),
size, entrySet.size());
assertEquals("entrySet should be empty if HashMap is" +
"\nTest: " + entrySet + "\nReal: " + confirmed.entrySet(),
empty, entrySet.isEmpty());
assertTrue("entrySet should contain all HashMap's elements" +
"\nTest: " + entrySet + "\nReal: " + confirmed.entrySet(),
assertEquals("entrySet hashCodes should be the same" +
"\nTest: " + entrySet + "\nReal: " + confirmed.entrySet(),
confirmed.entrySet().hashCode(), entrySet.hashCode());
assertEquals("Map's entry set should still equal HashMap's",
confirmed.entrySet(), entrySet);
public void verifyKeySet() {
int size = confirmed.size();
boolean empty = confirmed.isEmpty();
assertEquals("keySet should be same size as HashMap's" +
"\nTest: " + keySet + "\nReal: " + confirmed.keySet(),
size, keySet.size());
assertEquals("keySet should be empty if HashMap is" +
"\nTest: " + keySet + "\nReal: " + confirmed.keySet(),
empty, keySet.isEmpty());
assertTrue("keySet should contain all HashMap's elements" +
"\nTest: " + keySet + "\nReal: " + confirmed.keySet(),
assertEquals("keySet hashCodes should be the same" +
"\nTest: " + keySet + "\nReal: " + confirmed.keySet(),
confirmed.keySet().hashCode(), keySet.hashCode());
assertEquals("Map's key set should still equal HashMap's",
confirmed.keySet(), keySet);
public void verifyValues() {
List known = new ArrayList(confirmed.values());
List test = new ArrayList(values);
int size = confirmed.size();
boolean empty = confirmed.isEmpty();
assertEquals("values should be same size as HashMap's" +
"\nTest: " + test + "\nReal: " + known,
size, values.size());
assertEquals("values should be empty if HashMap is" +
"\nTest: " + test + "\nReal: " + known,
empty, values.isEmpty());
assertTrue("values should contain all HashMap's elements" +
"\nTest: " + test + "\nReal: " + known,
assertTrue("values should contain all HashMap's elements" +
"\nTest: " + test + "\nReal: " + known,
// originally coded to use a HashBag, but now separate jar so...
for (Iterator it = known.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
boolean removed = test.remove(;
assertTrue("Map's values should still equal HashMap's", removed);
assertTrue("Map's values should still equal HashMap's", test.isEmpty());
* Erases any leftover instance variables by setting them to null.
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
map = null;
keySet = null;
entrySet = null;
values = null;
confirmed = null;